
Mostrando entradas de febrero 10, 2019

El médico y la medicina: autonomía y vínculos de confianza en la práctica profesional del siglo XX

Link a editorial y descarga:  http://isco.unla.edu.ar/edunla/cuadernos/catalog/book/3 Autora Lilia Blima Schraiber Sinopsis Producto de la sociología espontánea, que expresa el “conocimiento” social que poseen los agentes por el mero hecho de ser parte de la sociedad, la así llamada deshumanización de la medicina suele ser pensada tanto por los profesionales de salud como por los usuarios de los servicios, como un problema de “pérdida de valores”, o como una especie de “devaluación” de la calidad moral de los prestadores de servicios, o bien como un caso paradigmático de una cierta “decadencia” de la capacidad compasiva del personal médico y de enfermería en su trato con pacientes y enfermos. Se lo percibe, por tanto, como un problema básicamente individual que se reduce al talante moral de los agentes, o que refleja su supuesta carencia de virtudes personales que se manifiesta en una falta de calidez y consideración para con quienes buscan at

Call for contributions (ESHHS, 2019): historical perspectives on mental capacities and psychological traits

Call for contributions: European Society for the History of the Human Sciences, 4-6 July 2019, Budapest.   Panel: Giftedness and feebleness under scrutiny: historical perspectives on the examination of mental capacities and psychological traits The sessions seeks to understand how and why humans were classified into certain psychological categories such as “mentally abnormal”, “gifted”, “feeble” etc. Physicians, psychologists and pedagogues designed techniques to register psychological differences among schoolchildren and (young) adults to rank and classify them. This was done for several reasons, often to undertake groupings and to guide their education and professional training while adducing reasons of mental hygiene, eugenics, industrial and educational efficiency. In this context the concept of “abnormality”, be this feebleness or giftedness, gained prominence. Although there was no scholarly agreement on how to define these terms, there was a consensus on w

Beques predoctorals per Espanya o Portugal Inphinit-Retaining : Obra Social La Caixa

La Fundació Bancària ”la Caixa”, convençuda de la importància del progrés científic, la recerca, la mobilitat i la qualificació professional per al desenvolupament de la societat, convoca un programa de beques de doctorat per investigadors de qualsevol nacionalitat en qualsevol universitat o centre de  recerca d’Espanya o Portugal . Així mateix, amb aquestes beques es pretén formar investigadors amb habilitats curriculars addicionals perquè ampliïn les possibilitats de desenvolupament de la carrera professional, no tan sols cap a l’àmbit acadèmic, sinó també cap a la indústria o l’emprenedoria. Url:  https://www.uab.cat/web/beques-predoctorals-per-espanya-o-portugal-inphinit-retaining-1284986965563.html?param1=__CVT__5788__1__1&param2=FENIX&tq=inphinit

CfP: Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science. Theoria's Special Issue

Theoria. An International Journal  for Theory, History and Foundations of Science invites contributions for a special issue on the following topic: Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science Guest editors: Concha Martínez Vidal (USC) and Cristian Saborido (UNED) Nancy Cartwright is Professor of Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, University of Durham and at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). She is past President of the Philosophy of Science Association and was President of the American Philosophical Association (Pacific Division) in 2008. Professor Cartwright is also co-Director of the Centre for Humanities Engaging Science and Society (CHESS) in the Department of Philosophy. Her research interests include philosophy and history of science (especially physics and economics), causal inference, causal powers, scientific emergence and objectivity, evidence, especially for evidence-based policy [EBP] and the philosophy of social technology.

CFP British Society For the History of Medicine

BSHM Congress 11 th – 14 th September 2019 at the M Shed in Bristol, UK.    All interested are welcome to attend and to submit abstracts for 15-minute oral presentations and posters. Themes The Congress has 4 themes: History of Medicine at Sea, History of Medicine in the West of Britain History of Health Care Education History of Mental Illness and Mental Disability These themes are not exclusive. Papers and posters on any aspect of the history of medicine are also welcome.  Abstract submission will close on 31 st May.  It is hoped that a publisher specialising in maritime history, will support a monograph of presentations given in the “History of Medicine at Sea” sessions. Further details are on our website https://bshm.org.uk/ where you can find information on how to register an interest, register as a delegate and submit abstracts. Our dedicated booking tool is at  https://www.conftool.org/ bshm2019/

CfAbs: Truth and facts in the humanities and inthe sciences Bologna (Italy)

The   Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies   of the Alma Mater Studiorum -University of Bologna (Italy), in collaboration with other Departments of the University of Bologna ( BIGeA ,   DIFA ,   DIMES ,   DSG ,   FICL IT ,   PSI ), organizes a   three-day postgraduate workshop on the notions of truth and fact(s) , as conceived from different disciplinary perspectives in the humanities and in the sciences (astronomy, biology, history, law studies, literature, medicine, philosophy, psychology and semiotics). This   interdisciplinary initiative   will address a number of interrelated theoretical issues crucial for the acquisition and/or the construction of reliable knowledge across the sciences and the social life. The aim of the workshop is to bring together those working on the notions of truth and fact(s) to afford a timely snapshot of an important and emerging area of reflection. Questions to be tackled include, but are not restricted to:   *

