
Mostrando entradas de marzo 3, 2019

CfP: Sick girls in European visual art, literature, medical science and popular culture in the 19th century

Url:  https://events.au.dk/sickgirls2019/call-for-papers.html We're delighted to announce a Call for Papers for the conference Sick girls in European visual art, literature, medical science and popular culture in the 19 th century , at Aarhus University on November 7-8 2019.  The motif “sick girl” was dealt with by artists all the way back to the 17th century where especially the Dutch painters made a lot of works with the subject sick girl/young woman, but it was only at the end of the 19th century that this motif became popular among European artists. In these works the artists created an individual picture of illness, which contrasted with the focus on the body as an anatomical research object and the body seen below the skin as in microbiology. The artists literally gave the state of being sick a face at time when there were several pioneering discoveries and inventions in the field of medicine, inventions that focused more on the inside of the body than the

La Cervantes dedica un portal al Sanatorio de Fontilles y su historia

La Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes presenta un portal dedicado al Sanatorio San Francisco de Borja, más conocido como Sanatorio de Fontilles, que fue inaugurado a comienzos de 1909 en el municipio de Vall de Laguar (Alicante) para alojar a personas afectadas por la enfermedad de la lepra. Dirigido por Antonio García Belmar ( Universidad de Alicante) y coordinado por  Eduardo de Miguel (Fundación Fontilles), este nuevo espacio web de la Cervantes es fruto de la colaboración entre las citadas entidades y del apoyo de la Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation, institución con sede en Tokyo que aportó los fondos necesarios para recuperar, digitalizar y editar la amplia muestra de revistas,  obras ,  imágenes ,  testimonios ,  documentos y objetos  del patrimonio histórico del sanatorio. El  catálogo  bibliográfico de este nuevo portal recoge una muestra de las obras conservadas en la  Biblioteca Médica de Fontilles , escritas por autores vinculados al centro o seleccionadas por su

CFP: Prisons, Asylums, Workhouses: Institutions in Irish history, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland

Residential institutions in Ireland have a long history stretching back at least to the friaries, monasteries and abbeys of the medieval period. In the 19 th  and early 20 th  centuries, following enlightenment reformist movements, workhouses, asylums, prisons and other institutions were built in ever-greater numbers.  As the numbers and types of residential institutions for the care, confinement and/or reform of various marginal groups proliferated, critics questioned their effectiveness, the living conditions prevailing within and their very humanity, questions that still loom large in Ireland today.  This conference seeks to bring together researchers at every level (postgraduate, early career and established) to assess the ‘state of the discipline’ in relation to research on the history of institutions in Ireland. The organisers (Dr Gillian Allmond and Max Meulendijks, QUB; Triona Waters, University of Limerick) would be particularly interested to receive papers on the follow

CfP: Special issue of Transversal on the historiography of the Scientific Revolution

We are pleased to announce a Call for Papers a special issue of  Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science  (ISSN: 2526-2270) dedicated to the topic “Theses on the Scientific Revolution: a historiographical reappraisal of the origins of modern science”. The publication is planned for December 2019. Since the 1930s a whole series of innovations which transformed mechanical arts and natural philosophy of the 16th and 17th century into modern natural sciences was subsumed under the label of “the Scientific Revolution”. The term soon gained considerable popularity due to the works of A. Koyré, H. Butterfield, A. R. Hall, M. Boas Hall and many other historians of early modern science. They tried to provide an account to the Scientific Revolution e. g. in terms of the “mathematization of nature”, the “rise of artisanal knowledge”, or the “influence of the magical perception of reality”. In the early 1960s, this traditional historiography was f

CfP: Shaped by the Sea: Histories of Ocean STM (CHSTM June 2019)

‘Shaped by the Sea’ is a two-day workshop which seeks to examine how the ocean environment has shaped science, medicine and technology. Through a focus on a range of contexts, the workshop hopes to address question such as: How did working and travelling within a maritime environment affect experiences and developments in medical, scientific and technological practice? How did the oceans shape the production of knowledge? How did science, medicine and technology underpin the dynamic relationship between land and sea, and how did this shape our understanding of the oceans? The workshop aims to draw together scholars working on any aspect of science, medicine and technology in or on the global ocean, from a variety of disciplinary perspectives and from across all historical periods. We invite papers which touch on a wide range of possible topics including, but not limited to: ·        The physical effects of the ocean environment and the space of the ship ·        Th

