
Mostrando entradas de abril 29, 2018

Prix Jean Favier 2018

La Société des Amis des Archives de France a créé en 2014 un prix Jean Favier, d'un montant de 3 000 €, destiné à soutenir la publication d’un travail de recherche mené à partir de fonds d’archives (voir règlement joint). En 2017, deux prix ont été décernés à Bénédicte Lecarpentier-Bertrand (Du corps royal au corps domestique : les consommations de la cour de France au XVIIe siècle) et à Romain Legendre (De l'or, des hommes et des notaires. Epargne et crédit en Moyen-Poitou au XVIe siècle). En 2016, le prix avait été décerné à Pierre-Henri Guittonneau pour son travail (E ntour Paris, une capitale et ses petites villes sur l'eau au XVe siècle , publié début 2017 par les éditions classiques Garnier) . Pour l’année 2018, les candidatures doivent être envoyées, avant le 1 juin prochain, au secrétariat de la SAAF, 60 rue des Francs-Bourgeois 75003 Paris (tél. 01 48 87 78 88 ; site internet : www.saaf-france.fr ). Les candidats doivent, dans un premier temps, faire

Novedad editorial: De los litorales a las selvas: la construcción social del concepto de fiebre amarilla selvática, 1881-1938

Editorial: Editorial Universidad del Rosario Autor: Emilio Quevedo V., Claudia Mónica García L., Joanna Bedoya D., Lisa Priscila Bustos J., Alain Camacho P., Carolina Manosalva R., Giovanna Matiz, Elquin Morales L., Juliana Pérez G.Mónica Tafur A. Año de edición: 2017 Este libro explora el proceso de construcción del concepto de “fiebre amarilla selvática” y el rol que los investigadores colombianos desempeñaron en dicho descubrimiento. Está dirigido al público general y a los académicos de las ciencias humanas y de la salud interesados en la historia, y en la historia de la medicina, de la salud pública y de la ciencia, en particular, así como a los formuladores de políticas públicas y tomadores de decisiones en salud. Apoyado en la epistemología histórica, la sociología del conocimiento y la sociología política, el libro presenta las controversias conceptuales y técnicas en el campo de la fiebre amarilla desde finales del siglo XIX en Colombia hasta l


En su deseo de  impulsar los  estudios sobre el pasado de las Ciencias  de la Salud, la Fundación Uriach 1838 tiene instituido un premio anual de ámbito internacional, el cual será  adjudicado al mejor trabajo que, a juicio  de  un  jurado designado al  efecto,  trate  de  un tema sobre Historia y Ciencias de la Salud. Su concesión se adaptará a las siguientes BASES 1. El XLIX   Premio   Fundación Uriach   “Historia   de   la   Medicina”  correspondiente  a  2018 está dotado con 3.000 euros para el ganador y un accésit de 1.000 euros, si el jurado lo considera oportuno. 2. Las  monografías  que  opten  al  Premio  deberán  ser  originales e inéditas,  no  siendo  aceptadas  aquellas que  en  el  momento  de  la  adjudicación  hayan sido  publicadas  total  o  parcialmente,  así como tampoco las presentadas a otros concursos. 3. Los trabajos deberán ser presentados en formato electrónico junto a una copia  impresa con interlineado  doble y  una extensi

Call for thematic issue (2020): HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology

HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology   is an open access, on-line peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the History of Science and Technology, published in English by a group of Portuguese research institutions and De Gruyter ( https://www.degruyter.com/vie w/j/host ).  HoST  encourages submissions of original historical research exploring the cultural, social and political dimensions of science, technology, and medicine (STM), both from a local and a global perspective. Past thematic issues have dealt with topics as diverse as circulation, communication of science and the relation between science and politics. Future issues might deal with both established and emerging areas of scholarship. The editors of  HoST  are looking for proposals for two thematic issues to be published in 2020 ( HoST  volume 14, issues 1 and 2). Each thematic issue should be prepared by a guest editor and include four research papers. Proposals should include the followi

NLM Michael E. DeBakey Fellowship in the History of Medicine for 2019

NLM Welcomes Applications to Its Michael E. DeBakey Fellowship in the History of Medicine for 2019 In cooperation with the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences , the NLM is pleased to announce its call for applications to the Fellowship for 2019.  The NLM Michael E. DeBakey Fellowship in the History of Medicine supports research in the historical collections of the National Library of Medicine including but not limited to NLM’s collection of Michael E. DeBakey papers which encompass the diverse areas in which DeBakey made a lasting impact, such as surgery, medical education, and health care policy. Overall, the NLM collections span ten centuries, encompass variety of digital and physical formats, and originate from nearly every part of the globe. The Fellowship was established in 2016 and is supported by a generous gift from The DeBakey Medical Foundation. Michael E. DeBakey (1908–2008) was a legendary American surgeon, educator, and medical statesman.

BSHS OEC Project Grants - deadline reminder - May 15th

The British Society for the History of Science Outreach and Education Committee offers grants of up to £200 to support education and outreach projects in the history of science. These are offered on a quarterly basis, and we would like to invite applications for the next deadline:  15th May .  These grants are intended to generate engagement with the history of science, technology and medicine. Previous OEC grant initiatives have supported public events in festivals, conferences and heritage sites as well as innovative teaching. Funded activities might include, for example, supporting the costs of holding a public event, the creation of small public display, or the translation of research into educational resources. Please note there are no restrictions on who can apply for this grant. We welcome applications from researchers at any stage of their career, as well as from heritage organisations, community or interest groups.  We favour projects with well-defined outc

Notes & Records special issue

Just published online: 'Expectations and utility in eighteenth-century knowledge economies' edited and with an introduction by Larry Stewart & Kelly J. Whitmer. Formed of four articles which are free to access for a short period here: http://rsnr. royalsocietypublishing.org/ content/72/2?current-issue=y 'Deprogramming Baconianism: The meaning of desiderata in the eighteenth century' by Vera Keller 'Projects and pedagogical expectations: Inside P. J. Marperger's ‘golden clover leaf’ (Trifolium), 1700–1730' by Kelly J. Whitmer 'Experimentation in the agricultural Enlightenment Place, profit and norms of knowledge-making in eighteenth-century Germany' by Denise Phillips 'What is a useful university? knowledge economies and higher education in late eighteenth-century Denmark and central Europe' by Dominik Hünniger

Issue 09 of the Science Museum Group Journal is now live

Issue 09 is now live:  http://journal.sciencemuseum. org.uk/issues/spring-2018/ As guest editor Frank Trentmann notes in his introduction to this special issue of the Journal, energy is more than a physical phenomenon of watts and carbon. In a world of increasing energy consumption, depleted resources and environmental damage, energy has become a crucial topic of cultural enquiry and political concern too. The articles in Issue 09 emerged from a series of symposia on the Material Culture of Energy held at the Science Museum in 2017—18 and they present perspectives from across disciplines and countries. Articles range from research on lighting design in South America, to the impact of refrigeration on traditional Indian food preparation, and from a comparison of electrification in Canada and Japan to a study of the cultural meanings of the coal fire in post-war Britain. Articles by museum professionals indicate both a shared interest and creative diversity in tacklin

Call for Applications: Weaving Knowledge Workshop for PhD students

Dates: 4 – 18 January 2019 arrival: 3 January departure: 19 January Application deadline: 15 June 2018 Venue: Ban Rai Jai Sook (Jai-Sook Studio), Chiang Mai, Thailand Conveners: Nussara Tiengkate , textile historian, weaver, and designer, Jai-Sook Studio, Chiang Mai Thailand Pamela H. Smith , Seth Low professor of History and founding Director of the Center for Science and Society at Columbia University, USA The Workshop This two-week workshop aims to engage both the theory and practice of craft knowledge by teaching participants the Lanna techniques of weaving alongside expert weavers, at the same time engaging with the scholarly challenge of making embodied craft knowledge explicit. As the students are trained in crafts by practitioners in a weaving workshop near Chiang Mai, they will discuss concepts such as tacit expertise and technological literacy, pedagogy in sensory and material knowledge, innovation and sustainability in traditional technological c

CfP: FPNC2018 Methodological Approaches in the Study of Recent Mathematics: Mathematical Philosophy and Mathematical Practice

1st Call for Papers Methodological Approaches in the Study of Recent Mathematics: Mathematical Philosophy and Mathematical Practice September 17-21, 2018, Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz, Germany 1st instalment of the Forcing Project Networking Conferences (FPNC) series Website:  http://network2018. forcing-project.com Organization: Carolin Antos, Daniel Kuby (University of Konstanz) Invited Speakers Neil Barton (University of Vienna) José Ferreirós (University of Seville) Victoria Gitman (CUNY)  Joel David Hamkins (CUNY)  Deborah Kant (HU Berlin)  Benedikt Löwe (University of Amsterdam/University of Hamburg)  Roy Wagner (ETH Zurich) Call for Papers The project “ Forcing: Conceptual Change in the Foundations of Mathematics ” (2018-2023) aims to analyse, from a historical and philosophical point of view, the development of modern set theory since the introduction of the forcing technique. It brings together methods and research questions

Undergraduate Prize in the History of Mathematics

The British Society for the History of Mathematics is pleased to invite submissions for its 2017-18 undergraduate essay prize. The essay may be on any topic within the history of mathematics and should be no more than 2500 words in length(excluding references). The competition is open to any person who is enrolled as an undergraduate in a UK or Irish university during the academic year 2017-18. The value of the prize will be £100, plus free membership of the Society for three years. Details about how to enter can be found on the Society website. The deadline for receipt of submissions is the 21st June 2018. www.bshm.ac.uk/ug-essay