
Mostrando entradas de febrero 12, 2017

CfP: Worlds of Nature and Medicine

Since the sixteenth century New World and in particular Iberian and Latin America knowledge has been critical to the modern making of ‘nature’ and ‘medicine’. Nevertheless, this long history of the making of new knowledge is not fully recognized in canonical narratives of the histories of science and medicine, which still emphasize European and North-American ‘discoveries’ and pay little attention to the transoceanic circulation of knowledge and people. At this two-day workshop, leading historians from around the world will present new research on the emergence and development of concepts and practices related to natural history and materia medica in the New World from the sixteenth to the twentieth century, illuminating the connections between global and local processes in natural science and medicine. Papers can be presented in Portuguese, English and/or Spanish. Submit title, 100-word abstract, and 2-page CV, by MARCH 1, 2017 to LAGLOBAL Network Facilitator José

Seminario on line: Stethoscope and Auscultation in Historical Perspective

Wednesday 22nd of February, Time: 16:00 ONLINE: < reunion.uv.es/hcc2 > Presentation of the Seminar, Commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the invention of the stethoscope by the French physician René Laënnec, in charge of Joan Lloret, pediatrician and member of the Institute History of Medicine and Science López Piñero (Univertisity of Valencia). Participants: 16:30.- Josep Lluis Barona.- Professor of History of Science, member of the Institute History of Medicine and Science López Piñero (University of Valencia) “Stethoscope, patient examination and medical profession” 17:00.- Melissa Van Drie.-  Chercheur post-doctoral ECHO [ECrire l’Histoire de l’Oralité], Projet ANR, THALIM, équipe ARIAS (CNRS) / Bibiliothèque nationale de France. Paris. Cambridge University “How we learn to listen in medicine: situating pedagogical transmission of auscultation and stethoscopic knowledge (19 th -20 th century case studies)” 18:00.- Jacalyn Duffin.-

CfP (with travel grants): Workshop “Group decision-making in scientific expert committees”

Workshop “Group decision-making in scientific expert committees” TiLPS, Tilburg University (NL), 12-13 April 2017 https://expertgroups17. wordpress.com/ Scientists are regularly called upon to serve as experts advisors for various institutions, be it on the authorization of a new drug, the effects of climate change, or a monetary policy. Typically, expert advisers are constituted in panels, who are to utter their advice collectively. This raises a variety of questions about the decision-making process: How should the group best take advantage of the individual strengths and expertise? How to wager individual opinions and how to ideally deal with peer disagreement? One may want to devise special deliberation procedures to avoid groupthink, and to install voting rules tailored to the situation at hand. This workshop aims at gathering researchers who tackle these normative questions, from a variety of perspectives. We aim to bring together approaches from fi

Wellcome University Award in Medical History

The Department of History at University College London is seeking a candidate (in any field of history of medicine, post 1500) to support for a bid for a Wellcome Trust University award. If successful, the candidate would be supported by the Wellcome Trust for five years, and would then be appointed to a permanent post. Those who already hold a permanent post are not eligible to apply. For more details see https://www.ucl.ac.uk/history/ wellcome-university-award- feb2017 For preliminary queries, please contact Professor Margot Finn: m.finn@ucl.ac.uk

CfP: Data-Intensive Science, Hannover, October 26-27

Making sense of data in the sciences: philosophical perspectives on the methodology, epistemology and practices of data-intensive science Workshop October 26-27 Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany) Website:  dataintensivescience. wordpress.com Confirmed Speakers Stefano Canali (Leibniz Universität Hannover) Gregor Halfmann (University of Exeter) Koray Karaca (Universiteit Twente) Sabina Leonelli (University of Exeter) Wolgang Pietsch (Technical University of Munich) Federica Russo (Universiteit van Amsterdam) Judith Simon (University of Hamburg) Call for Papers Discussions on the role of data in the sciences have acquired a central position in current philosophy of science. As part of a wider critical debate on the rhetoric of ‘big data’, philosophical discussions are now focused on the practices involved in the use of data in specific scientific disciplines, documenting challenges and benefits of working with data and studying

CfP: Comparative History of Philosophy, Università degli Studi di Milano

Call for Abstracts Comparative History of Philosophy 9 th June 2017 Doctoral School in Philosophy and Human Sciences, University of Milan Confirmed Keynote : Prof. Enrico Pasini (University of Turin) History of philosophy has grown into one of the main fields in philosophical research, with a flourishing and ever-expanding scholarly literature. Specialization followed, almost as a natural consequence of the growth of history of philosophy. Philosophers now specialize in a variety of specific historical periods and topics, such as Eastern Philosophy, Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages, Early Modernity, Post-Kantian Continental Philosophy, Early Analytical Philosophy and so on. In recent years, the methodological side of historical philosophical research has attracted the attention of both philosophers and historians. This has happened, we believe, as a consequence of the maturity of history of philosophy and because it raises specific meta-philosophical and h