CfP: ‘The Making of the Humanities VIII’

Url:  http://www.historyofhumanities.org/2019/02/28/call-for-papers-and-panels-the-making-of-the-humanities-viii/ ‘The Making of the Humanities’ conference on the history of the humanities goes to South Africa! The University of Cape Town will host the 8th conference in the series, from 28 till 30 November 2019, at the facilities of the Faculties of Economics and Law (Middle Campus). The MoH conferences are organized by the  Society for the History of the Humanities  and bring together scholars and historians interested in the history of a wide variety of disciplines, including archaeology, art history, historiography, linguistics, literary studies, media studies, musicology, and philology, tracing these fields from their earliest developments to the modern day. This year’s conference theme:  Decentralizing the History of the Humanities Deadline for submissions: 1 July 2019

CfP: Workshop for the History of Environment, Agriculture, Technology & Science (WHEATS 2019)

The Michigan State University History Department is pleased to be hosting WHEATS in Fall 2019. The Workshop for the History of Environment, Agriculture, Technology, and Science (WHEATS) brings together graduate students studying the history of the environment, agriculture, science, or technology. WHEATS is open to  applicants from any discipline interested in any aspects of the field.. Papers — generally 25-30 pages — are circulated in advance to all participants, and at the workshop, papers receive feedback from participants and senior scholars through a roundtable discussion. This format is well suited for works in progress, and the workshop will have sessions on professional development as well as opportunities to meet and engage the broader MSU community of scholars studying science and society. Due to logistical constraints, papers must be in English. MSU will provide housing, food, and some funding to help defray travel costs. Potential participants should submit a one-

CfA: 30th Novembertagung on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics

Call for Abstracts: 30th Novembertagung on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics “Mathematical Cultures, Values and Norms” 31th October - 2nd November 2019, Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée (IRMA), Strasbourg, France https://novembertagung. wordpress.com The Novembertagung on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics is an annual international conference aimed at PhD and postdoctoral students (young scholars) in the history and philosophy of mathematics. In 2019 the Novembertagung will be held in Strasbourg. Lodging will be at the CIARUS from 30/10 to 02/11 and the conferences at the IRMA, from 31/10 to 02/11. The invited speakers are June Barrow-Green (Open University) and Roy Wagner (ETH Zurich). Mathematical knowledge is commonly thought of as being essentially universal: its truths are eternal and incontrovertible, its propositions understandable and agreeable by all, independent of linguistic, cultural, ethnic or religious backg

Call for Book Chapters: The Discourse of Sustainability in Europe: Climate Change, Clean Energy, and Justice

The term sustainability has a broad meaning, including sustainable peace building. This edited collection brings researchers in the field of sustainable development together and aims to analyze the associated environmental and social issues. The focus of the book is sustainable solutions, including Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), offered by the European Union. By  March 25 , please submit your CV and an abstract (approximately 300 words) to Dr. Dmitry Kurochkin  dkurochk@tulane.edu  and/or Dr. Elena Shabliy  eshabliy@tulane.edu . Topics covered by the volume include: Climate Change: Global Warming, Water, Health Renewable Energy: Wind, Solar, Biomass, Hydro, Renewable Transport, Green Buildings etc. Sustainable Society: Education, Gender Equality, and Justice URL:  http://www.palgrave.com

CfP: Open Panel "Railway Imperialism Reconsidered", Society for the History of Technology Annual Conference 2019, Milan, Italy

Since the 1950s, historians have regarded the intersection of imperial rule and colonial infrastructure as the straightforward story of means that achieved goals. Studies in the wake of John Gallagher and Ronald Robinson’s work as well as the more technology-centered publications by Daniel Headrick have argued that railroads, alongside telegraph lines and steamships, were designed as instruments of imperial power. To this day, the majority of works on colonial railways tends to purport the linear narrative of “tools of empire” applied in the global periphery to ensure rule over territory and its economic integration, making the history of colonial railways a “very boring” field (Clapperton Mavhunga) that has been left to railroad enthusiasts and lacks in-depth debates.             Colonial railways, however, were more than just the materialization of great powers’s strategic interests. New approaches in the fields of cultural, imperial, and global history as well as