
Mostrando entradas de enero 12, 2020

Publicación on line: La ciencia española (2019): Menéndez y Pelayo, Marcelino, 1856-1912

La ciencia española / Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo.  Directores: Víctor Navarro Brotons y Gerardo Bolado.  Introducción de Luis Hernando de Larramendi. Prefacio de Xavier Agenjo Bullón.  Estudios introductorios de Nicolás Bas, Gerardo Bolado, M.ª Dolores Díaz Regadera, Fernando Hermida de Blas, José Luis Mora García, Víctor Navarro Brotons, María Cristina Pascerini y Pedro Ribas Ribas‎. Url:  http://www.larramendi.es/es/consulta/registro.do?control=FIL20190022996 ESTUDIOS INTRODUCTORIOS  La polémica en torno a la cuestión de la ciencia española en la España contemporánea, Víctor Navarro Brotons  A [casi] ciento cincuenta años de la polémica de la ciencia. Su noble e involuntario «instigador»: Gumersindo de Azcárate , José Luis Mora García  La polémica de la ciencia en la España de la Restauración (1876-1898). Los racionalistas de la Revista Contemporánea en la polémica: Manuel de la Revilla, Fernando Hermida de Blas  La polémica de la cie

XX Coloquio Internacional de AEIHM: "Tecnología, ciencia y naturaleza en la historia de las mujeres"

Queremos invitaros a participar en el XX Coloquio Internacional de la AEIHM que celebraremos el 21-22 y 23 de Octubre en Granada. Con el título “Tecnología, ciencia y naturaleza en la historia de las mujeres”, queremos realizar una reflexión colectiva sobre la relación entre la naturaleza y la feminidad. Además, el Coloquio quiere ofrecer un homenaje a Dona Haraway cuando se cumplen 35 años de la publicación de su célebre “Manifiesto para Cyborgs”. En el siguiente enlace podéis leer las bases de la convocatoria: https://www.aeihm.org/actividades/1a-circular-del-xx-coloquio-internacional-de-aeihm-tecnologia-ciencia-y-naturaleza-en-la

Scholarships for Erasmus Mundus Master"Techniques, Heritage, territoires of Industry - TPTI"

We are writing to inform that the campaign to apply to Erasmus Mundus Master "Techniques, Heritage, Territories of industry" (TPTI) scholarships and research fellowships for 2020-2022 is open. The graduate program, provides scholarships for: - visiting scholars for a duration of 4-6 weeks (4 500€) - students with a bachelor’s level. We get students and visiting researchers who perform in history of technology of different fields: architecture, archaeology, art, crafts, industry, etc. and the heritage of these techniques. You will find all the information on the website :   https://www.tpti.eu/ fr The Master Erasmus Mundus TPTI is a two-year international graduate program coordinated by the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France) and offering a joint degree with the University of Padua (Italy) and the University of Évora (Portugal). It is open to students from worldwide. The generous scholarship covers the registration in three universities, the travel and in

History of communication of science in public in a European context - Call for contributions

Historians of science researching the history of the communication of science in public in a European context may be interested in contributing to a collection of essays which will be offered to UCL Press ( https://www.uclpress.co.uk/ ). Specifically, the editors of the collection, Cristiano Turbil (UCL), Ilaria Ampollini (Trento), Kristian H Nielsen (Aarhus) and Jean-Baptiste Gouyon (UCL), are looking for contributions examining practices of science communication in Europe from the 18 th  to the 20 th  Century.  With this volume, we intend to further contribute to the history of “popular science”, by looking specifically at the history of the communication of science in Europe from the eighteenth century onwards. For us, this means looking at the history of a practice, or, better to say, of practices, to try and understand how different actors have historically approached the task of making scientific knowledge public, for what purposes and for whom, but also how they positi

Lisa Jardine History of Science Grant of the Royal Society

The Lisa Jardine Grant scheme of the Royal Society is currently open to applications. Grants are available to PhD students and early career researchers in history of science, and other interdisciplinary studies combining humanities and the natural sciences.  The scheme offers funding for: •    Extended research trips for UK and overseas-based researchers to use the Royal Society’s own rich historical collections (up to £8,000 available for travel and subsistence costs depending on destination and length of research, 1 - 3 months (£2,000 international travel, £2,000/month subsistence)). •    International travel and expenses for UK based students to carry out short, exploratory archival research trips (up to £2,000 available for trips up to 1 month) •    International travel and expenses for UK based students to attend conferences and networking or training events (up to £2,000 available for trips up to 1 month) This round, funding is available for research taking place betw

CfP/CfA: 10th Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology Conference 2020 at UT Dallas

Conference Description This interdisciplinary conference seeks to explore the interplay between human, ethical, social, cultural, and political values, on the one hand, and science, technology, engineering, and medical research and practice, on the other hand. We invite presentations that seek not only to understand how values and science have and do influence one another, but also how they must and should influence one another (as well as types of influence that should be avoided). From this background, presentations that explore the relationship between science and the public and the relationship between science and social justice are also welcome. Finally, this conference ultimately seeks to promoting ethically responsible and socially beneficial scientific research and technological innovation, and critical reflection about the influence of science, technology, and medicine on our values, culture, practices, and worldviews. Proposals from any disciplinary or theoretical