CfP: British Society for the History of Medicine Congress

Abstract submission is now open for the BSHM Congress to be held from 13th-16th September 2017 at Surgeons’ Hall, Edinburgh, in association with the Society for the Social History of Medicine.  All those with an interest in history of medicine are welcome to attend and to submit abstracts for 15 minute oral presentations and for posters. Members of BSHM and affiliated societies enjoy a reduced delegate fee. Themes The Congress has 4 themes: Women in Medicine; Scotland's contribution and influence; Apothecaries and their successors; Art and photography in Medicine. These themes are not exclusive. Papers and posters on any aspect of the history of medicine are welcome. Abstracts Abstract submission will  close on 31st May.  Abstracts should be no more than 200 words in length and the title no more than 15 words. A single reference may be added (not included in word count). Abstracts will be peer reviewed and authors notified by 7th July. Keynote speake

CfP: Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities 2017

Url: www.dcdcconference.com   The National Archives and Research Libraries UK are delighted to announce the call for papers for this year’s Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities conference to be held between 27 and 29 November 2017 at the Lowry, Salford Quays, Manchester. The conference will bring together colleagues from across the heritage, library, and academic sectors, in a vibrant and inclusive setting. We will discuss ways of enhancing cross-sector collaboration, collectively seizing new opportunities, and facing joint challenges. Call for Papers In today’s uncertain political and economic climate the ability to demonstrate why heritage and culture matter – and to whom - has never been more important or relevant. The ways in which we gather, measure and present evidence of cultural value and impact has attracted increasing attention in recent years, as emphasis has led to a stronger focus on the experience of individuals and of communit

CfP Different Bodies: (Self-)Representation, Disability and the Media

University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom 23 June 2017 This one-day conference seeks to explore representations of the body as strange, shameful, wrong, impaired, wounded, scarred, disabled, lacking, different or ‘other’ in contemporary media.  The advent of digital media has underlined the importance of visual culture and our curiosity in representations of the body to form opinions about ourselves and others. Media portrayals of bodies can affect our lives because media are one of the primary agents of socialization (Moore and Kosut, 2010). Bodies we see in newspapers, on television and in our social media feeds are often made to appear perfect in order to conform to racialized and heteronormative ideals of what it means to be beautiful and normal in contemporary capitalist societies. Presentations of the body that are white, young, slim and productive have been critiqued from different fields in academia such as feminism, queer theory, disability stud

CfP: Arctic Mapping Conference: National Maritime Museum. July 2017

Mapping the past, exploiting the future: cartographies and understandings of the Arctic. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London. 21-22 July 2017. Royal Museums Greenwich will host an interdisciplinary conference which aims to interrogate the processes and products of mapping the Arctic, to coincide with the opening of a major new exhibition, Death in the Ice: the shocking story of Franklin's final expedition, about John Franklin's voyage to look for a North-West Passage, and the searches for those involved which followed. At a moment when the story of Franklin's 1845 expedition is being exploited by various commercial and political interests, we seek to broaden and deepen our understanding of voyages of exploration, surveying and mapping practices, and their subsequent narration. This topic is particularly relevant given increasing nuance in work on the social and political implications of cartography, and recent moves in the history of cartog

CfP: The Role of Philosophy of History

Conference at the University of Oulu, Finland Hosted by the Centre for Philosophical Studies of History ( http://www.oulu.fi/ centreforphilosophyofhistory/ ) 5-7 October, 2017 Keynote speakers Frank Ankersmit (Groningen) Giuseppina D’Oro (Keele) Jonathan Gorman (Belfast) Allan Megill (Virginia) Marek Tamm (Tallinn) Aviezer Tucker (Harvard) What is the role of the philosophy of history in current academia and more widely in contemporary culture? What is the philosophy of history? And the philosophy of historiography? The conference The Role of Philosophy of History is devoted to these questions. One answer is simply that the philosophy of history does not have much of a role in current academia, having lost it since the heyday of analytic philosophy of history. However, interest in the theoretical and philosophical studies of history has increased in recent years, as evidenced by the INTH conferences in the recent past, for example. Perhaps now coul

Fully-funded collaborative PhD studentship: history of medical advertising

“Constructing and Consuming Imagined Futures: Advertising Healthcare to Publics and Professionals in Twentieth-century Britain” The University of Leeds  Centre for the History and Philosophy of Science , in collaboration with the Science Museum and the Boots Company Archive, invites applications for a fully-funded three-year PhD studentship on healthcare advertising in 20th-century Britain. The studentship award has been made by the Science Museums & Archives Consortium under the AHRC’s Collaborative Doctoral Partnership scheme. The project, due to begin in October 2017, will be supervised by  Dr James Stark  and  Dr Adrian Wilson  at the University of Leeds, Dr Oisín Wall at the Science Museum, and Sophie Clapp at Boots Company Archive. Information about the project The project will investigate, compare and explain the use of language, expertise, images and authority in printed advertisements and publicity produced for public audiences and medical professional