
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 25, 2022

CfA: Summer School Never-ending Diseases

Tracing Never‐ending Diseases. New Trends in Medical, Material, and Audiovisual History. 5-9 June 2023. Brocher Foundation, Switzerland Deadline for application: 15 January 2023 Among confirmed speakers and teachers are: Prof. Christos Lynteris (University of St Andrews, Scotland), prof. Anna Harris (Maastricht University, The Netherlands), prof. Jean-Paul Gaudillière (EHESS Paris, France), prof. Janina Kehr (Universität Wien). General Description The Tracing Never‐ending Diseases: New Trends in Medical, Material, and Audiovisual History Summer School aims to probe the history of public health methodologies and materialities in education and medical research to trace, test, inventory, and treat infectious diseases between the end of the 19th century up until the present day, in which we focus on the body and micro-organisms with questions such as (but not limited to), a) What objects and artefacts did doctors and researchers mobilize at different moments in time to give a visible and t

Call for contributions: Histories of science and childhood

Researchers at all career levels are invited to send abstracts (c.200-300 words) for a first-stage expression of interest for the journal Osiris, an annual thematic journal that highlights research on significant themes in the history of science. We are looking to present a proposal for a thematic issue on the intersections between science and childhood across different historical periods and geographical locations. Throughout history, children have been employed as both subjects of intervention and objects of scientific knowledge and experimentation. They form an important part of the history of science – and yet they are often obscured from it. At the same time, science, technology, and medicine have been central to the constitution of the modern concepts of ‘childhood’ and ‘youth’, which have been different across time and space. This issue seeks to bring together the fields of the history of science and the history of childhood to understand how they intersect, and the historical r

CfA: 24th Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science (SAHMS)

March 2-4, 2023. Emory University (Atlanta, GA) Submissions for individual papers and panels can be made online at the SAHMS website, at http://www.sahms.net/call-for-papers.html The deadline for submissions is Monday, November 21, 2022. The Program Committee will notify you as to whether your paper is accepted no later than January 15, 2023. SAHMS is seeking paper submissions for its 2023 conference. We welcome work from students (including undergraduate, graduate, medical, and health sciences professional students), professors, medical professionals, and independent scholars with an academic interest in the history of science and or medicine.   Submissions from all fields related to the historical understanding of science, medicine, nursing, health care, and the medical and health science professions, as well as closely related topics, including issues related to science, medicine, race, disabilities, sustainability, environment, technology, and gender studies, are welcome. Papers co

Vicent Peset Llorca Fellowships for research at the Library and Museum of the López Piñero Interuniversity Institute (IILP)

The fellowships are addressed to researchers in history of science, technology and medicine to develop research projects that make use of the collections of the library (la Biblioteca “Vicent Peset Llorca”) and museum (Museu d’Història de la Medicina i de la Ciència) of the López Piñero Interuniversity Institute at the Universitat de València (IILP-UV). Call: Annual (academic calendar). Deadline: 15 October Duration: minimum 1 week, maximum 1 month Requirements: PhD (or advanced doctoral studies). Project connected to the IILP-UV collections and research lines. Presenting project results of research in IILP-UV seminar series or related teaching and outreach activities. Developing working meetings with IILP-UV members. Funding: Maximum of 1500 € for accommodation expenses at Col·legi Major Rector Peset (or similar) during a period of (maximum) one month, (minimum) one week. The amount awarded depends on duration, funding availability and number of fellowships awarded in the call. Fellow

CfP: International workshop on Small Science, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 2-3 February 2023

We invite paper proposals for the international workshop Small Science: Perspectives on Contemporary Small-Scale Research. The event will take place in person on February 2-3, 2023 at the Institut d’Història de la Ciència, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. However, there will also be a virtual option for those choosing to attend remotely. Through the second half of the 20th century, the rise of Big Science eclipsed researchers producing substantial knowledge with modest means. Since the turn of the century, however, a concern with small ways of knowing and doing is noticeable. Isabelle Stengers’ slow science, Manu Prakash’s frugal science, Sebastián Ureta’s ruination science, Rosi Braidotti’s minor science, Simon Werrett’s thrifty science… Increased attention is being paid, in the current planetary crisis, to humble yet effective research practices. The early modern approach to “achieving a balance between spending and buying new and saving and making use of things”, Werrett notices,

Call for book proposals on the impact of pandemics - Helsinki University Press

Helsinki University Press (HUP) is seeking proposals for original research, across multiple disciplines, on the cultural, economic, social, and political dimensions of pandemics. We welcome proposals for monographs, short monographs, and edited volumes. Dissertations and conference proceedings will not be considered. We are open to all methodological and epistemological approaches, and welcome research proposals that promote better understanding of historical and/or present pandemics. All proposals are first evaluated by HUP’s editorial team and Academic Board. Selected proposals and manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer-review process prior to a publishing decision. Accepted manuscripts will be published in open access with the possibility to buy paperbacks as print on demand. No author fees will be charged for manuscripts published through this call. Submissions will be evaluated on a rolling base and proposals are welcome at any point up until 31 January 2023 (at 23:59 EEST). If you h

