
Mostrando entradas de febrero 4, 2024

Premios de la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina

Durante todo el primer trimestre del año, hasta el 31 de marzo inclusive, se encuentra abierto el período de presentación de candidaturas para participar en los premios anuales convocados por la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina: Premio «Hernández Morejón» a la mejor tesis doctoral Dotado con 1000€ Más información en: https://sehm.es/premiosshem/ Premio al mejor trabajo de fin de máster Dotado con 600€ Más información en: https://sehm.es/premios-tfg/ Premio al mejor trabajo de fin de grado Dotado con 300€ Más información en: https://sehm.es/premios-grado/ Los candidatos y las candidatas deben haber defendido sus trabajos en el año 2023.

1a Circular. XVIII Trobada d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica

La Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (SCHCT) organitza a Olot, del 21 al 23 de novembre, la XVIII Trobada d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica, la reunió científica general que, cada dos anys, té per objectiu acollir els treballs de recerca i les activitats que duen a terme els seus socis, així com d’altres investigadors i investigadores d’història de la ciència, de la medicina i de la tècnica que hi vulguin participar. Enguany, la XVIII Trobada d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica pretén promoure diàleg entre ciència, territori i societat, és per això que es proposa afavorir la presentació d’un ampli ventall de disciplines i qüestions relacionades amb la història de la ciència i de la tècnica. A tall d’exemple: Ciència, territori i societat Història de la geologia i vulcanisme Desenvolupament dels parcs naturals Història de la medicina Gabinets de curiositats i museografia Biografies científiques Art i terra Tècnica, tecnologia i medi ambient Construcc

CfP: ¨Feminist Biologies¨ EASST-4S 2024 Amsterdam

Over the past decade, under the influence of emerging areas in contemporary biology such as the human microbiome, epigenetics, circadian biology, or the exposome, the intertwining of the biological and the social has become an intrinsic part of current scientific debates and practices. While the biosocial has become a key theme in STS and cognate disciplines, these debates often occupy liminal and dispersed spaces within feminist technoscience and queer studies. This panel intends to fill the gap in interdisciplinary and pluralistic feminist debates and experimental engagements with bioscientific theories and practices. The panel is thought of as a collective and emancipatory effort through which to problematise, rethink and (re)articulate the complex and intrinsic interrelationships between the social and cultural and the biological with an emphasis on biologies beyond Euro-American frameworks and with special attention to how and to what extent social experiences (lived experiences,

CfP: Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC) Spring Meeting

The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC) invites abstract submissions for its  Annual Spring Meeting , to be held at the University of Oxford (Maison Francaise d’Oxford) on  28 May 2024.  The meeting will be hybrid, although we strongly encourage in person attendance. The keynote speaker is  Prof. Jennifer M. Rampling (Princeton). The theme is  ‘From Late Antique to Early Modern Alchemy: New Approaches, New Horizons’ . Under this broad remit, we encourage submissions that explore: New methodologies and approaches to the study of alchemy / chymistry Interdisciplinary perspectives setting alchemy / chymistry in dialogue with other fields of learned or craft knowledge Case studies of individuals, groups, or institutions pursuing alchemy / chymistry in conjunction with other fields of knowledge The material, visual, and experimental cultures of alchemy / chymistry Diverse sites of alchemical / chymical practice The submissions can be individual presentations ,  panels wi

CfP: War, injury and trauma panel for Social Science History Association 2024

We are seeking 1-2 papers for a Social Science History Association panel on the broad topic of war, injury and trauma, and the long-term effects of wartime experiences. In keeping with SSHA practices, we welcome geographic and temporal diversity in submissions. We welcome papers that take a novel approach to identifying traumatic events, and measuring their long-term impact. We have a paper each proposed for the session. Adam Negri will be presenting a paper on measuring brain injury and its long term effects in US World War I veterans. Evan Roberts will be presenting a paper about the Japanese-American population prior to, during, and after World War II incarceration. For SSHA submissions, a title and abstract of up to 250 words are required by 23 February. SSHA will be held in Toronto from 31 October - 3 November. Please contact Evan Roberts with a title and abstract by 20 February 2024, which will be submitted to the SSHA portal as a complete panel.

CfP: 8th International Workshop on the History of Human Genetics - Deadline 28 February 2024

The “History of Eugenics” began since the term “Eugenics” has been established by the polymath Francis Galton (1882-1911). “Eugenics is the science, which deals with all influences that improve the inborn qualities of race […]” (1904). Eugenics is related to Berlin among others due to activities of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institute (KWI) for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics (1927-1945). One of the important actors there was Otmar von Verschuer (1896-1969), since 1942 KWI-Director and after 1945 founder of the Institute of Human Genetics in Münster. He played an important role for development of Human Genetics in Germany and its international relations. The focus of this symposium will be the time before and after 1945, including a wide range of topics of worldwide Eugenics. “Evolution of Techniques in Human Genetics” workshop part will focus on introduction of cytogenetics, molecular cytogenetics, molecular karyotyping and next generation sequencing (NGS), and their consequences fo

CfP: Philosophy of Science: Past, Present and Future (MCPS, Oct. 17-19, 2024)

In connection with the centenary of the Vienna Circle and the upcoming 75th anniversary of the Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science, we are organizing a conference titled  Philosophy of Science: Past, Present and Future . This conference will take place on October 17-19, 2024, and will be held at the University of Minnesota. The conference will consist of three sessions. First, a group of HOPOS scholars will reflect on the institutional history of philosophy of science, exploring how journals, research centers, societies, departments, and funding agencies have shaped the discipline as we know it today. Next, a group of contemporary philosophers of science (prominent researchers, journal editors, society presidents, and research center directors) will reflect on the current status of the profession through a series of papers and round table conversations. Finally, a group of promising junior scholars will offer their vision of what philosophy of science could or should look like i