
Mostrando entradas de mayo 5, 2019

Two PhD positions in philosophy of medicine (Bordeaux, France)

Two positions are open in philosophy of medicine at the University of Bordeaux (France).   Descriptions are available:   http://www.adum.fr/as/ed/ voirproposition.pl?langue=fr& site=edsv&matricule_prop= 23275&labos=#version   http://www.adum.fr/as/ed/ voirproposition.pl?langue=fr& site=edsv&matricule_prop= 23119&labos=   It is necessary to register in order to apply (here:  https://ed-svs.u- bordeaux.fr/Doctorat/Integrer- l-ecole-doctorale ). The deadline is  May 27, 2019 . Results will be known by the first half of July.

Research Assistant in Literature and Telephony, Nottingham Trent University

Applications are sought from suitably qualified candidates to work on the AHRC-funded project ‘Crossed Wires: Literature and Telephony' at Nottingham Trent University, in partnership with BT Archives and The Science Museum. Full-time (37 hours per week) fixed term contract for 10 months. Specific duties will involve, for example, producing an independent research output; organising an international and interdisciplinary event; designing an online exhibition; and assisting with the development of a multimedia tool enabling users to explore the research theme. The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Dr Sarah Jackson ( https://www.ntu.ac.uk/staff- profiles/arts-humanities/ sarah-jackson ) The deadline for applications is 24th May 2019. Interviews will be during the week commencing 10 June 2019. Further details can be found at https://vacancies.ntu.ac.uk/ displayjob.aspx?jobid=6489

BSHM Bristol Congress

All interested are welcome to attend and to submit abstracts for 15-minute oral presentations and posters. Themes The Congress has 4 themes: History of Medicine at Sea  History of Medicine in the West of Britain History of Health Care Education History of Mental Illness and Mental Disability These themes are not exclusive. Papers and posters on any aspect of the history of medicine are also welcome. Abstracts Abstracts for oral presentations and posters are invited. Abstract submission will close on 31 st May 2019.  Abstracts will be peer reviewed and authors notified by 7 th July. See https://bshm.org.uk/congress- information/information-for- presenters/ . Keynote speakers 12/9/2019 Professor Mark Harrison (Director, Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, Oxford) “Samaritans of the Sea: Duty, Disease and Privation in the Black Sea, 1854-6” Professor Gareth Williams (Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Bristol University) “Edward Jenner:

CfP: Workshop, July 20th, 2019, Environment, Climate, and Heredity, History Faculty, Oxford University

Workshop themes The relative stability of agriculture and production of food enjoyed in the last century is entangled with the history of heredity. Experimentation in plant breeding produced both the crops that we rely upon and our knowledge of the laws of heredity and inheritance, while debates over human reproduction and population levels have always been entangled with anxieties over our agricultural production. What makes the history of heredity particularly important within the history of science is the large role played by the public: farmers, gardeners, and plant breeders have been the principal actors in advancing cultures of experimentation in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, while physicians, educators and social reform workers have all contributed to public and wider understandings of human heredity, and the inheritance of traits and characteristics. Environmental history and the environmental humanities have flourished in the last decade, produci

CfP: Workshop Resources, Infrastructures and the Anthropocene: Dialogues between the Global-North and the Global-South

We welcome proposals for participation in the workshop  Resources, Infrastructures and the Anthropocene: Dialogues between the Global-North and the Global-South , which will take place at  Caparica Campus, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal, between September 18 and 20, 2019 . Global resources and resource infrastructure play a significant role in modern societies; through a variety of ambivalent historical processes, they have come to entangle—and (re)produce tensions between and within—countries in the Global South and the Global North. In recent years discourses on geopolitical and domestic competition for natural resources have further intensified. So have associated concerns on resource security and circularity, socioecological vulnerabilities and inequalities, and a host of other issues. How could and should we (re)think and (re)write our global histories of resources and resource infrastructure in the age of the ‘Anthropocene’? The w

PhD studentship in history of space science and technology at UCL

AHRC-Science Museum PhD Studentship at UCL ‘From London to Mars, and Back to London: People, Objects and the History of UK Space Science’ Applications are invited for a PhD studentship at University College London on the history of UK space science and technology. The student would be based at the Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS) at UCL, and would start in September 2019. Supervisors are: Jon Agar (STS, UCL), Doug Millard (Science Museum) and Lucie Green (Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UCL). The opportunity is to research a new history of UK space science, one that will i) link and deepen understanding of two major collections of the material culture of space science, specifically objects in the collections of the Science Museum Group and Mullard Space Science Laboratory; ii) capture fast-disappearing oral history of British space science; iii) by linking the personal to the material, explore a social and cultural history of a research

