
Mostrando entradas de abril 18, 2021

The Gender of Things-call for contributions

Call for contributions to a collective volume.  Title: The Gender of Things: How Epistemic and Technological Objects Become Gendered Topic:  Do things have gender? What an unthinkable question especially to space engineers who put astronauts on the moon; to artificial intelligence researchers who construct humanoid robots to assist humanity in saving the planet; to physicists who investigate nature inside a scientific laboratory; to surgeons who struggle to save human lives in state-of-the-art operating theaters. Yet, what seems “unthinkable” to practitioners in science, technology and medicine, has been common knowledge to scholars working in the humanities and the social sciences: things could be gendered. This is a book about the processes of gendering things.  It is an interdisciplinary approach to the relationship between gender and the material culture of technoscience, in other words, gender and contradictory cultural, economic and social values  and meanings attributed to epist

Wellcome MA studentships in History of Medicine at Newcastle, 2021

Newcastle holds a Wellcome Master's Programme Award for its  MA in the History of Medicine  programme, and will be offering up to two studentships (home fees + £16,000 stipend + research development fund and mentoring to support the transition to postgraduate study) for September 2021 entry. Full details of how to apply can be found  here . Please note the upcoming deadline (5pm on May 28th), and note that candidates need to have been accepted onto the  MA  programme before we can consider their application for a  studentship . Any informal enquiries can be directed to Dr Vicky Long.

CfP: Past, Present, and Future of the History of Meteorology, 15 Sept 2021 (online)

We are delighted to announce that as part of the International Commission for the History of Meteorology's 20th anniversary celebrations this year, we will be running a conference on the Past, Present, and Future of the History of Meteorology, online on 15th Sept 2021. The Call for Papers can be found below this email and online at:  http://meteohistory.org/2021/c all-for-papers-past-present-an d-future-of-the-history-of-met eorology/ The deadline for abstracts of 250 words is July 15, 2021

CfP: Communicating Physics in and through its History

  Communicating Physics in History and Communicating Physics through its History. The factors shaping Communicating Physics in History are as many as the forms it can take, and a few questions are mentioned below as examples of topics the contributions might address: -Communicating Physics between individuals: How was the form and content of scientific communication affected by status and authority? Which role play gender and cultural and ethnic background? -Communicating Physics in (in-)formal networks: How changed the communication from the early modern networks to the age to virtual conferences today? -Communicating Physics without words: How are nonverbal practices and knowledge communicated? -Communicating Physics beyond the scientific community: How was physics communicated beyond the scientific community? In our meeting we want also to address another perspective of communication in physics: Communicating Physics through its History. We want to ask how the history of physics is

Beca de Doctorado 2021-2022. Convocatoria

La Fundación Juanelo Turriano convoca una beca para la realización de tesis doctoral, dotada con 14.400 euros anuales. La tesis debe versar sobre materias propias de la historia de la ciencia o de la técnica, valorándose la relación del tema con la historia de la ingeniería en los campos de la hidráulica, construcciones civiles, mecánica o arquitectura. El plazo para la presentación de solicitudes concluye el 16 de septiembre de 2021.   Url:  https://www.juaneloturriano.com/becas-de-doctorado/beca-de-doctorado/2021/04/20/convocatoria-2121-2022

Durham: Slater Fellowship

Applications for this Fellowship are now open.  The closing date for receipt of applications is midnight (UK time) Sunday, 9 May 2021.  Please submit your application to  admin.imems@durham.ac.uk .   How to apply Applicants should submit a  CV and a brief summary of what they propose to work   on during their time at Durham  (maximum one side of A4). They must demonstrate how their proposed research complements or ties in with existing IMEMS research strands, or the research of individual members of the Institute. Proposals for projects involving Durham staff or postgraduate students and those which are interdisciplinary in nature are particularly welcome. Proposals for research using primary source material in the collections held in Palace Green Library, Durham Cathedral Library and Ushaw College Library are also encouraged. When applying, please indicate which term(s) you are available for during the academic year 2021/22. Please offer as much flexibility as possible and note that t

CfP: TOPOI, What's so special about faces?

Faces, or at least T-shaped face patterns, grab human beings’ attention since the very earlier days of life. And they remain the most relevant stimuli of the social environment. Possibly, since (quoting William James 1984) “the most important part of my environment is my fellow-man”, faces are among the most relevant stimuli of the environment  tout court . While face is a vehicle of social information in many animals (Leopold & Rhodes 2010), its social role is eminently manifest in our species. Faces are the default channel to reveal one’s identity, both in everyday life and in forensic contexts (Leone 2020). Psychology construe faces as powerful tools for conveying affective states and several other social information (Jack & Schyns 2015). They trigger the formation of first impressions that, while often misguided, prime subsequent behavioral interactions (Todorov et al. 2015). The cognitive relevance of faces is also reflected in neural regions selective for face processing
Science and technology studies (STS) is “not yet queer” (Muñoz, 2009, p. 1). Even though both queer and science and technology studies have a shared commitment to the denaturalising of hegemonic knowledge (scientific, medical, or otherwise), STS scholarship has only engaged in a limited manner with the historical and ongoing co-construction of science, technology, gender, and sexuality (Voss and Lock, 2012). As Maria do Mar Pereira (2019) has noted, work at the margins of STS pertaining to gender or sexuality Is something of a paradox: viewed as, at once, hackneyed topics and also quite extraneous to the ‘mainstream’ concerns of the discipline. Equally, while work in queer studies has often critiqued the regulatory function of scientific knowledge as it pertains to queerness or the place of science in queer politics, it has sometimes under-problematised the notion of ‘science’ as a body of knowledge. Excitingly, under the banner of ‘queer STS’, scholars, like the Queer STS working grou

Convocatoria Premios Investigadores Jóvenes 2021

La Real Academia de Ingeniería con el copatrocinio de la Fundación “Pro Rebus Academiae”, convoca los Premios “Agustín de Betancourt y Molina” y “Juan López de Peñalver” para el año 2021. Los premios “Agustín de Betancourt y Molina” y “Juan López de Peñalver” se destinan a investigadores y profesionales en el campo de la ingeniería que el 1 de enero de 2021 tengan menos de 40 años de edad y que mantengan vinculación con España, en donde hayan desarrollado parte significativa de sus trabajos.   El premio “Agustín de Betancourt y Molina” está destinado en particular a personas individuales que hayan realizado labores notorias de Investigación en el campo de la Ingeniería, conducentes a asentar las bases y/o propiciar nuevos desarrollos e innovaciones en cualquiera de sus ámbitos profesionales.   El premio “Juan López de Peñalver” está destinado en particular a personas individuales, o a equipos de trabajo, formados por miembros que mayoritariamente tengan menos de 40 años de edad, que ha