CfP: Worlds of Nature and Medicine
Since the sixteenth century New World and in particular Iberian and Latin America knowledge has been critical to the modern making of ‘nature’ and ‘medicine’. Nevertheless, this long history of the making of new knowledge is not fully recognized in canonical narratives of the histories of science and medicine, which still emphasize European and North-American ‘discoveries’ and pay little attention to the transoceanic circulation of knowledge and people. At this two-day workshop, leading historians from around the world will present new research on the emergence and development of concepts and practices related to natural history and materia medica in the New World from the sixteenth to the twentieth century, illuminating the connections between global and local processes in natural science and medicine. Papers can be presented in Portuguese, English and/or Spanish. Submit title, 100-word abstract, and 2-page CV, by MARCH 1, 2017 to LAGLOBAL Network Facilitator José