
Mostrando entradas de febrero 10, 2013

Taught HSTM Masters Programmes, University of Kent

The Centre for the History of the Sciences (CHOTS) at the University of Kent offers two taught masters programmes of interest to HSTM graduates.   These programmes benefit from the input of a total of ten teaching staff whose research concerns the history of science, technology, medicine or environment.   CHOTS has a vibrant community of staff and postgrads (as attested by its hosting of the BSHS postgrad conference this year). The MA History of Science, Technology, Environment and Medicine covers a wide variety of historical topics. The MSc Science, Communication and Society is a more vocational course but remains grounded in critical humanities perspectives about the inter-related processes of the making and consumption of scientific knowledge.   Students interested in the history of science or STS choose the MSc for its focus on practical and marketable skills, and for the route that it provides between an academic study of the history of science and related careers

Research grant application deadline for the Scientific Instrument Society

Dear all, Just a brief reminder that the deadline for the next round of research grants from the Scientific Instrument Society (SIS) is Friday 1st March 2013. The SIS awards small grants, of up to £500 each, for research on the history of scientific instruments. Applicants do not need to have any institutional affiliation and applications that are for less than the full amount are just as welcome - a properly costed proposal with a clear relevance to the Society's interests in scientific instruments, a realistic timetable and a tangible result are the most important factors that the committee will be considering.  Please note that the grant awarded will be paid against actual expenditure and funds cannot be paid in advance.  The grant is intended to cover items such as travel, accommodation and photocopying costs. Further information on what the Society can support and the terms and conditions of the award can be found at http://www.sis.org.uk/grants/what

Banco de imágenes de la medicina española (Real Academia Nacional de Medicina)

Noticia de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina Base de Datos Gráfica de la Historia de la Medicina Española El Banco de Imágenes engloba una gran cantidad de registros que provienen en su mayor parte de los archivos de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina y de personas relacionadas con el mundo de la medicina que colaboran en este proyecto. El propósito de este Banco de Imágenes es asistir a los usuarios que accedan a este servicio a encontrar y visualizar material gráfico relacionado con la Historia de la Medicina española con fines de estudio privado, docencia e investigación. Esta web contiene material que puede estar protegido por los derechos de copyright españoles y de otros paises extranjeros. Los usuarios serán responsables de su uso, reproducción, transmisión o distribución. www.bancodeimagenesmedicina.es

Congreso (primera circular informativa) LAS PALABRAS EN EL CRISOL

Congreso (primera circular informativa) LAS PALABRAS EN EL CRISOL Trescientos años de la Real Academia Española (1713-2013) Cádiz, 13-15 de noviembre de 2013 No es preciso disponer de una institución que «fije, limpie y dé esplendor» a una lengua para que esta prospere y brille a lo largo de la historia. Muchas de ellas no han tenidonada semejante y otras han articulado su futuro en formas diversas. Sin embargo, resultaindudable que la existencia de la Real Academia Española ha modelado la realidad históricadel español en los últimos tres siglos y que no sería igual sin ella. El hecho es, pues, que lafijación moderna de nuestra lengua —y por lo tanto la cultura y la vida de sus sociedades— haestado estrechamente ligada al trabajo y el prestigio de un cuerpo literario de patronato regio y naturaleza semipública, fundado al amparo del reformismo borbónico en una coyuntura en que el ámbito del español era aún demográficamente abarcable y a la vez todos sus territorios estaban c

CfP: Economic Rationalities

Call for Papers: Economic Rationalities 26-27 January 2014 Aarhus University Denmark Regimes of thought and legitimizations of action draw upon systematized authorities of religious, juridical, moral, scientific and increasingly economic reasoning. These authorities interrelate in various ways. They compete to be the prime, societal authority; they supplant each other; they borrow metaphors, concepts, practices; they subvert and change existing languages. To address these interrelations ECORA invites interested scholars to submit paper proposals on the historical study of economic rationality and the struggles for authority between economic reasoning and other claims for knowledge- and practice-authority in Western modernity. Abstracts must be submitted to one of three parallel streams:             The Renaissance            The Enlightenment American and Western European Capitalism            We invite scholars with an interest in the history of economic t

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship at Oxford in Science, Medicine and Literature

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Science, Medicine and Literature at the University of Oxford. The fellowship is for two years, starting in September or October 2013. The successful applicant will be based in either the Faculty of English Language and Literature, or the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, depending on the area of specialism.    The proposed project may be in any area of science, medicine and literature studies, from the medieval period through to contemporary times, and in English or a European language (with a preference for French, Italian or German).   Closing date March 12.   For further details see www.recruit.ox.ac.uk .

AHRC Fully-funded studentship 2013-14

Swansea University has advertised a fully-funded doctoral studentship in History commencing in the academic year 2013-14, available to UK and EU students.  The application deadline is 2 April:             http://www.swan.ac.uk/riah/graduate-centre/scholarshipsandbursaries/ahrc-fully-funded-studentship-2013-14/ Staff in the Department of History & Classics at Swansea can supervise topics in the history of science and medicine; we possess particular expertise in early modern astronomy and cosmology and disability history. Informal enquiries about supervision in these areas can be addressed to me: a.j.mosley@swansea.ac.uk ; for enquiries about the application procedure, please contact Gabriella Wasiniak: g.wasiniak@swansea.ac.uk . Dr Adam Mosley Department of History & Classics            Yr Adran Hanes a Chlasuron Swansea University                                Prifysgol Abertawe Singleton Park                                       Parc Singleton Swa