
Mostrando entradas de mayo 8, 2022

Segona Circular XVII Trobada d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica

La Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (SCHCT) organitza a Palma, del 17 al 19 de novembre, la XVII Trobada d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica, la reunió científica general que, cada dos anys, té per objectiu acollir els treballs de recerca i les activitats que duen a terme els seus socis, així com els treballs d’història de la ciència, de la medicina i de la tècnica que es vulguin presentar. Es pretén afavorir la presentació d’un ampli ventall de qüestions relacionades amb la història de la ciència i de la tècnica. A tall d’exemple: Medicina, epidèmies i riscos (químics, nuclears, ambientals, etc.) Salut, malaltia i pluralisme assistencial Infermeria, fisioteràpia i psicologia Farmàcia, alimentació i nutrició Experts, meritocràcia i gènere Espais, museus i cultura material Governança i finançament de la ciència i la tecnologia Ensenyament, didàctica i comunicació de la ciència Ciència, pseudociència i religió La ciència i la tècnica als espais mediterranis

CfP: The Coronavirus Pandemic: An Environmental Humanities Perspective

The Coronavirus Pandemic: An Environmental Humanities Perspective Keynote Speakers: Cymene Howe (Rice University) & Eben Kirksey (Deakin University) February 15-17, 2023.  University of Vienna.  Abstracts Due June 1, 2022 “The Coronavirus Pandemic: An Environmental Humanities Perspective,” a conference convened as part of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) project “Air and Environmental Health in the (Post-)COVID-19 World,” invites abstract submissions for consideration. This three-day on-site event will take place at the University of Vienna on February 15-17, 2023. The COVID-19 pandemic is identified as resulting from human-animal entanglement, or multispecies interactions between individuals and collective populations in proximity, and has since spread across borders and continents. With the encroachment of human populations on natural habitats a key driver for the spread of zoonotic disease, this conference identifies the coronavirus pandemic as a matter of concern beyond epidemio

CfP: Children in the Post-apocalypse, film and televsion

Audiences have long been fascinated with images of an imagined apocalypse since the first sci-fi films of the early 20th century. Humanity’s search for a utopian existence has always been accompanied by the fearful counter-imaginings of a monumental dystopian collapse of civilization, a vision that has risen in popularity in film and television during the past two decades. Today’s struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic brings to the surface social and cultural anxieties about the fate of humanity in the face of such an unexpected and uncontained enemy. The nature of apocalypse and its aftermath become questions that even the youngest members of society, our children, are positioned to consider in these days of the pandemic. Recent post-apocalyptic films and television like Black Crab (2022), A Quiet Place 1-3 (2018, 2021, 2023), Awake (2021), and Songbird (2021, a film about a deadlier form of Covid), add to the growing trend of post-apocalyptic films and television with significant child

Call for applications - Post doc - history of medical collections - Strasburg

Call for applications for a 12-month post-doc at the Université de Strasbourg (from 01 Sept 2022), in history of medical collections and materiality: https://dhvs.unistra.fr/fileadmin/uploads/websites/dhvs/Offres/2022_Call_for_Postdoc_Neverending_disease_unistra.pdf Application deadline; 20 May 2022. The post-doc will work with the Swiss FNS-Sinergia "Neverending Infectious Diseases: the Case of Syphilis" (more information here: https://neverending.unige.ch/ ). and the SAGE research labooratory: https://sage.unistra.fr

Entrevista a Maria Rentetzi (8ª entrega de FEM Ciència? de la SCHCT)

FEM ciència?, propuestas de la SCHCT para repensar el feminismo, la historia y la cultura científica (https://blogs.iec.cat/schct/fem-ciencia/) 8è entrega de la 2ª edición de “FEM ciència?” Entrevista a Maria Rentetzi“If we get out of the institutions, and we focus on domestic spaces, we realize that women are doing science much earlier that we thought at the beginning.” En esta entrevista hablaremos con Maria Rentetzi sobre la importancia de estudiar la cultura material para recuperar nuevas narrativas sobre las mujeres y la autoridad de la ciencia en la diplomacia científica, en concreto de la física nuclear y atómica. https://youtu.be/SLePfrKeAMY

CfA and registration: International Conference on Large-Scale Experiments

International conference Large-Scale Experiments – Reflecting on Theories and Practices2nd International Conference of the Research Unit “The Epistemology of the LHC” Date: December 8-10, 2022 Venue: TRIANGEL Open Space, Karlsruhe, Germany Contact: elhcconference@uni-wuppertal.de Website: https://www.lhc-epistemologie.uni-wuppertal.de/lse Large-scale experiments play an increasingly important role in the sciences. Large collaborations in particle and gravitational-wave physics, large numbers of research participants in clinical trials, large-scale technologies such as telescopes and detectors, extensively distributed research tasks in climate science, or long-term research projects can all be understood as instances of large-scale research. The conference aims to bring together researchers from the sciences as well as from history, philosophy, social studies of sci

CfP: 9th Conference for Integrated History and Philosophy of Science

Call for papers and posters The Committee for Integrated History and Philosophy of Science, together with the Ann Johnson Institute for Science, Technology, and Society, invites the submission of individual paper and poster abstracts for “&HPS9”, the 9th conference in the series Integrated History and Philosophy of Science. We seek contributions that genuinely integrate the historical and philosophical analysis of science (i.e., the physical sciences, life sciences, cognitive sciences, and social sciences), or discuss methodological issues surrounding the prospects and challenges of integrating history and philosophy of science. For information about Integrated History and Philosophy of Science and previous conferences, see http://integratedhps.org/en/ Please note that &HPS9 does not run parallel sessions. Hence, given the number of slots available, we regret that we cannot accept symposium submissions. &HPS9 will feature a Poster Forum as a place to share work that fits in