
Mostrando entradas de enero 28, 2018

1a CIRCULAR XV Trobada de la SCHCT. Tarragona, 8-10 de novembre de 2018

La Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (SCHCT) convoca la XV Trobada, la reunió científica general que, cada dos anys, té per objectiu acollir els treballs de recerca i les activitats que duen a terme els seus socis, així com els treballs de tots els historiadors de la ciència i de la tècnica que hi vulguin participar. En aquesta ocasió, la Trobada tindrà lloc a Tarragona. Dates que cal recordar 30 de març: data límit per a presentar propostes de sessions. Del 15 d’abril al 31 de maig: termini d’enviament de resums de comunicacions, pòsters i vídeos. 15 de juny: comunicació de l’acceptació de les contribucions (comunicacions, pòsters i vídeos). 20 de juny: data límit de sol·licitud de beca. Del 10 de juny al 30 de setembre: termini de pagament per a inscripcions reduïdes. De l’1 d’octubre al 4 de novembre: termini de pagament per a inscripcions amb recàrrec. Per a més informació: trobada2018schct@gmail.com Secretari

Call for articles for the Dossier "Homeopatia na América Latina e Espanha" in Manguinhos

HCS-Manguinhos abre chamada de artigos para dossiê sobre homeopatia na América Latina e Espanha A revista História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos recebe, até 30 de abril de 2018,  artigos para o dossiê especial “Homeopatia na América Latina e Espanha: desenvolvimentos locais e redes internacionais”.  O número terá como editores convidados Jethro Hernandez Berrones, da Southwestern University, e Patricia Palma, da UC Davis. http://www.revistahcsm.coc. fiocruz.br/hcs-manguinhos- abre-chamada-de-artigos-para- dossie-sobre-homeopatia-na- america-latina-e-espanha/

Call for applications: Sci Inst Soc (SIS) research grants

The Scientific Instrument Society (SIS) awards small grants, of up to £500 each, for research on the history of scientific instruments. Applicants do not need to have any institutional affiliation and applications that are for less than the full amount are just as welcome - a properly costed proposal with a clear relevance to the Society's interests in historic scientific instruments, a realistic timetable and a tangible result are the most important factors that the committee will be considering.   Please note that the grant awarded will be paid against actual expenditure and funds cannot be paid in advance.  The grant is intended to cover items such as travel, accommodation (excluding meals) and photocopying costs.   Please note that we cannot fund conference travel or contribute to the cost of outreach projects such as events and exhibitions.   Further information on what the Society can support and the terms and conditions of the award can be found at  http:

Cicle de seminaris amb retransmisió en streaming: “Metall pesants tòxics en el treball i en l’ambient”

*CICLE DE SEMINARIS* “Metall pesants tòxics en el treball i en l’ambient” El cicle forma part d’una línia de treball que ha donat lloc a diversos cicles de seminaris sobre història ambiental (els cicles d’atmosferes tòxiques, de catàstrofes artificials, etc.); l’escola de primavera Living in a Toxic World (2015); i un bon nombre de publicacions i participacions en congressos; un àmbit que, a més a més, darrerament ha despertat un gran interès entre un grup considerable d’investigadors/es del nostre voltant. Un exemple és el recent projecte d’investigació coordinat “Toxic Spain” desenvolupat entre les universitats de Barcelona, València i Alacant durant els anys 2016-2019 : HAR2015-66364-C2. El cicle inclourà alguns dels màxims especialistes en l’àmbit internacional i analitzarà casos geogràficament diversos com són el francés i escocès. I, seguint amb el propòsit de fer la recerca històrica significativa en la resolució de controvèrsies actuals, el cicle acab

CfP: Workshop: Reproductive and sexual health activism, c.1960-present, CSHHH, University of Strathclyde, 17-18 July 2018

Over the last decades, there has been significant scholarly research into the history of reproductive and sexual health activism globally. Scholars have explored the impact of activist and grassroots groups in contexts where governments have failed to address reproductive and sexual health. In particular, the field has developed considerably in the US, where a number of important studies have emerged to examine diverse issues including feminist health, AIDS, LGBT, abortion and black health activism, and the importance of gender, race and class when considering these histories. In the European context, there has been important research into related issues, such as infertility and assisted reproduction, but new resources, including recently catalogued archives as well as digitisation and oral history projects have not been fully exploited. While there have been valuable histories of feminist activism outside the US, these have not emphasised reproductive health. Histories of reproduct

CfP Workshop 6 July 2018 - the material cultures of early modern knowledge communities

Workshop on the material cultures of urban knowledge communities, 1500-1800 Histories of early modern science and technology have been transformed in recent decades by an engagement with artefacts, materials, and diverse practitioners and sites of knowledge production. This workshop seeks to explore the connections between scientific knowledge - broadly understood as learned natural knowledge, experimental inquiry, technical know-how, and perhaps experiential craft skills - and material cultures in early modern cities. We are interested in how the built and material environments of cities impacted upon knowledge creation, display, and dissemination, and the ways in which scientific material cultures shaped contemporary understandings of the urban or civic. We welcome papers on urban knowledge cultures that engage with: •       material and visual cultures •       object collections •       materials and materiality •       makers/practitioners •     

CfP: "On the Natural History of Destruction: Technology, Politics and Material Transformation in Asia's World War II," Columbia University, October 5, 2018

