
Mostrando entradas de junio 24, 2018

Enric Novella publica El discurso psicopatológico de la modernidad

La editorial madrileña Los Libros de la Catarata acaba de publicar en su colección Investigación y Debate  El discurso psicopatológico de la modernidad  de Enric Novella, profesor de historia de la ciencia de la Universitat de València e investigador del Instituto de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia López Piñero. Inspirados en la historia de la subjetividad cultivada por autores como Michel Foucault o Charles Taylor, los ensayos reunidos en este libro   exploran la constitución y la proyección cultural de la psiquiatría y la psicopatología como uno de los ámbitos discursivos más emblemáticos y característicos de la modernidad. De este modo, se examina su cristalización histórica y su desenvolvimiento ini­cial como una empresa dirigida primariamente a adentrarse en la subjetividad del loco y como una (novedosa) herramienta de análisis histórico, diag­nóstico social y crítica cultural en la que se ma­nifiesta de un modo ejemplar la reflexividad del mundo modern

CfP: Governing Environmental Change: Science Diplomacy and the Global Politics of Knowledge since the 19th century

Organizers: Nadin Heé (FU Berlin), Mariko Jacoby (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin), Sönke Kunkel (John F. Kennedy-Institute/FU Berlin), Simone Turchetti (University of Manchester) Venue: Berlin, November 16-17, 2018 Deadline: August 10, 2018 Whether it’s climate change, the conservation and management of natural resources, environmental pollution or the protection of wildlife and the biosphere – states and civil societies around the world today typically rely on scientific knowledge to counter the global environmental challenges of our times. Some governments have officially installed programs in “Science Diplomacy” to be able to cope with environmental change. Science organizations organize the transnational build-up of research capacities in fields such as the environmental sciences. And international organizations and transnational foundations, too, now widely promote international scientific collaboration and cooperation, claiming tha

CfP: 7th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science

7th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science Conference website: https://tekniskmuseum.no/ history-of-science   We are happy to welcome you in Oslo for the 7th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science, 15-16. November 2018. The conference will bring together scholars working on the history of science, medicine and technology on any theme, topic or period to discuss historical, epistemological, political, institutional and ethical issues of relevance to both a Scandinavian and an international audience. The conference aims at providing a forum for stimulating discussions among researchers of all nationalities at all stages of their careers.   Three years have passed since the conference was last held. This year's organizing committee, which was set up on an ad hoc basis at the previous conference, hopes to revive the tradition, by organizing it as a biannual event. To make this happen a constitutive meeting will be held in Oslo in November with the a

CfP: War and Illness: Experiences and Patterns of Cultural Interpretation from Antiquity to the Present

War and Illness: Experiences and Patterns of Cultural Interpretation from Antiquity to the Present Oganized by Arbeitskreis Militärgeschichte e.V. in cooperation with the Institute for the History, Theory, and Ethics of Medicine at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen Oganizing committee: Gundula Gahlen (FU Berlin) / Dominik Groß (RWTH Aachen) / Ulrike Ludwig (GU Frankfurt am Main) / Mathias Schmidt (RWTH Aachen) / Jens Westemeier (RWTH Aachen Location : Aachen Date : Thursday, 26 September–Saturday, 28 September 2019 War brings not only death, but also illness. The experience of battle and the confrontation with violence, death, and injury take a heavy physical and psychological toll. Hunger and epidemic are conflict’s constant companions. Yet the illnesses that follow from war have been subject to significant change. This is due not only to the continually changing nature of war, but also to culturally varying definitions of illness. I

Tesis de Medicina digitalizadas -- Paris 1539-1793

Nous annonçons la mise en ligne, dans la bibliothèque Medica de la BIU Santé, de la totalité de la collection des  thèses de médecine d'Ancien régime dite "collection Baron" , du nom des deux doyens de la Faculté de médecine qui l'ont constituée.  Cette collection de plus de 4000 documents  contient notamment la quasi-totalité des thèses parisiennes parues entre 1539 et 1793 [sic: quelques thèses ont été soutenues après la suppression de la Faculté de médecine en 1792]. Vous pouvez en apprendre davantage en consultant l'article de blog de Solenne Coutagne, responsable de Medica :  http://www2.biusante.parisde scartes.fr/wordpress/index. php/les-theses-dancien-regime- sortent-des-combles/

CfP: Political Culture and the History of Knowledge: Actors, Institutions, Practices

Conference at the German Historical Institute Washington DC, June 6-8, 2019 Conveners: German Historical Institute Washington DC: Kerstin von der Krone, Simone Lässig Center “History of Knowledge” at the University Zurich and the ETH Zurich: Kijan Espahangizi, Nils Güttler, Monika Wulz Institute of the Formation of Knowledge at the University of Chicago: Shadi Bartsch-Zimmer Knowledge is omnipresent yet its value is increasingly being called into question. Amid the flood of information disseminated by social media, amid talk of “fake news” and “alternative facts,” expertise is subject to challenges from many directions. These developments make the historyof knowledge especially relevant today. They also make politics and political culture an ideal test case for assessing the potential and limits of the history of knowledge. Knowledge plays an important role in political activities from voter mobilization to governmental decision-making. As recent historical resea

CfP: Boundaries in/of Environmental History - 10th Biennial European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) Conference

URL:  http://eseh.org/event/next-conference/2019-conference-call-for-papers/ Tallinn, Estonia, 21 to 25 August 2019 Hosting institution: Estonian Centre for Environmental History (KAJAK), Tallinn University The European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) is pleased to invite proposals for sessions, individual papers, roundtables, posters and other, more experimental forms of communicating scholarship for its 2019 biennial conference. Boundary studies is a rapidly growing field of interdisciplinary research that is increasingly relevant in historical research, for example, through studies on trans­national or migration histories, global and colonial environments, relations of humans and animals or technical systems. After a successful conference in Zagreb where we tackled boundaries as contact zones in between, we would like to turn inwards and address the phenomenon of boundaries as internal processes. An environmental historian negotiates constantly the

CfP: Cold War and Environmental Sciences: Circulations, exchanges and cooperation between the USSR and the West, 1950s-1990s

International scientific collaboration during the Cold War has attracted increased attention during the last decade not least for its ability to further insight into the evident contradictory trends of knowledge production and secrecy, cooperation and conflict. At the same time, much of the analysis has been on research activities in Western settings, or else from a Western perspective. Inspired in part by the 1972 US-USSR Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection , this workshop seeks to explore the specifics of the collaboration between the East and the West in the broad area of the environmental sciences moving beyond the high-level political discussions between superpowers in order to explore the perspectives of intergovernmental initiatives, sub-national scientific groupings, as well as individual scientists from both sides of the ideological divide. Underlining the contradictions noted above, many of those sciences proving effective in the

Job Posting: Library Assistant at The New York Academy of Medicine

The New York Academy of Medicine seeks a Library Assistant.   The Library Assistant supports the activities of professional staff by providing services in collection retrieval, reshelving, access, acquisition and cataloging support, and document reproduction and delivery. Essential Duties and Responsibilities ·    Retrieves and reshelves periodicals, bound journals, monographs, manuscripts, pamphlets, government documents, and other materials daily for staff, patrons, and the fulfillment of document delivery requests. ·    Scans materials to fulfill patron orders and document delivery requests, and for staff as requested. ·    Assists in the reading rooms, including answering the telephone, supervising readers, collecting funds for fee-based services, and responding to basic queries for information. ·    Assists with tasks related to the maintenance and upkeep of the collection, including shelf reading, shifting, boxing materials in preparation for binding or