
Mostrando entradas de abril 10, 2016

2º Encontro Ibérico de História da Matemática

Coimbra, 14-16 de julio de 2016 El 2º Encontro Ibérico de História da Matemática va a realizarse en Coimbra, en  el Departamento de Matemática de la Universidad de Coimbra y en su Museo de la  Ciencia. Comenzará el jueves 14 de julio por la tarde y terminará el sábado 16 de julio.  El 1er Encuentro Ibérico de Historia de las Matemáticas tuvo lugar en Santiago de  Compostela, durante el Congreso de la RSME de 2013. Este 2º Encontro es un  satélite del Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática que se  realizará en Barreiro del 11 al 13 de julio de 2016. En el encuentro de Santiago hubo  un total de 25 comunicaciones (portuguesas y españolas) y aquí esperamos tener un  número similar. Las comunicaciones serán de 25 minutos, con excepción de algunas invitadas  que tendrán una duración de 45 minutos. Pedimos a quien quiera presentar una  comunicación que haga el favor de enviarnos el título y un resumen de entre 10 y 20  líneas, a ser posible con bibliografía, pero nu

Oferta laboral a Agència de Patrimoni Cultural - MNACTEC

Diverses ofertes de feina als museus de Catalunya (entre altres, llicenciat àrea difusió de MNACTEC - Deadline: 17 d'abril): http://cultura.gencat.cat/ca/ departament/estructura_i_ adreces/organismes/dgpc/accio/ agencia_patrimoni/ contractacions-de-personal/ 

CFC: Epidemics and War: The Impact of Disease on Major Conflicts in History

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  May 15, 2016 Location:   North Carolina, United States Subject Fields: History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Military History, World History / Studies, Environmental History / Studies Call for contributions to forthcoming volume on disease and war: Greetings to all! We are undertaking a new volume under the banner of ABC-CLIO with the Praeger Press.  Contributors are welcome to submit proposals to be part of this reference work on  Epidemics and War. The call for authors/contributors is under way for a single-volume reference work.  Scholars who specialize in the history of epidemics and/or military history are sought for this volume.  Each chapter will target a specific disease and will include the history of the disease, its occurrence and impact on wars over the ages, ranging from the fifth century BCE to the 21 st  century.  Disease symptoms will be revealed, including problems associated with diagnosing the

Call for Posters: Science in Public 2016

Science in Public: Past, Present and Future Centre for the History of the Sciences, University of Kent, Canterbury: 13-15 July 2016 The call for papers for Science in Public 2016 is now closed but we invite proposals for our poster session, outlining research findings, engagement activities, upcoming events, announcements, networks and questions for debate. Please send abstracts of about 250 words, enquiries and queries to Rebekah Higgitt ( r.higgitt@kent.ac.uk ) by 6 May. For more details about the conference, see:  https://scienceinpublic. org/science-in-public-2016/ Registration is now open , with the early bird rate available until 20 May.  We look forward to welcoming many of you in July to join us for what looks like a stimulating, fascinating, varied and international programme. Finally, if anyone is interesting in offering a set for our SiP-themed comedy gig, please get in touch. Conference organisers: Charlotte Sleigh and Rebekah Higgitt

Chapters needed for an edited volume on Childbirth and Spirituality in Late Modern to Contemporary Society

Type:  Call for Publications Date:  May 10, 2016 Subject Fields:  Health and Health Care, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Women's & Gender History / Studies, World History / Studies, Religious Studies and Theology This edited volume to be published by Lexington Books will explore the intersection of religion/spirituality with childbirth and midwifery.  In the Late Modern period (1800 to the present day) in large parts of the world, midwives were overshadowed and undermined by the growing professionalism of medicine, hospitalization and ultimately the medicalization of the birthing process itself. Due to these changes the meaning of childbirth has shifted, often becoming more private and more medical. This volume will examine the way in which spirituality has either been brought back to childbirth, often through alternative spiritualities, or has remained in certain traditions, often in conflict with prevailing scientific attitudes.

Donació de publicacions IMF-CSIC

La Institució Milà i Fontanals ofereix en donació l'excedent de les seves publicacions a biblioteques interessades. Es tracta, principalment, d'alguns volums de la sèrie Anejos del Anuario de Estudios Medievals, i alguns fascicles de les revistes Anuario de Estudios Medievales, Anuario Musical, Miscel·lània de Textos Medievals i Ethnica, revista d'antropologia, que poden ajudar a completar les vostres col·leccions. Podeu consultar els títols disponibles al següent enllaç: http://www.imf.csic.es/files/ ficheros/Biblioteca/stocks_ pub_imf.pdf Les sol·licituds les podeu dirigir abans del 30/04/2016 a la següent adreça de correu electrònic: bib_mila@imf.csic.es Les peticions seran ateses en funció de les existències i les despeses de tramesa aniran a càrrec de la biblioteca peticionària. Per a particulars durant la setmana del 18 a 22 d'abril s'habilitarà un espai en l'entrada de la Institució al carrer de les Egipcíaques, 15, on quedaran

CfP. Colouring and Making in Alchemy and Chemistry - SHAC PostgraduateWorkshop

Sent on behalf of Mike Zuber by Anna Simmons, SHAC Membership Secretary and Acting Honorary Secretary Call for Papers | Colouring and Making in Alchemy and Chemistry 7th SHAC Postgraduate Workshop Utrecht University (Wednesday, 26 October 2016) Keynote Lecturers Tara Nummedal (Brown University) Ernst Homburg (Maastricht University) SOCIETY ALCHEMY of for the and HISTORY CHEMISTRY Hosted by the ARTECHNE research group, the annual postgraduate workshop of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC) will take place at Utrecht University in 2016. Fostering exchange among historians of alchemy and chemistry, the workshop offers postgraduate students and early-career researchers the opportunity to share ideas, explore methodological issues and network in a stimulating atmosphere. The theme for 2016, ‘Colouring and Making in Alchemy and Chemistry’, seeks to highlight colouring and making as twin aspects throughout the history of alchemy and chemistry.


CfP for the International Workshop "Nature(s, Humans nad God(s) in Literature. Representations" which is organized by the Commission on Science and Literature DHST/IUHPST from 8-9 July 2016. The International Commission on Science and Literature DHST/IUHPST, the Institute of Historical Research/ National Hellenic Research foundation and the Hellenic Open University organize a two-days’ workshop to study the representations of Nature, Humans and God(s) in Literature. The workshop is part of the very prestigious “Hermoupolis Seminars” which have been organized for more than 30 years every July on Syros Island. The main question addressed by the papers of the workshop will be the scientific content of the nature(s)’, humans’ and god(s)’ representations in all forms of literature.  Furthermore, the role or lack thereof of scientific accuracy in such works will also be considered. The venue of the workshop will be the “Historical Archives of the State” i

XV PREMI ANTONI QUINTANA I MARÍ per a treballs de recerca d’estudiants de batxillerat

BASES 2016 La Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (SCHCT), amb la intenció de despertar l’interès per l’estudi i la recerca de la història de la ciència i de la tècnica entre els estudiants de batxillerat, convoca el quinzè Premi Antoni Quintana i Marí amb les bases següents: 1. Poden participar-hi tots els alumnes dels centres de Batxillerat dels Països Catalans. Els originals hauran d’estar redactats en llengua catalana. 2. Les obres que es presentin a concurs han de ser fruit del treball de recerca individual o col·lectiva, tutelada, que els estudiants de Batxillerat duen a terme com a part del seu currículum. 3. Els treballs han de versar sobre aspectes de la història de la ciència, de la medicina i de la tècnica en qualsevol dels seus àmbits temàtics, cronològics i geogràfics. 4. El format i l’extensió dels treballs són lliures. S’ha de lliurar una còpia original del treball impresa en paper, conjuntament amb la correspo

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowships

Call for expressions of interest for the submission of Marie Sklodowska-Curie proposals - History of Nuclear Energy and Society ·        Job Description ·        Job Summary:   Dr. Albert Presas i Puig, established at the Department of Humanities of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona), offers two positions for candidates interested in submitting a proposal for the Marie Curie Individual Fellowships. Dr. Presas is member of the History of Science Studies Research Group, devoted to the promotion of the understanding of science and technology as social factors that are in turn shaped by historical, cultural and social forces. He is also the PI of the international project "History of Nuclear Energy and Society" ( www.honest2020.eu ). His research interests focus on science, culture and power; science in the European periphery; Science and Francoism and the history of nuclear energy. We are interested in sponsoring two post-doctoral students working in some of these dom

2nd International Conference on Science and Literature

CfP for the 2nd International Conference on Science and Literature organized by the Commssion on Science and Literature DHST/IUHPST. The deadline for submission of proposals is 30th of April 2016. Following the successful 1st International Conference on Science and Literature which took place in Athens this Conference is the second to be organized under the aegis of the Commission on Science and Literature DHST/IUHPST. The second International Conference will be co-organized by the History of Physics Group/European Physical Society, Echophysics and the Victor Franz Hess Society with the technical support of the Hellenic Open University. As it was the case with the first Conference, the second one does not have a specific theme, as its intent continues to be the creation of an open forum for all scholars interested in Science and Literature, thus bringing into the dialogue multiple perspectives. Nevertheless, the Conference will be organized along thematic sessions,

Cambridge University Lecturer in the Sociology of Science and Technology

Cambridge University Lecturer in the Sociology of Science and Technology - Closing date 17 April 2016 The Department of Sociology is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified individual to a University Lectureship in the Sociology of Science and Technology preferably from September 2016. The post is supported by the Trinity Joint Lectureship Scheme, and the successful candidate will be expected to take up a Fellowship at Robinson College. We encourage applications from scholars working in any area of the sociology of science and technology, including (but not restricted to) sociological work on medicine and the life sciences, on biotechnology and the biotech industries, on digital technologies and their social and political impact, and on social aspects of the environment and climate change. This appointment fits closely with the broader research strategy of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences and the University as it seeks to strengthen collaborative research between the

IV SHIALC - Simpósio de História da Informática na América Latina e Caribe

IV SHIALC - Simpósio de História da Informática na América Latina e Caribe Evento associado à XLII CLEI  - Valparaíso/Chile 10- 14 Outubro  de 2016 Nova data final para o envio de trabalhos:  15 de maio de 2016 O IV SHIALC será realizado conjuntamente com a XLII CLEI na cidade de Valparaíso, Chile e será organizado  pelas universidades Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV) e Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM).  A história das Tecnologias da  Informação  e Comunicação  (TICs) na América  Latina e no  Caribe  (ALC),  com  mais  de  cinquenta  anos,  revela  ao  longo  de  sua  trajetória  uma imensa experiência acumulada a partir de iniciativas, esforços e projetos pioneiros. Integralmente  incorporadas  à  realidade  de  nossa  região,  as  TICs  já  têm  uma  presença suficientemente madura para suscitar um balanço que procure dar conta de seu passado e de suas  origens na  ALC.  Uma  reflexão  e  um  estudo  mais extenso  de  sua  histór