
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 2, 2012

Petition Geological Museum , Lisbon

Dear colleagues and friends, The Lisbon Geological Museum is again under threat. Please subscribe the petition on line and publicize it. http://www.peticaopublica.com/PeticaoVer.aspx?pi=P2012N25255 You only have to fill in your name  under “Nome Completo “  and e-mail address; the remaining boxes are optional. All the best wishes, Ana CARNEIRO

2nd CFP - Communicating Science - Oxford 7-9 January 2013

S cientific Communication and its History – III Climate and Weather: Science as Public Culture Conference at the Maison Française d’Oxford 7 – 9 January 2013    Call for Papers This is the third conference in a series devoted to historical and contemporary perspectives on the communication of science and technology. Climate and weather provide a particularly rich and challenging case study to complete the conference series. The climate sciences are characterised by complexity: in their professional networks; their conceptual models; and the logistics of their large-scale data and computing needs. Yet few modern scientific disciplines attract the same level of public engagement, in both everyday life and passionate debate on the future of the planet. Moreover, their status at the intersection of policy, scientific controversy and the public sphere is not a recent development: the same issues and fault lines ran through meteorology from the 18 th -century onwards.

Nova entrega de UABDivulga - Història de les Ciències

Nova entrega de UABDivulga - Història de les Ciències, amb "Enverinaments, judicis i ciència amb J. R. Bertomeu", per Miquel Carandell: http://www.uab.es/servlet/Satellite?cid=1096481464166&pagename=UABDivulga%2FPage%2FTemplatePageDetallArticleInvestigar&param1=1339396409670

PhD Course Pushing the Boundaries of Science Communication at University of Copenhagen

Medical Museion at the University of Copenhagen is hosting a 4 day PhD course on March 4th-7th 2013, as part of the Medical Science and Technology Studies Graduate Programme. The course, 'Pushing the Boundaries of Science Communication', takes an interdisciplinary approach to science communication and medicine, and is described here and on our blog . The lecturers will be myself and Prof. Thomas Söderqvist from Medical Museion, plus Prof. Maja Horst from the University of Copenhagen and Asst. Prof. Jenell Johnson from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The course is relevant to students from disciplines including sociology, anthropology, STS, and media, culture, and communication studies, whose research focuses on public health, biomedical research, medical technology or clinical practice. It's also relevant to students from medicine or public health with a strong interest in studying or contributing to public communication, and we'll be mixing lectures with p

NCSA Emerging Scholars Award

The Nineteenth Century Studies Association (NCSA) is pleased to announce the 2012 Emerging Scholars Award. The work of emerging scholars represents the promise and long-term future of interdisciplinary scholarship in 19th-century studies. In recognition of the excellent publications of this constituency of emerging scholars, this award recognizes an outstanding article or essay published within five years of the author's doctorate. Entries can be from any discipline focusing on any aspect of the long 19th century (the French Revolution to World War I), must be published in English or be accompanied by an English translation, and must be by a single author. Submission of essays that are interdisciplinary is especially encouraged. Entrants must be within five years of having received a doctorate or other terminal professional degree, and must have less than seven years of experience either in an academic career, or as a post-terminal-degree independent scholar or practicing p

X Congreso ADEH

Está abierta la aplicación telemática para el envío de propuestas de ponencias para el X Congreso de la Asociación de Demografía Histórica. El X Congreso t endrá lugar en la Facultad de Humanidades de Albacete los días 18, 19, 20 y 21 de junio del 2013. El X Congreso coincide con la celebración del 30 aniversario de la ADEH.   La fecha límite para la presentación de ponencias o resúmenes a los organizadores es el 2 de Noviembre de 2012 (viernes). En este  link  puedes acceder a la aplicación telemática y en nuestra página web encontraréis el listado de sesiones y las normas de presentación de ponencias y toda la información del Congreso  www.adeh.org .