Ajuts Beatriu de Pinós 2018

Oberta la convocatòria per a la concessió d'un màxim de 60 ajuts, en règim de concurrència competitiva, per a la incorporació de personal investigador postdoctoral al sistema català de ciència i tecnologia dins del programa Beatriu de Pinós (BP 2018). Url:  https://www.uab.cat/web/ajuts-per-a-la-incorporacio-de-personal-investigador-1284986965563.html?param1=__CVT__5789__2__1&param2=FENIX&tq=Beatriu

CfP: Lusa en la historiografía de la ciencia y de la técnica

El mes de setiembre pasado, apareció el libro "Guillermo Lusa Monforte: història, enginyeria i compromís", publicado por Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Iniciativa Digital Politècnica, coordinado por Antoni Roca Rosell y Albert Corominas Subias, que incluye una reflexión autobiográfica de Guillermo Lusa y una selección de escritos hasta ahora no fácilmente accesibles, tanto en la historia de la ciencia y de la técnica como en el mundo de la intervención política, incluyendo la política universitaria. El libro se puede conseguir en formato papel, pero la UPC también lo ofrece en abierto en el enlace: https://upcommons.upc.edu/handle/2117/123699

CfP: Aspects of the History of Cryospheric Sciences (IUGG Meeting, Montreal, 8-18 July 2019)

125 Years of the Commission Internationale des Glaciers : Aspects of the History of Cryospheric Sciences Montreal (Canada), 8–18 July 2019 Deadline for abstract submission: 18 Feb. 2019 The cryospheric sciences have changed enormously over the last two centuries. Scientific, political and societal factors influenced research questions and conditions, as well as processes of institutionalization. Today, several associations form the disciplinary landscape. On what historical basis has the current understanding of the cryosphere been built? We invite applications to contribute to a panel on the history of cryospheric sciences as part of the annual meeting of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). Possible topics may include, but are not limited to, the following issues: - General history of glaciology and cryospheric sciences - Development of instruments, research practice and theories - Early glaciological expeditions and/or research programme

The invention of Humboldt

The image of Humboldt as a towering genius in the wilderness is largely an invention or fabrication.   Humboldt did not invent nature in a flash on the snowy slopes of Chimborazo.  Many of the Prussian aristocrat’s central contentions were derivative or experiential, while others were sharply contested if not flatly rejected, often for good reason.  Recent scholarship suggests that Humboldt’s itineraries, collections, concepts and images were in many cases anticipated by Hispanic Americans and made possible by pre-existing networks.  Lamentably, much popular and academic writing on Humboldt continues to cultivate a mythic or heroic image that ignores this scholarship, thereby contributing to what we call Humboldtism .  Humboldtism is a romantic rhetorical tradition with imperial and national variations that exalts the man’s solitary genius while ignoring the historicity of his views and legacies, in particular the Hispanic American origins of many of the concepts emb

Ferenc Gyorgyey travel grant for research at Yale's Cushing/Whitney Medical Historical Library

Looking for funds to research at Yale's Medical Historical Library? The Medical Historical Library of the Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library at Yale University is pleased to announce its twelfth annual   Ferenc Gyorgyey Research Travel Award . The Medical Historical Library, located in New Haven, Connecticut, holds one of the country’s largest collections of rare medical books, journals, prints, photographs, and pamphlets. Special strengths are the works of Hippocrates, Galen, Vesalius, Boyle, Harvey, Culpeper, Priestley, and S. Weir Mitchell, and works on anatomy, anesthesia, and smallpox inoculation and vaccination. The Library owns over fifty medieval and renaissance manuscripts, Arabic and Persian manuscripts, and over 300 medical incunabula.  The notable Clements C. Fry Collection of Prints and Drawings has over 2,500 fine prints, drawings, and posters from the 15th century to the present on medical subjects.  The larger Prints, Posters and Draw

CfP: Chronicity and crisis: time in the medical humanities

International Conference co-sponsored by the Montclair State University Medical Humanities Program and the Waiting Times Research Group (a Wellcome Trust funded research project based at the Universities of Exeter and Birkbeck, London, UK) To be held at Montclair State University (Montclair, New Jersey), October 26-27, 2019 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Dr. Mark Solms   Chair, Neuropsychology, University of Cape Town & Groote Schuur Hospital   Title: “A Man Who Got Lost in Time:  Feeling and Uncertainty in the Face of Oblivion” Dr. Rishi Goyal   Director, Medicine, Literature and Society Program, Columbia University Title: “Crisis, Catastrophe and Emergency: Disentangling Temporal Patterns of Care and Response” Those with interests in general practice, psychotherapy, disability studies, palliative care, end-of-life care, narrative medicine, public health, medical anthropology, medical history, literature and medicine and body studies, and researchers addressing ques

CfP: 3rd TiLPS History of Analytic Philosophy Workshop

On July 15 and 16, the Tilburg Center for Logic, Ethics, and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) organizes the third annual TiLPS History of Analytic Philosophy workshop. This workshop brings together researchers interested in a wide range of topics and thinkers from the history of analytic philosophy. Confirmed keynotes Thomas Uebel Flavia Padovani Yemima Ben-Menahem Submission guidelines Please submit an extended abstract (max. 1000 words) and a short abstract (max. 100 words) suitable for blind review. Submissions in all areas of the history of analytic philosophy are welcome. The deadline for submission is March 15. Dates and Deadlines March 15: Submission deadline April 15: Notifications July 15-16: Workshop Programme committee Filip Buekens (TiLPS, Tilburg University) Sander Verhaegh (TiLPS, Tilburg University) Nathan Wildman (TiLPS, Tilburg University) More information Information about the workshop can be found at thapw2019.wordpress