CfP: In the Shadow of the Petrochemical Smokestack. ChemicalCorridors and Environmental Health

This conference endeavours to study chemical industries that use fossil fuel derivatives. It will focus on these industrial activities’ environmental and health effects on surrounding areas and local populations. In the 20 th  century, petrochemical activities shaped their surrounding areas. Not just because such facilities required massive ancillary infrastructure networks to be built, but also because they enabled the production of new substances requiring coal and oil derivatives. As soon as petrochemical facilities were brought on stream, their harmful effects on local communities were perceptible. These industrial activities were rapidly accused of causing health problems for workers and neighbouring populations alike. Conflictuality was generally latent but sometimes broke out in overt violence, especially when highly visible “industrial spillovers” occurred, abruptly putting the spotlight on previously-unnoticed chronic pollution. Up to the present day, this con

Premis Bonaplata per la valoració del Patrimoni Industrial Tècnic i Científic 2019

Url:  http://www.amctaic.org/?page_id=22&language=cat 1. Objecte dels premis Els Premis Bonaplata tenen com a objectiu premiar aquelles persones i institucions que hagin dut a terme accions per valorar el patrimoni industrial a través de l’estudi, la rehabilitació, la difusió o reivindicació d’un territori industrial, d’un lloc industrial, d’una instal·lació industrial, tècnica o científica, de béns mobles o de documentacions industrials, tècniques o científiques. Així mateix, aquests premis inclouen un premi a la Col·laboració, amb algun dels museus del Sistema Territorial del mNACTEC. 2. S’atorguen premis agrupats en tres categories: Premi Estudis – Fundació Caixa d’Enginyers A. Adreçat als estudis originals relacionats amb el coneixement d’un paisatge industrial o d’un lloc productiu concret: • Comprensió d’un paisatge industrial o d’un lloc industrial a través de les seves restes materials visibles o soterrades (estudi arqueològic). • Estudi de la vida i

XVIII Premi Antoni Quintana i Marí 2019 SCHCT

Url:  http://premis.iec.cat/premis/premis_un.asp?id=24 18a convocatòria. Premi instituït l’any 2001 L’objectiu del premi és despertar l’interès per l’estudi i la recerca de la història de la ciència i de la tècnica entre els estudiants d’ensenyament secundari. Hi poden participar tots els alumnes dels centres d’ensenyament secundari obligatori i postobligatori (batxillerat i cicles formatius) dels Països Catalans. Els originals han d’ésser inèdits i redactats en català. Les obres que optin al premi han de ser fruit del treball de recerca individual o col·lectiva, tutelada, que els estudiants duen a terme com a part del seu currículum. Els treballs han de versar sobre aspectes de la història de la ciència, de la medicina i de la tècnica en qualsevol dels seus àmbits temàtics, cronològics i geogràfics. El format i l’extensió dels treballs són lliures. Les candidatures s’han de tramitar telemàticament per mitjà del formulari disponible al web de l’IEC en el q

CfP: Bucharest Colloquium in Early Modern Science

The 8th edition of the   Bucharest Colloquium in Early Modern Science :  The Emergence of Mathematical Physics in the Context of Experimental Philosophy.  IRH-ICUB & Department of Theoretical Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy,  University of Bucharest October 30th – November 1st, 2019 As we all know, early modern science came to the world dressed up in mathematical vestments. Much has been said about the shape and colours of these clothes. Traditional grand narratives of the “mathematization of nature” or “mechanization of the world picture” have gradually dissolved into more fine-grained and localized historiographical categories such as “forms of mathematization”, “artisanal knowledge” or “experimental practices”. However, in all these framings, questions about how natural philosophy became amenable to mathematical treatment are still central to understanding the emergence of modern science. The eighth edition of the Bucharest Colloquium in Early Modern Sci

Postdoc Position at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin , Research Group "Knowledge in and of the Anthropocene" (Dpt. 1), is offering a position for a   Postdoctoral Fellow for two years, starting from October 1, 2019. The position is established in the framework of a cooperation between the MPIWG, the Anthropocene Working Group (AWG) set up by the International Commission on Stratigraphy, and Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW). The research undertaken by the candidate is supposed to critically assess and engage with the shifting material and epistemic cultures of the geological sciences in light of the Anthropocene concept, both in an historical and in contemporary perspective. It may comprise of one or several of the following areas of study: ·       comparative history of materials and geochemical/biotic signals relevant to defining a stratigraphic marker for the Anthropocene (such as plastics, fly ash, radiogenic isotopes, carbon isotopes, heavy metals, chemi