PhD studentship in history of space science and technology at UCL

AHRC-Science Museum PhD Studentship at UCL
‘From London to Mars, and Back to London: People, Objects and the History of UK Space Science’
Applications are invited for a PhD studentship at University College London on the history of UK space science and technology. The student would be based at the Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS) at UCL, and would start in September 2019. Supervisors are: Jon Agar (STS, UCL), Doug Millard (Science Museum) and Lucie Green (Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UCL).
The opportunity is to research a new history of UK space science, one that will i) link and deepen understanding of two major collections of the material culture of space science, specifically objects in the collections of the Science Museum Group and Mullard Space Science Laboratory; ii) capture fast-disappearing oral history of British space science; iii) by linking the personal to the material, explore a social and cultural history of a research school of extraordinary technological reach and scientific exploration; iv) be completed in time to inform and shape major ongoing plans for the planned new space gallery at the Science Museum. Methodologically, the project entails training and application in archival, object collection and oral history approaches.
Applicants are generally expected to hold a minimum of a 2.i degree at undergraduate level in an appropriate subject, plus a recognised postgraduate programme of research training (ie MSc) or substantial equivalent experience in a relevant specialist area.
The (typically three-year full-time) studentship is part of the Collaborative Doctoral Programme, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) through a consortium including the Science Museum Group. The full-time stipend for 2019/20 is £17,559.
More information about the Department of Science and Technology Studies can be found here:
Applicants should send: i) a CV and ii) a statement of interest (maximum 2 pages) to Professor Jon Agar ( by 8 July 2019
Interview for the studentship will take place on 15 July 2019
Informal inquiries are welcome. Please contact Jon Agar if you have further questions.