This one-day workshop aims to illuminate the complicated relationship between political possibilities and material transformation in Asia during the catastrophe of World War II. The workshop will bridge the artificial divide between East and Southeast Asia by bringing together scholars from across the field of Asian studies to discuss the ways that the experience of war altered the complex relationships between politics, culture and technology, not least as a consequence of the violent alteration of physical landscapes and social relations by fighting, colonialism, mobilization, industrialization, resource extraction and disaster. In doing so, the workshop will add towards an understanding of the war as a global and regional event rather than one contained within limited geographical boundaries of the nation-state. At the same time, it will create opportunities for discussion across disciplines, including history, literature, cultural studies, human geography and ant

CfP: Special Issue of the Journal of Early Modern Studies

Special Issue of the Journal of Early Modern Studies (November 2018) Editors: Dana Jalobeanu, Grigore Vida The Mathematization of Natural Philosophy between Practical Knowledge and Disciplinary Blending While most of the classical narratives about the “mathematization of nature” have become obsolete, questions concerned with the mathematization of natural philosophy are still central to the inquiries into the emergence of modern science. Nowadays, historians prefer to speak about “forms of mathematization” in the early modern period (Roux ed., 2010, 2017), in recognition of the diversity of approaches, many of which are still in need of further investigation. Special attention was given to mathematical practices, in tune with the important research that has been done in the past couple of years to reveal the various “structures of practical knowledge” (Valleriani ed., 2017). What we propose in this special issue is to take stock of the recent developments, while opening new

CfP: Voices of the Home Fronts

The National Archives, the ‘Gateways to the First World War’ and the ‘Everyday Lives in War’ Engagement Centres are hosting a two-day conference on 19 and 20 October 2018 at The National Archives, Kew which will bring together independent researchers, community groups, and academics to discuss the impact of the Armistice as we approach the centenary of the end of First World War. We are seeking submissions which address First World War Home Front research that has been conducted over the centenary period and invite proposals for conference papers, panels, and workshops on topics which may include, but are not limited to: ·        Demobilisation, homecomings, the ‘return to normality’ ·        New nations and everyday identities ·        Veteran politics, charities, sports, clubs and entertainment ·        Post war education and work – industrial relations, reconstruction, local and regional economies ·        Environment ·        Family and childhood ·       

Nominations for Book Award (history of neuroscience, broadly construed)

The International Society for the History of the Neurosciences ( http://www.ishn.org ) is accepting nominations for a Book Award for a monograph on any topic in the history of the mind and brain sciences. Please send nominations to d.gavrus@uwinnipeg.ca  by Feb. 15th . The guidelines for this award are as follows: Monographs as well as multi-authored books may be nominated. Edited books will be excluded from the competition. There is no restriction on the language of the publication. The book should have appeared in a time period, no longer than 3 years before the year of the award.   For the 2018 award, books published between January 2015 and December 2017, inclusive, are eligible .  Candidates do not necessarily have to be members of the ISHN. Nominations  may come from anybody; self- nominations  are allowed. Nominations  will consist of (1) a complete citation of the nominated book and (2) a brief (no longer than one page) statement about the book's significa

Two Postdoctoral Fellowships at the MCMP (LMU Munich)

Two Postdoctoral Fellowships at the MCMP (LMU Munich) MCMP, LMU Munich http://www.mcmp.philosophie.uni-muenchen.de/news/post_doc_2018/index.html The  Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP)  seeks applications for  two 3-year postdoctoral fellowships  starting on October 1, 2018. (A later starting date is possible.)  We are especially interested in candidates with research interests in at least one of the following fields: general philosophy of science, philosophy of physics, philosophy of the social sciences, philosophy of statistics, formal epistemology, formal philosophy of science, social epistemology, philosophy and psychology of reasoning and argumentation, agent-based modeling in philosophy, or decision theory. Application deadline: April 15 2018 For more information and details see:  http://www.mcmp.philosophie.uni-muenchen.de/news/post_doc_2018/index.html

CfP: 'Animal Histories' - Animal History Group Summer Conference 28/29 June 2018

CALL FOR PAPERS – Animal History Group Summer Conference King’s College London 28-29 June 2018   ‘Animal Histories’ Keynote speaker: Dolly Jørgensen   We are delighted to announce that, following the success of our inaugural summer workshop in 2017, the Animal History Group will be holding a two-day conference in London this June. This event will conclude the 2017–18 programme of events organised by the Animal History Group , the London-based network for postgraduates, academics, museum workers and other professionals whose work engages with animals in history. We are honored to welcome Dolly Jørgensen, Professor of History at the University of Stavanger, Norway, as our keynote speaker. Dolly is a historian of the environment and technology, whose research topics have ranged from medieval butchery to ecological restoration in modern Scandinavia.   We welcome papers from across the field, with no limitations on their theme or period, exploring any aspect of

La injusticia de un olvido. El mundo de Marcelino Pascua (1897/1977), médico y político

Este libro es una publicación de la Editorial UNED en colaboración con el Centro de Estudios de Migraciones y Exilios de la UNED (CEME-UNED). El CEME-UNED se creó en 2010 con el objetivo de constituirse en un espacio de referencia para la investigación, el conocimiento y la divulgación del fenómeno migratorio histórico y contemporáneo. A través de diversos proyectos multidisciplinares fomenta la colaboración entre instituciones nacionales e internacionales dedicadas al estudio de estos temas. Marcelino Pascua (Valladolid, 1897 - Ginebra, 1977) es prácticamente un desconocido en la actualidad, pero fue un protagonista destacado de la medicina y la política española de su época. Es la figura más importante de la estadística médica y epidemiología españolas, y su prestigio se extendió al ámbito internacional como especialista de la Sociedad de Naciones y director de la División de Estadísticas Sanitarias de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS).