
Mostrando entradas de mayo 8, 2016

SSHM Undergraduate Essay Prize: Call for Submissions

The Society for the Social History of Medicine (SSHM) invites submissions to its 2016 SSHM Undergraduate Prize Competition. Up to six prizes will be awarded for the best unpublished original research essays in the social history of medicine. We will consider two groups of undergraduate students, (1) humanities and social science students, and (2) medical, healthcare and allied science students. Up to THREE prizes will be awarded to each group. The winners will be awarded £100.00 each. The winning entries may also be published on the Society’s website, http://www.sshm.org/ . Winning entries from previous years: https://sshmedicine.wordpress. com/undergraduate-essay-prize- blogs/ Eligible candidates are undergraduate students, part-time or full-time, in the humanities and social sciences, or medicine, healthcare and allied sciences. All candidates must be SSHM members or submit an application to join the Society for the Social History of Medicine by the date of su

Novedad editorial: Science in the Public Sphere

Science in the Public Sphere presents a broad yet detailed picture of the history of science popularization from the Renaissance to the twenty-first century. Global in focus, it provides an original theoretical framework for analysing the political load of science as an instrument of cultural hegemony and giving a voice to expert and lay protagonists throughout history. Organised into a series of thematic chapters spanning diverse periods and places, this book covers subjects such as the representations of science in print, the media, classrooms and museums, orthodox and heterodox practices, the intersection of the history of science with the history of technology, and the ways in which public opinion and scientific expertise have influenced and shaped one another across the centuries. It concludes by introducing the "participatory turn" of the twenty-first century, a new paradigm of science popularization and a new way of understanding the construction o

L'IHMC a la primavera educativa valenciana: 13-15 maig 2016

L’IHMC ofereix nombrosos recursos per a tots els nivells de formació dins de l’ensenyament de les ciències, tant de primària i secundària com universitari o de formació del professorat. L'IHMC presentarà aquest recursos dins del congrés CTEM organitzat dins de la primavera educativa valenciana. L’IHMC ofereix nombrosos recursos per a tots els nivells de formació dins de l’ensenyament de les ciències, tant de primària i secundària com universitari o de formació del professorat. Són habitualment emprats per part del professorat interessat en fer servir la història dins de l’ensenyament de les ciències. Són habitualment emprats per part del professorat interessat en fer servir la història dins de l’ensenyament de les ciències. Les exposicions disposen habitualment de guies educatives a l’abast del professorat que vol visitar-les amb els seus estudiants. L’IHMC ofereix la possibilitat de realitzar estades temporals a professors invitats i estudiants residents. També acull a profe

CfP Children in World Cinema

Type: Call for Papers Date: July 31, 2016 Location: Texas, United States Subject Fields: Art, Art History & Visual Studies, Childhood and Education, Cultural History / Studies, Film and Film History, Popular Culture Studies CFP Children in World Cinema Call for submissions to a collection that examines the child in World (non-Western) cinema. Many studies of the child character in film, or films made for children, too often focus on Western cinema and Western models of childhood. This collection seeks to broaden the discussion of the child image by close analysis of the child and childhood as depicted in non-Western cinemas. The child image in non-Western cinema provides a broad landscape in which notions of the child and childhood take on varied meanings. This collection seeks to offer a counter-narrative to Western notions of childhood as depicted in film.  We seek contributions that examine the child image in cinemas from Africa, Asia, South

Novedad editorial: Barcelona: An Urban History of Science and Modernity, 1888-1929

The four decades between the two Universal Exhibitions of 1888 and 1929 were formative in the creation of modern Barcelona. Architecture and art blossomed in the work of Antoni Gaudi­ and many others. At the same time, social unrest tore the city apart. Topics such as art nouveau and anarchism have attracted the attention of numerous historians. Yet the crucial role of science, technology and medicine in the cultural makeup of the city has been largely ignored. The ten articles of this book recover the richness and complexity of the scientific culture of end of the century Barcelona. The authors explore a broad range of topics: zoological gardens, natural history museums, amusement parks, new medical specialities, the scientific practices of anarchists and spiritists, the medical geography of the urban underworld, early mass media, domestic electricity and astronomical observatories. They pay attention to the agenda of the bourgeois elites but also to hitherto neglecte

CfP: En busca del S@ber: Espacios y Redes de conocimiento en el Mediterráneo

In Se@rch of Wisdom: Knowledge Spaces and Networks across the Mediterranean Sea Type: Call for Papers Date: June 15, 2016 Location: Spain Subject Fields: Art, Art History & Visual Studies, Islamic History / Studies, Medieval and Byzantine History / Studies, Spanish and Portuguese History / Studies, Fine Arts Call for Papers to this conference whose aim is to deepen into the various insights of the construction of spaces and the production of works of art linked to knowledge in the Middle Ages, throughout different geographical, cultural, and social realms within the Mediterranean area. Paper proposals should include an abstract of the issue written in Spanish, English or French languages, a bibliographical reference’s list and a short Curriculum Vitae of the submiter. Proposals should be framed within one of the four sessions by the submiter. Priority will be given to  those innovative approaches, critical analyses or insights into the specific framework of the s

Call for abstracts: The science of evolution and the evolution of the sciences

Call for abstracts: The science of evolution and the evolution of the sciences We invite submissions for papers to be presented at a two-day conference on The science of evolution and the evolution of the sciences, which will be held in Leuven, Belgium on the 12th and 13th October 2016. Submissions should take the form of a 500-word abstract. Submissions on any aspect of the evolution of scientific theories are welcome, but contributions with a clear link to digital humanities are especially encouraged.   Aims and scope of the conference: One of the longstanding debates in history and philosophy of science concerns how the sciences develop. Thomas Kuhn famously emphasized the role of scientific revolutions and so-called paradigm shifts. Other philosophers, including Karl Popper and David Hull, have offered a Darwinian account of the process of science. In their view, scientists create conjectures about the way the world works, and these conjectures underg

Canadian Bulletin of Medical History

Kenton Kroker & Erika Dyck are very pleased to announce that their inaugural issue (as co-editors) of the  Canadian Bulletin of Medical History / Bulletin canadiene d'histoire de la médecine  is now available at  http://bit.ly/ CBMHBCHMOnline Now in its 33rd year, the  CBMH/BCHM  has been reborn on University of Toronto Press from the ashes of what was Wilfred Laurier University Press' Journals Division. Access is free to members of the Canadian Society for the History of Medicine. (Institutional libraries may not have yet renewed their subscription or updated their catalogues, given the press & platform changes.)  Please note that Natalie Zemon Davis' 2015 AMS Paterson Lecture on "Physicians, Healers, and their Remedies in Colonial Suriname" is open access until 3 June.

Final CFP for History and Power in the Public Sphere

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  May 15, 2016 DATE: SEPTEMBER 23-24, 2016 HISTORY AND POWER IN THE PUBLIC SPHERE CFP: The Empire, Power, Identity, and Conflict (EPIC) conference will take place on the campus of Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi, September 23-24, 2016. The theme for this year’s conference, “History and Power in the Public Sphere,” explores a topic of critical significance in contemporary environments. Considering recent collisions involving history, symbols, and heritage, historians are challenged to reflect on the proper application of historical knowledge in public conversations about civic memory. While the most recent exchanges have resided within debates over the Confederate flag, historians are uniquely equipped to contextualize these conversations along local, national and international landscapes that provide valuable perspectives on the contours of public memory and the power of historical interpretation. For that reason, hi

New Open Access Book: Discord and Concensus in the Low Countries, 1700-2000

Type:  Online Digital Resources Subject Fields:  Area Studies, Contemporary History, Diplomacy and International Relations, European History / Studies, Modern European History / Studies UCL Press is delighted to announce the publication of an open access book that may be of interest to members of this list: Discord and Concensus in the Low Countries.  Download free:  http://bit.ly/discordandconsensus   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All countries, regions and institutions are ultimately built on a degree of consensus, on a collective commitment to a concept, belief or value system. This consensus is continuously rephrased and reinvented through a narrative of cohesion and challenged by expressions of discontent and discord. The history of the Low Countries is characterised by both a striving for consensus and eruptions of discord, both internally and from external challenges. This

Apertura biblioteca digital del Institut Pasteur

Le Centre de Ressources en Information Scientifique (CeRIS) de l'Institut Pasteur vient de mettre à disposition du public 340 documents historiques numérisés provenant des fonds de sa bibliothèque et de ses archives. Du traité de microbiologie d’Emile Duclaux (1898) à la correspondance et les cahiers de laboratoire d’Arthur Pardee, de Jacques Monod ou d’Elie Wollman, en passant par des manuscrits inédits d’Eugène Wollman et d’André Lwoff, vous trouverez une sélection de ressources d'une grande richesse témoignant de la naissance en France de la biologie moléculaire . N'hésitez pas à les consulter ( http://bibnum.pasteur.fr ) et trouvez ce qui relie un blender à des spaghetti* ! Ce site est en cours de développement : il sera régulièrement alimenté de nouveaux contenus et enrichi de nouvelles fonctionnalités dans les semaines à venir. Il a reçu l'aide financière du projet BSN5 qui soutient la numérisation du patrimoine scientifique de l'ense

Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry - PartingtonPrize 2017

The Partington Prize 2017 The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry established the Partington Prize in memory of Professor James Riddick Partington, the Society's first Chairman. It is awarded every three years for an original and unpublished essay on any aspect of the history of alchemy or chemistry. The prize consists of five hundred pounds (£500) if awarded to a single essay of sufficient merit.  Alternatively, it may be divided, or not awarded at all. The competition is open to anyone with a scholarly interest in the history of alchemy or chemistry who, by the closing date of 31 December 2016, has not reached 35 years of age, or if older is a student in the history of science or has been awarded a masters degree or PhD in the history of science within the previous three years.  No restriction is placed on the nationality or country of residence of competitors.  Only one entry is permitted from any competitor. The prize-winning essay will be

7th ESHS Conference – Early Career Grant Deadline

The Conference Organizers are proud to announce that there will be a total of 10 travel awards  for the best abstracts granted to young scientists. Priority will be given to early career applicants without permanent position. Each grant includes 250 EUR and the waiving of the conference fees . In order to apply for such travel grant please submit an application form with required attachments till   May 15, 2016 the latest . Url:  http://www.7eshs2016.cz/early-career-grants/

Archivist & Digital Resources Manager

The Royal Society is the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence and the organisation owns some of the world’s most important manuscripts, books, paintings and objects relating to the history of science. We would like to share these resources with the world.   We wish to recruit an Archivist or Historian with experience in preserving and presenting archives, manuscripts and other materials as digital resources for public and academic audiences. The post-holder should be capable of planning and executing projects aimed at expressing these treasures online. Applicants should have good project management, procurement and database skills with knowledge of image capture and metadata standards for archives. The successful candidate will work within a small curatorial team and will develop ideas aimed at exciting new audiences about science and its heritage.   Closing date for applicants is Thursday 26 May 2016. We will be holding interviews on Friday 3 June 20

2017-18 Fellowship Award Announcement

Type:  Fellowship Date:  November 1, 2016 Location:  New Jersey, United States Subject Fields:  Anthropology, Political Science, Social Sciences, Sociology Each year, the School of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ, invites between 20 and 25 scholars to be in residence for the full academic year to pursue their own research. The School welcomes applications in economics, political science, law, psychology, sociology and anthropology. It encourages social scientific work with an historical and humanistic bent and also entertains applications in history, philosophy, literary criticism, literature and linguistics. Applicants must have a Ph.D. at time of application. Each year there is a general thematic focus that provides common ground for roughly half the scholars; for 2017-2018 the focus will be The Social Sciences in a Changing World. The application deadline is November 1, 2016. Applications must be submitted throug

NLM Welcomes Applications to the Michael E. DeBakey Fellowship in the History of Medicine

NLM Welcomes Applications to the Michael E. DeBakey Fellowship in the History of Medicine Earlier this year, the National Library of Medicine announced its receipt of a generous gift from The DeBakey Medical Foundation to support enhanced access to the Michael E. DeBakey Archives at the NLM and to establish the Michael E. DeBakey Fellowship in the History of Medicine: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/news/ debakey-medical-foundation- gift.html NLM is now pleased to announce the first call for applications to the Michael E. DeBakey Fellowship in the History of Medicine. Complete details are here: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/ informationfor/ debakeyfellowship.html

EAMHMS Newsletter No.2

Trobareu en aquest enllaç la segona edició de la newsletter de l' EAMHMS (European Association of Museums of the History of Medical Sciences) que acaba d'editar i publicar Sara Barnes i que conté notícies i activitats diverses, algunes de les quals relacionades amb Barcelona. Aquest mitjà està obert a la recepció de notícies. ........................................................................................................................................................... En este enlace se puede encontrar la segunda edición de la newsletter de la EAMHMS (European Association of Museums of the History of Medical Sciences) que acaba de editar y publicar Sara Barnes y que contiene notícias y actividades diversas, algunas de las cuales tienen lugar en Barcelona. Se trata de un medio abierto a incorporar novedades relacionadas con el mundo de la cultura material y la museología de la medicina. Podréis hallar aquí también el modo de informar.

Premi de recerca Josep Ricart i Giralt. XVII edició

El Museu Marítim de Barcelona i l'IRMU convoquen anualment el  Premi de Recerca Josep Ricart i Giralt a mb l'objectiu d'estimular les investigacions en el camp de les ciències socials relacionades amb el patrimoni i la cultura marítimes en l'àmbit de la costa catalana. És un premi que es concedeix a un projecte d'investigació a realitzar al llarg d'un any. Url:  http://www.mmb.cat/convocatories.php?idm=1&pagina=9&codi_subseccio=2&estic=1

Leeds/Science Museum: AHRC PhD studentship on the reception of the stethoscope

Applications are now invited for this fully funded AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Studentship. Making the Pulse: the Reception of the Stethoscope in nineteenth century Britain, 1817-1870. The University of Leeds Centre for the History and Philosophy of Science, in collaboration with the Science Museum, invites applications for a fully-funded three-year PhD studentship on the reception of the stethoscope in Britain. The studentship award has been made by the Science Museums & Archives Consortium under the AHRC’s Collaborative Doctoral Partnership scheme. The project, due to begin in October 2016, will be supervised by Dr Adrian Wilson and Dr Jonathan Topham, at the University of Leeds, and by Dr Oisín Wall at the Science Museum. The project student will explore the multiple channels of reception of the stethoscope in Britain between 1817 and 1870. The beginning of the stethoscope’s widespread use is widely acknowledged as a foundational moment in the technol