
Mostrando entradas de marzo 27, 2022

REGISTRATION Escuela de primavera Pandemic Pasts, Maó 5-7 de mayo de 2022

La inscripción para la 11ª Escuela Europea de Historia de la Ciencia y Divulgación (lazareto de Mahón, Menorca, 5-7 de mayo de 2022) está abierta.   El tema de la Escuela, PANDEMIC PASTS, PANDEMIC FUTURES. HISTORIES, SOURCES, IMAGINATIONS, tiene como objetivo proporcionar una visión interdisciplinaria oportuna y valiosa sobre este campo de investigación en auge en humanidades y ciencias sociales.   Tanto el programa como el boletín de inscripción y varias informaciones se pueden encontrar aquí: https://blogs.iec.cat/schct/11th-european-spring-school/    El estudiantado de máster y doctorado está especialmente invitado a asistir a la Escuela y a participar activamente en los talleres y debates. Hay algunas opciones de financiación disponibles, el estudiantado interesado  deberá enviar una carta de presentación de una página antes del 10 de abril a: 11thspringschool@gmail.com   

Entrevista a Silvia Lévy Lazcano

 FEM ciència?, propuestas de la SCHCT para repensar el feminismo, la historia y la cultura científica  ( https://blogs.iec.cat/schct/fem-ciencia/ ) 6a entrega de la 2ª edición de “FEM ciència?” Entrevista a Silvia Cora Lévy Lazcano “El proceso de psicologización de la sociedad está unido al capitalismo de consumo. […] Y ha llegado a colonizar el inconsciente.” En esta entrevista hablaremos con Silvia Cora Lévy Lazcano sobre la historia del psicoanálisis y los saberes psi en la cultura popular y sobre la psicologitzación de la sociedad actual, especialmente de las mujeres y en el propio feminismo. https://youtu.be/Zm4h83tY9jM   

CfP: Conference Chernobyl as a Historical Caesura: Environment, Politics, and Science

University of Naples Federico II, 9-10 December 2022 The Departments of Social Sciences and of Humanities of the University of Naples Federico II, the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, and the Department of History of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy are pleased to announce an open call for papers for the conference Chernobyl as a Historical Caesura: Environment, Politics, and Science to be held in Naples on 9-10 December 2022. Over the last ten years, scholars have devoted an increased attention to the study of the role the Chernobyl (Ukr. Chornobyl’) disaster played from a political, social, cultural, and environmental point of view. In her seminal book A Manual for Survival, Kate Brown defined the incident and its aftermath as an unprecedented episode in human history with long-term consequences that are not yet fully evident even today. Starting with this insight, our c

CfP: European Social Science History Conference, Gothenberg, Sweden, 12-15 April 2023. Health and Environment Network

The 14th European Social Science History Conference will take place on 12-15 April 2023. It is organized by the International Institute of Social History in co-operation with the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. The aim of the ESSHC is bringing together scholars interested in explaining historical phenomena using the methods of the social sciences. The conference is characterized by a lively exchange in many small groups, rather than by formal plenary sessions. The conference welcomes papers and sessions on any historical topic and any historical period. PhD students are invited to enter their paper for the Prof. Jan Lucassen Award for best paper by a PhD student in the conference programme. The conference is organized in 27 thematic networks. Dr Ida Milne (Maynooth University) and Dr Ian Miller (Ulster University) are co-chairs of the Health and Environment network. This network addresses the basics of human wellbeing: health and human environment. Both fields are connected to (almos

CfP: Histories of Knowledge

Histories of Knowledge: Political, Historical and Cultural Epistemologies in Intellectual History Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 12-15 September 2022 The International Society for Intellectual History is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for its 2022 conference to be held in Venice. The conference addresses the knowledge-power entanglement in intellectual history, including at the level of historiography. In recent years, the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, the growth of global inequalities, and the emergence of global conspiracy theories have brought to the fore the political dimensions of knowledge by eliciting debates on issues such as post-truth, the crisis of expertise, and the control of data and information. Drawing inspiration from the pressing issues of today’s world, #ISIH2022 will use the lens of intellectual history to explore the mutual influence of ideas stemming from the political and cultural realms, ranging from philosophy to the sciences, the arts, and li

CfP: FOOD, NUTRITION AND EDUCATION - Special thematic area for Global Educator

We are now inviting papers for our forthcoming Vol. 3. Issue 1, 2022 focusing on the theme of “FOOD, NUTRITION AND EDUCATION”, which is scheduled to be published June 2022. Last date of Submission will be 31 May 2022. Food, nutrition and their relationship to educational quality and outcomes is vital. We know that undernourished children, if they do attend school, perform poorly. The quality of nutrition has also become significant; overweight and obese children with a diet high in saturated fats, sugar and excessive carbohydrates face adolescent growth and educational challenges. In this special issue of Global Educator we invite contributions that explore the issues, problems and debates around food and nutrition and its relationship to schooling in the developing world. Contributions should be theoretically informed, but also insightful with practical examples emphasizing your arguments. The Editors invite submissions of Feature Articles around 2000- 6000 words, Reflections from the

Geneva: Two positions in philosophy of infectious disease epidemiology

The Department of Philosophy, University of Geneva, invites applications for two 4-year positions, one Postdoc (100%) and one Ph.D. student, for a new SNSF-funded project titled “Philosophy of Infectious Disease Epidemiology: Modeling, Values, and Policy Advice”. The project will be based in a thriving research environment at the Department of Philosophy and will collaborate with the Department of Political Science as well as the Faculty of Medicine. Postdoctoral candidates must have defended their Ph.D. thesis and ideally have a track record in the philosophical debates on scientific modeling. Ph.D. candidates must have completed a MA degree in philosophy or in political science with a strong philosophical component. Applicants with scientific or medical degrees who have received some training in philosophy are also encouraged to apply. For both posts, candidates must have excellent communication skills in English. Proficiency in French is not necessary at the time of application (but

BSHS Outreach and Engagement Project Grants

The British Society for the History of Science’s Outreach and Engagement Committee offers grants of up to £500 to support engagement and outreach projects in the history of science, technology and medicine.  Project grants are awarded three times per year, and the deadline for the next round is Friday 13 May 2022. Project grants are intended to support initiatives that encourage engagement with the history of science, technology and medicine by non-academic audiences. For example, eligible projects might include supporting the costs of holding a public event, the creation of a public display, or the translation of research into educational resources. We particularly encourage projects that use innovative formats and reach audiences that might be new to the history of science, technology and medicine. Further information, and a downloadable application form, can be found at: https://www.bshs.org.uk/grants/outreach-and-engagement-project-grants Please feel free to forward this email to a

CfA: 5th WOMEN IN ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE Workshop (7-8 July, Humboldt University Berlin)

5th Ancient Philosophy and Science Workshop for Women*, Non-Binary, and LGBTQIA+ Graduate Students and ECRs 7–8 July 2022, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin We welcome high-quality submissions for the 5th Ancient Philosophy and Science Workshop for women*, non-binary, and LGBTQIA+ graduate students and early career researchers, which will take place in Berlin on 7–8 July 2022. The goal of the workshop is to provide a platform for young scholars to present their work to peers. Members of underrepresented minorities, women*, non-binary, and LGBTQIA+ scholars (graduate students and early-career researchers) are highly encouraged to apply. This workshop is organized by the initiative Women* in Ancient Philosophy and sponsored by the Research Training Group Philosophy, Science and the Sciences at Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin. This event provides an opportunity for young scholars to present and discuss their research in a safe and supportive environment, to share experience and advice, and