
Mostrando entradas de junio 7, 2020

International Symposium | The testimony of History: to live and overcome the epidemic in the present

June 18-19, 5:30-7:00 p.m. (Lisbon time) The event will be broadcast on CHAM's YouTube channel. day 18:  https://youtu.be/txfwRs- 4cio day 19:  https://youtu.be/ fHfFQFBh0YI Information:  historic. epidemics@gmail.com https://projecthospitalis.net/ en/ The new coronavirus (SARS-CoV 2) and COVID-19 brought unexpected challenges to Humanity. The answer to these challenges is more than a quest for biomedical science and transcends health issues. In this context and seeking complementarity between health sciences and the emerging field of health humanities, this Symposium is promoted, which aims to recourse to historical knowledge to understand and help to live the difficult present time. This role attributed to the humanities and historical studies has been highlighted in recent months in various initiatives (webinars, online conferences, special magazine numbers, interviews, opinion articles) carried out by various institutions and civil society, and

CfP: Machines in 20th Century Literature, Philosophy and Cinema

This panel aims to explore the machinic metaphor in the Italian and European literary, cinematographic, and philosophical panorama of the 20th century. Since the Industrial Revolution, machines have established themselves as a crucial, pervasive, and unavoidable presence of individual life and collective existence. The disturbing and fascinating vitality of the machine has shaped all social, political, and economic relationships. Even the literary, cinematographic, and philosophical space was crossed by the new myth of the machine and met its complexity: it refused or exalted it, let itself be inspired by it, analyzed its profound meaning. Experiencing the complex dialectic between humans and machines, always tense between fascination and terror, literary and cinematographic invention as well as philosophical reflection have produced works of great aesthetic value. According to Michel Carrouge, “the mythical mana has passed down from the ancient kingdoms of nature (human, animal,

Call for Book Chapter Proposals: Marginalized Women and Work in 20th- and 21st-Century British and American Literature and Media

Vernon Press invites book chapter proposals for the edited collection: 'Marginalized Women and Work in 20th and 21st-Century British and American Literature and Media'. The uneasy relationship between women and work in literature is widely studied through the novels published mostly in the 19th century due to women’s participation to the workforce in great numbers, which was considered as a popular topic for women writers. Female factory workers and working-class women are particularly depicted in well-known middle-class writers’ works such as Elizabeth Stuart Phelps’s  The Silent Partner  (1871), Louisa May Alcott’s  Little Women  (1868) and  Work  (1873), and Lillie Devereux Blake’s  Fettered for Life  (1874). The criticism of such novels is the portrayal of mostly working-class white women’s struggle in the workforce; while women of color, unpaid work, voluntary/ social work, working women and media, and stigmatized work are some of the topics that are neglected in th

CfP: Architecture, psychology and self: Explorations of the space(s) between

The academic journal   Messages, Sages and Ages (ISSN 23446269 / ISSNL 18448836) , based at the English Department, University of Suceava, Romania, invites contributions for an issue focusing on (narratives of)  architecture, psychology and self . The theme issue is edited by Dr Stephanie Liddicoat (Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia). Reading Ian Sinclair’s highly evocative account,   Living with Buildings: And Walking with Ghosts – On Health and Architecture   (2018), the (non)fictional connections between inhabited space(s), health, sense of self and psychological well-being are embedded. He generates universal resonance with the notion that we shape ourselves and we are shaped in return by the buildings we inhabit, and the walls that contain us. Sinclair recalls W.G. Sebald’s   Austerlitz , who experiences “’three weeks of mental absence’ in St Clement’s hospital, where he has been inserted, like a returned volume, among the sheets of a narrow bed in

CfP: Gendering and Degendering Death in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Period, panel RSA 2021 Dublin

Submissions welcome for panel at the April 2021 R enaissance Society of America conference in Dublin   Call for proposals on how the category of gender survived, disappeared or was transformed in contact with death in the late medieval and early modern period. Proposal of how the differentiation based on the categories male/female was maintained, effaced or subsumed within other contemporary categories when dealing with dead bodies, their cult, conservation, etc. Discussions of how Laqueur's one-sex model is supported or undermined by social practices that compensated for the dead bodies' lack of agency to "perform" or "do gender." Studies of wills, funeral procedures, burials, relics, anatomical dissection, representations of death and afterlife etc. are some of the documents and practices that can be analyzed in the proposal. Send 200 word proposal by August 1 2020 to Enrique Fernandez,  University of Manitoba

CfP: 'Britain, the League of Nations and the New International Order'

The University of Edinburgh, in association with the National Library of Scotland, will be hosting a free online Conference 20-21 November, 2020. Submissions are invited by 20 August, 2020. November 2020 marks the centenary of the first meeting of the Assembly of the League of Nations in Geneva. The League was established by the Peace Conference at the end of the First World War to ‘promote international cooperation and to achieve international peace and security.’ The range of its activities was considerable and in recent years there has been renewed scholarly interest in the important work it undertook, which retains a relevance for modern policy makers. Keynote speakers include: Professor Glenda Sluga (University of Sydney) Professor Peter Jackson (University of Glasgow) Dr Madeleine Dungy (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) Due to the continuing uncertainties presented by COVID-19, the conference will be held entirely online, through Microsoft Teams. There is

CfP: "Nous mètodes matemàtics al segle XVII" de la XVI Trobada d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (SCHCT)

Una de les principals novetats a les matemàtiques del segle XVII va ser l’articulació de l’àlgebra i la geometria, que alguns anomenen el procés d’algebrització de les matemàtiques. La creació de la geometria analítica, amb la difusió de les obres de Descartes i Fermat, i, més endavant, el desenvolupament del càlcul, amb les de Newton i Leibniz, van permetre resoldre problemes antics i nous a partir de procediments i enfocaments analítics nous. Aquesta sessió pretén ser un espai per discutir alguns dels problemes tractats i alguns dels mètodes emprats per resoldre’ls. Les interessades i els interessats haurien de fer arribar a  Mònica Blanco i Maria Rosa Massaun breu resum (al voltant de 200 paraules) abans del dia 20 de juny.

Novedad bibliográfica: Entangled peripheries

Autoría:  Francisco Javier Martínez (ed.) Url:  https://books.openedition.org/cidehus/12368 The main aim of this volume is to explore the continuity of Portuguese-Moroccan relations before and, especially, after the classic period of the 11 th -16 th  centuries. Its title, “Entangled peripheries”, is a conceptual attempt to account for the contradiction between the resilience of bilateral contacts and exchanges and its decreasing relevance for both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar. Although most chapters focus on topics of the 18 th -20 th  centuries, the contributions dealing with the medieval and early modern periods provide a  long durée  perspective typical of “entangled history”. Other distinctive elements of this historiographical current are also present, such as the circulations and networks of people and objects and the supranational and regional actors and processes, which help situate Portugal and Morocco as “peripheries”. The volume is divided in three section

Call for publications for a special issue of Human Remains and Violence 'Burial and the politics of dead bodies in pandemic times'

Guest editors:  Finn Stepputat (Danish Institute for International Studies),  Gaëlle Clavandier (Saint Etienne Jean Monnet University) and  Graham Denyer Willis (Cambridge University) Epidemics tend to reveal the state’s management and rationalisation of public health. Crucially, too, acute mortality also reveals the what-and-whereabouts of dead bodies, and their ordering. Amidst an exceptional moment, the COVID19 pandemic has brought with it acute discussions and disturbing images of queues of people waiting to receive urns with the remains of their loved ones in Wuhan, of military trucks bringing away coffins in Bergamo, and of temporary mass burials at the potter’s field on Hart Island in New York City. Here, and in myriad places, the pace of dead bodies has outstripped the capacity of existing institutions and spaces with assumed responsibility for the proper treatment and/or disposal of dead bodies. The scale of the management of death has been reordered in dramatic ways, su

CfP: The lights and shadows in Cartesian medicine

Conference: Medicine in the Philosophy of Descartes: Lights & Shadows Dates:  November 19-20, 2020  - originally planned for May 2020 and postponed due to Covid-19 Venue: Domus Comeliana (Pisa) --- please, note that, in the case it won't be possible to have a conference in person, it will be  a virtual conference  on the same dates. Decision will be taken  by early September  !!! Organisers: Fabrizio Baldassarri & Fabio Zampieri Invited Speakers:  Annie Bitbol-Hespériès, Maria Conforti, Gideon Manning, Franco Aurelio Meschini, Andrea Strazzoni Deadline for cfp: July 15, 2020 All info:  here  or on  Academia.edu Registration by September 15, 2020. Please, note that if the conference will be virtual fees will change. Papers will be collected in a proposal for publication with  PSMEMM

CfP: Renaissance Society of America (Dublin 2021) - Discipline of Philosophy

The Discipline of Philosophy invites submissions for sessions at the next annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America in Dublin (which may be on site or virtual). Please send proposals for  fully-formed panels or roundtables  on any subject appropriate to our discipline. We especially welcome submissions on the following topics: Debates over the disciplinary boundaries of philosophy and its relationship with other fields (e.g. medicine, rhetoric, theology), 14C-17C Women in Renaissance philosophy (as authors, readers, patrons, translators, etc. or as a topic of philosophical discussion) Encounters between European philosophy and non-Western forms of thought, 14C-17C Teaching Renaissance philosophy in the 21 st  century All sessions must be organized by a current member of the Renaissance Society of America. Please send the following materials to Sara Miglietti by 15 July:

CfP: Democratizing Knowledge: Examining Archives in the Post-custodial Era

November 7th, 2020 at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey To acknowledge the archive as a construct is to understand that power, as Michel-Rolph Trouillot has argued, “is constitutive of the story.” Yet, for too long historians have operated as if the archive were a foregone conclusion, ignoring the ways in which history is a narrative shaped as profoundly by omission as by any material presence. The archiving of history rarely proceeds from the primary impact of events. Archives, rather, follow as a consequence of the “winning” of history, through processes which obscure the underlying social relations, preferencing one history over another. “Effective silencing,” Trouillot suggests, “does not require a conspiracy, nor even a political consensus. Its roots are structural.”  Trouillot is but one of a number of contemporary theorists, including Foucault and Derrida, who’ve challenged inherited archival practice, inspiring new approaches to the archive’s construction. The pre