
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 13, 2009
Residential Fellowships for 2010-11, University of Texas at Austin: "Power and Place" The Institute for Historical Studies at the University of Texas at Austin welcomes applicants at all ranks for residential fellowships for 2010-11. The theme for the year will be "Power and Place." For more information about the theme, the fellowships and the Institute for Historical Studies, please see: http://www.utexas.edu/cola/insts/historicalstudies/ For further information or queries, please contact the IHS Director, Julie Hardwick, at: mailto:historyinstitute@austin.utexas.edu historyinstitute@austin.utexas.edu Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla Julie Hardwick Professor & Director of the Institute for Historical Studies Department of History 1 Univ Sta B7000 University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX 78712 (512) 475-7221 http://www.utexas.edu/cola/insts/historicalstudies/

Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellowships 2010-11

Chemical Heritage Foundation Fellowships 2010-11 The Chemical Heritage Foundation, an independent historical research center, library, and museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, would like to encourage applications for long-term and short-term fellowships in residence at CHF's Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry for the academic year 2010-11. These fellowships are for scholars working in some area of the history and social studies of alchemical, chymical, chemical, and related sciences, technologies, crafts, or industries in all chronological and geographical areas. To get a better sense of the kinds of research we support, please visit our website and review the work being done by our current and past fellows. Our pages on Research and Fellowships can be found at: http://www.chemheritage.org/research/research.html We are continuing to build our fellowship program here at CHF! I want to encourage people to apply and be a part of the growing history of science &

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science Senior and Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Independent Research Group I (Dagmar Schäfer) announces several Senior and Postdoctoral Fellowships. Submission review begins January 30, 2010, remains open until filled. For details see: http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/en/news/jobs.html

East Asian Science, Technology, and Society: an International Journal

Dear colleagues, I would like to bring your attention to this special issue of STS studies in Southeast Asia. Best, David Nofre East Asian Science, Technology, and Society: an International Journal A double issue on Emergent Studies of Science and Technology in Southeast Asia Vol. 3, no.2 & no.3, 2009 http://www.springerlink.com/content/120877/

X Coloquio de la REDAM

Apreciados, El Comité Organizador del coloquio de la REDAM (RED Antropologia Médica), el Master en Antropologia Medica y Salud Internacional y el Departamento de Antropologia, Filosofia y Trabajo Social de la Universidad Rovira i Virgili se complace en anunciarles la X edición de su coloquio anual, que se celebrará en Tarragona los días 7 y 8 de Junio de 2010. Esta decima edicion se presenta bajo el lema “De la evidencia a la narrativa en atención sanitaria: biopoder y relatos de afliccion". http://antropologia.urv.es/10coloquio/call_for_papers_X_REDAM.pdf Les adjuntamos el documento preparado con la intencion de animarles a participar y a difundirlo. Atentamente, X Coloquio de la RED Antropología Médica http://antropologia.urv.es/10coloquio

Elizabeth Klaver, ed. The Body in Medical Culture. Albany SUNY Press, 2009

Elizabeth Klaver, ed.  The Body in Medical Culture.  Albany  SUNY Press, 2009.  ix + 255 pp.  $74.50 (cloth), ISBN 978-1-4384-2585-6; $24.95 (paper), ISBN 978-1-4384-2586-3. Reviewed by Ian Miller (University of Manchester) Published on H-Disability (December, 2009) Commissioned by Iain C. Hutchison The construction and objectification of the medicalized body. Within "The Body in Medical Culture", Elizabeth Klaver and her contributors engage with themes related to how concepts and constructions of the body ultimately shape people's experiences of agency and objectification within medical culture. It is argued throughout that the medicalized body is central to the work of doctors, nurses, medical examiners, and other professionals as an object of scrutiny, and that these groups mediate broader cultural understandings of pathology, illness, and physical transformation during their interaction with the body. Metaphors and models of the body are frequently

One-Year Masters Studentships in the History of Medicine at Durham University, UK, for the academic year 2010/11

One-Year Masters Studentships in the History of Medicine at Durham University, UK, for the academic year 2010/11.   The Centre for the History of Medicine and Disease (CHMD) invites applications for 2 one-year Masters studentships in the History of Medicine. The closing date for applications is 28 February 2010. The studentships are part of the Taught Masters Programme in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine (HPSM) of Durham University's Department of Philosophy, the CHMD, and the School of Medicine & Health. It is placed within the framework of the Northern Centre for the History of Medicine ( http://www.nchm.ac.uk/ ), a partnership between the universities of Durham and Newcastle, and funded from a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award which has been awarded to the Northern Centre. The studentships will be available as of October 2010. The Masters studentships provide financial support of £10,000 each. The successful applicants will register for the HPSM programme

Wellcome Library E-News, December 2009

Wellcome Library E-News, December 2009 http://wellcome-collection.msgfocus.com/q/1daCAvtiNvk5/wv

International Conference in Commemoration of the Centenary of the Birth of G. RACAH (1909-1965)

International Conference in Commemoration of the Centenary of the Birth of G. RACAH (1909-1965) http://www.unizar.es/acz/congressRacah/