CfP: Making women and other underrepresented groups visible in philosophy and history of science

From Young Researchers For Young Researchers. WORKSHOP from 7 to 8 March 2023, at the Karl-Franzens University Graz The Centre for the History of Science and the Institute of Philosophy of the Karl-Franzens University of Graz are organizing a workshop from 7 to 8 March 2023, in which female and other underrepresented scientists and philosophers who have been formative for philosophy, science, or the history of science in the course of history and who have received little or no attention in the previous (philosophy and science) historiography will be given space. The workshop strives for a cross-epochal orientation, through which it becomes possible to shed light on the participation of women and other underrepresented groups in the history of philosophy and science.  The one-and-a-half-day colloquium will be interdisciplinary, and this interdisciplinarity should make it possible to look at the event's topic beyond the disciplines' boundaries. Based on the idea "From Young

Grant: History of energy research grant 2022-23

Since its foundation in 2001, the Committee for the history of electricity and energy has two objectives : to conduct or foster scientific research, and to share and impart knowledge on the history and heritage of electricity and energy. In these perspectives, it offers grants varying from 1,500 to 3,000 euros to graduate students. Language and subject conditions: Applications can be written in French or English. The thesis or dissertation may be written in the language chosen by the student. However, a summary in French or English will be submitted to the Committee for the History of Electricity and Energy for theses or dissertations written in any other language, after their completion. The project must deal, at least partly, with the history of electricity or energy in France, Europe or elsewhere in the world. Administrative conditions:

Novedad bibliográfica: Torres Villarroel y los almanaques: literatura, astrología y sociedad en el siglo XVIII

Acaba de salir en la editorial Visor el libro Torres Villarroel y los almanaques: literatura, astrología y sociedad en el siglo XVIII, que contiene más de veinte estudios monográficos sobre la materia. Los datos pueden consultarse en la página de la editorial, donde también se puede adquirir: https://www.visor-libros.com/tienda/torres-villaroel-y-los-almanaques.html Este libro es uno de los resultados principales del proyecto Almanaques literarios y pronósticos astrológicos en España durante el siglo XVIII: estudio, edición y crítica (ALMA-18), del Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación, Referencia: FFI2017-82179-P, desarrollado entre 2018 y 2021.

CfP: Towards a history of disability in Eastern Europe

The working group “history of disabilities in Eastern Europe” at Indiana University invites applicants to submit proposals for papers at a conference hosted by the Indiana University Berlin Gateway on June 30-July 1, 2023. The two-day conference aims to foster opportunities for collaboration and networking and to feature research projects in any aspects of the history of disabilities in the region, with a focus on the modern period.  We are able to provide funds for travel and accommodations for some participants on a competitive basis and will prioritize junior scholars from Eastern Europe. The conference will be hybrid to enable participation by those unable to travel.  Please send any inquiries to the organizer, Maria Bucur.   To be considered, please submit a title and short abstract (up to 250 waords) of the paper to be presented, together with a 2 page CV. Deadline: December 15th, 2022.

Irish Government research funding opportunities at Trinity College Dublin

The Department of Philosophy at Trinity College Dublin welcomes applications under the Irish Research Council (IRC) Government of Ireland funding schemes for both postgraduate and postdoctoral programmes. Further details are available here: https://research.ie/funding/ The Department can offer supervision/mentorship in the following area of philosophy: History of Philosophy (Lilian Alweiss, John Divers, Jim Levine, Vasilis Politis), Metaphysics (John Divers, Alison Fernandes) Epistemology and Philosophy of Religion (Paul O’Grady), Philosophy of Language and Logic (Jim Levine), Philosophy of Science (Alison Fernandes) and Political Philosophy (Adina Preda). Potential applicants should, in the first instance, contact one of the academics listed above with a research proposal.  The deadline for applications is October 20th, 2022. Trinity College Dublin will conduct online information sessions for prospective applicants on September 22 (PhD) and 27 (postdoctoral). 

CfP: The Politics of Knowledge and Cognition: African Perspectives

Editors: Prof Isaac E. Ukpokolo, University of Ibadan; Dr Elvis Imafidon, SOAS University of London; Dr Peter A. Ikhane, University of Ibadan   A flourishing area in applied epistemology today is the exploration of the intersection between epistemology and politics. Emerging from this discourse in recent years is the field of political epistemology which examines and analyses the bearing and impact of the analytic and conceptual tools and theories of epistemology on political theory, practice, and philosophy. Michael Hannon and Jeroen de Ridder’s The Routledge Handbook of Political Epistemology (2021), Elizabeth Edenberg and Michael Hannon’s Political Epistemology (2021), and Pietro Daniel Omodeo’s Political Epistemology: The Problem of Ideology in Science Studies (2019) are examples of key publications in this field. However, less attention has been paid to a study and discourse of the reverse relationship of the intersection of politics and epistemology: examining analyzing the beari