
Mostrando entradas de abril 15, 2012

2013 International Congress: symposium proposals

Dear all Final reminder: the call for symposium submissions for the 24th International Congress of History of Science, Technology and Medicine will close on Monday 30 April. If you are preparing a symposium, please make sure you are familiar with the proposal submission arrangements: http://www.ichstm2013.com/call/ Our suggestions and planning page currently has active suggestions on the following symposium topics: * Patents, ownership and invention in the history of medicine (James Stark) * Computers, IT, and information cultures (James Sumner) * Chemistry and industry (Andrew Butrica) * Prophecy and precognition (Katy Price) * Thinking through the visual, explaining with the visual (Amir Teicher) * Putting the human sciences to work (Alice White and Michael Kliegl) * Journal editors' meeting (Robert Fox) * Doctor as hermeneutes (Vassilka Nikolova) If you might be interested in contributing to any of these themes, visit the page at http://ichstm2013.wikispaces.com/

Conferencia sobre Robert Koch

El 24 de abril impartirá Ángel Gil de Miguel la conferencia titulada "Robert Koch, eminente bacteriólogo médico, gran impulsor de la Microbiología Aplicada y su Técnica" A las 19 horas. Lugar: Real Academia Nacional de Medicina. C/Arrieta,12. Madrid.

Conference in Paris: 'Hasard, holisme et réductionnisme dans les sciences de la vie', 22-23 mai, ENS, Centre Cavaillès

Dear colleagues Please find below the announcement of a 2-day conference in Paris on Chance, holism and reductionism in the life sciences (talks will be either in French or in English). Sincerely Charles Wolfe   Hasard, holisme et réductionnisme dans les sciences de la vie Colloque organisé par Charles Wolfe et Jean-Jacques Kupiec Centre Cavaillès, Ecole normale supérieure, 22-23 mai 2012 (29 rue d’Ulm, 3 ème étage) Hasard et holisme en biologie : la juxtaposition des deux premiers termes semble au premier abord surprenante. Le hasard est à la fois un problème vieux comme la philosophie (Aristote, Lucrèce, Diderot), associé à la naissance de la biologie « moderne » (de Darwin aux mutations génétiques), et aujourd’hui fait l’objet d’une réévaluation dans le cadre de projets tant expérimentaux que théoriques suite à la démonstration que l’expression des gènes est un phénomène probabiliste. Le holisme, quant à lui, est un terme quelque peu mystérieux qui désigne, là encore, quelq

CFP - ICOHTEC Symposium in Barcelona, 10-14. July 2012

Dear ICOHTEC friends and colleagues, The early registration deadline for our Barcelona symposium will expire within less than a week. The final day to register with the early bird rate of the fee is 24 April. Furthermore we like to remind all those whose paper or poster proposals were accepted to the conference that those who do not register by 31 May, will not be listed in the printed programme of the symposium and in the book of abstracts. Please, visit at:http://icohtec2012.atlantacongress.org/wp-content/uploads/Registration11.png All the best, Dr. Jan Kunnas Post-Doc Research Assistant University of Stirling Stirling Management School - Division of Economics Stirling FK9 4LA Scotland, UK http://stir.academia.edu/JanKunnas

3-year lectureship in History of Medicine

Members of this list may be interested in a 3-year lectureship in History of Medicine being advertised at Oxford Brookes University: https://edm.brookes.ac.uk/hr/hr/vacancies.do;jsessionid=ad2c428b209a397afc5e817acc8a55809eff78f7d38c80c099895f25ee8c0328.e34LbNmNbhiQaO0La34Pa3uRbxuTe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy?id=14198180   Best Viviane -- Dr Viviane Quirke Senior Lecturer in Modern History and History of Medicine Centre for Health, Medicine and Society: Past and Present T 200 Oxford Brookes University Gispy Lane Oxford OX3 0BP

Science and Society picture library

For those in academic circles interested in using images from the Science and Society picture library for use in academic talks and lectures, please feel free to get in touch with Selina Pang, Collections Coordinator at the Science Museum, who can provide larger images without the watermark.  Her email address is Selina[dot]Pang[at]sciencemuseum[dot]org[dot]uk.  These images should be credited to “Science Museum, London.” and are fine to use in presentations as long as the Science Museumare aware of the use and they are not used commercially. The Science Museum fully supports individuals and academic institutions sharing their research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine and we are more than happy to help where we can. Regards, Elizabeth Bruton -- Elizabeth Bruton, PhD student, Centre for History and Philosophy of Science, Department of Philosophy, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT e: phemb@leeds.ac.uk w: http://leeds.academia.edu/ElizabethBruton /  http://twitter.co