7th STEP Meeting: Delay in notification of acceptance

DELAY IN NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE Dear all, We need to extend the deadline for the notification of acceptance/rejection of proposals by about ten days. Due to the amount of papers and sessions submitted, we need more time to review the abstracts and have ready a first preliminary draft of the programme. Please apologize for the delay. On behalf of the Scientific Committee: Dr. Aileen Fyfe, NUI Galway, Ireland, aileen.fyfe@nuigalway.ie Dr. Juliana Adelman, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, adelmanj@tcd.ie Dr. Nick Tosh, NUI Galway, Ireland, nick.tosh@nuigalway.ie Dr. Faidra Papanelopoulou, University of Athens, Greece, faidrap@gmail.com Dr. Anders Lundgren, University of Uppsala, Sweden, anders.lundgren@idehist.uu.se Dr. David Nofre, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, d.nofremateo@uva.nl Contact us at: step2010.galway@gmail.com STEP - Science and Technology in the European Periphery NODUS STEP Web Page http://www.uoa.gr/step

A todos los interesados en la Historia de la Pediatría

A todos los interesados en la Historia de la Pediatría Se ha constituido en la AEP la sección de Historia de la Pediatría. Haber logrado ese paso indica una gran sensibilidad por parte de la nueva Junta Directiva. Uno de los primeros proyectos es el ir elaborando el perfil biográfico de figuras de la pediatría española de cualquier época. Invitamos a todos los que lo deseen y tengan datos a unirse a este proyecto. El esquema es el siguiente: 1. Uniformidad de formato: Se enviará un modelo al que le interese siguiendo los criterios del Diccionario Biográfico Español. 2. La extensión entre medio folio y tres folios como máximo (incluyendo bibliografía y fuentes). Puede añadirse foto del biografiado. 3. Cada autor firmará sus trabajos. 4. Las biografías serán publicadas en la página web de la AEP, y en una posible publicación en papel, una vez que se haya obtenido y clasificado suficiente material. 5. Antes de desarrollar las biografías cada autor irá eligiendo l

Call for Papers: Science and the Public 2010

Call for Papers: Science and the Public 2010 Imperial College, London 3rd and 4th of July 2010. Now in its fifth year, the Science and the Public conference aims to bring together the various strands of academia which consider science’s relationships with groups generally called ‘the public’. Delegates come from a wide range of disciplines: science and technology studies, history of science, geography, psychology, cultural studies, media studies, sociology, development studies, English literature, science policy studies and more. The range of topics covered may include (but are not limited to): * PUS, PEST, PR. * Surveying public knowledge and attitudes. * Science and the arts (including science fiction). * Science, publics and personal identity. * The role of industry and/ or the third sector in public engagement and scientific research. * The challenges of ‘upstream’ engagement. * Popular science and professionalization. * Specific public-science issu


REMINDER: CALL FOR PAPERS: FROM PRACTICE TO RESULTS IN LOGIC AND MATHEMATICS UNIVERSITY OF NANCY, FRANCE, 21-23 JUNE, 2010 The PratiScienS group invites the submission of research papers for a conference on the role of practices in the establishment of results in logic and mathematics. This conference is aimed at discussing and exploring the practice of mathematics and logic from an epistemological standpoint. That is, we look for papers on how the concrete practices of mathematicians and logicians may influence the results of their enquiries and, more broadly, the notion of what counts as proof. Through this conference, the PratiScienS group also aims at promoting a methodological reflection on the difficulties that a critical analysis of such practices in logic and mathematics implies and on issues related to the development of the appropriate exploratory conceptual tools. Invited Speakers include Jean-Paul Van Bendegem, Jessica Carter, Karine Chemla, Jeremy Gray, Br

Marius Turda is to be the series editor of a new book series in the history of medicine for the Central European University Press.

Marius Turda is to be the series editor of a new book series in the history of medicine for the Central European University Press. This offers a multidisciplinary perspective on the history of medicine, building on the latest research by a younger generation of scholars at the forefront of recent comparative perspectives and thus contributing to a new understanding of the multifaceted modern European history. First titles in the series are: Svetla Baloutzova, Demography and Nation: Social Legislation and Population Policy in Bulgaria, 1918-1944; Francesco Cassata, Building the New Man: Eugenics, Racial Science and Genetics in Italy during the Twentieth Century, and Christian Promitzer, Sevasti Trubeta and Marius Turda (eds.), Health, Hygiene and Eugenics in Southestern Europe to 1945. For further information: http://www.ceupress.com/books/html/History-of-Medicine-series.htm

Iris Borowy new book

Dear all, I am happy to let you know that my book on the League of Nations Health Organisation, of which many of you have heard glimpses during recent years, has not been published. For further information http://www.peterlang.com/Index.cfm?vID=58687&vLang=D Iris

Migrations of the Mind: Manuscripts from the Lawrence J. Schoenberg Collection

http://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/migrations_mind/ Migrations of the Mind: Manuscripts from the Lawrence J. Schoenberg Collection November 17, 2009–April 18, 2010

Very interesting photos

Have you checked the Burns Archive? Dr. Stanley Burns, generally, has some very interesting photos: http://www.burnsarchive.com/catagories.html