
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 3, 2019

Seminario on line: Reformas sanitarias en Brasil y países del sur de Europa en el siglo XX

Organiza: Colegio Doctoral Tordesillas de Salud Pública e Historia de la Ciencia e Instituto Interuniversitario López Piñero con la colaboración de la Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica. 14 de noviembre de 2019 16:00-16:15 Presentación del seminario.  Maria Pastor Valero . Directora de Área de Doctorado Internacional. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. Coordinadora del Colegio Doctoral Tordesillas de Salud Pública e Historia de la Ciencia. Enrique Perdiguero Gil . Director de la sede de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche del Instituto Interuniversitario López Piñero de Estudios Históricos y Sociales, sobre ciencia, tecnología, medicina y medio ambiente 16:15-17:15  Guido Giarelli  (Università degli Studi “Magna Græcia”, Italia), “A Mediterranean paradigm? Convergence and divergence in the Southern European health care systems”. 17:15-17:30 Pausa 17:30-18:30  María Cristina Da Costa Marques  (Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil), “A formação e

XVII Jornada sobre la Historia de la ciència i l'ensenyament «Antoni Quintana Marí» 15 – 16 novembre 2019, Barcelona

PROGRAMA PROVISIONAL A continuació de la sessió inaugural es presentaran les comunicacions amb els seus corresponents debats. Durant el desenvolupament de la Jornada es durà a terme el lliurament del “XVII Premi Antoni Quintana Marí” per a treballs de recerca d’estudiants d’ensenyament obligatori i post obligatori. Antoni Quintana Marí (1907-1998) fou un dels pioners de la Història de la Ciència a Catalunya pels treballs sobre Antoni Martí i Franquès que publicà a partir de 1932. Mestre, més de químic, col·laborà amb el Seminari de Pedagogia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona en l’època republicana, on plantejà el valor pedagògic de la història de la ciència. Sobre aquesta qüestió publicà un treball a la revista Archeion, de l’Académie Internationale d’Histoire des Sciences. Amb una trajectòria destacada en l’àmbit de la química cerealista, mantingué la vocació investigadora per la història de la ciència, convençut que era una eina útil per a l’ensenyament. El p

ESHS Bologna 2020

 The theme of the 2020 meeting is “ Visual, Material and Sensory Cultures of Science ”, a very broad and inclusive topic. Sessions and talks might address the history of the sensory approaches to scientific objects, their material culture, as well as the building of scientific practices based on the use of the senses (vision, hearing, touch and smell), with particular attention to the history of the relationship between the visual arts and the sciences across nations, periods, and historiographies; visual epistemologies and the cultural practice of thinking scientifically with images; and the relationship between different media (print, photography, digital imaging, etc.) and scientific disciplines in various social, political, and economic contexts. Given the developments of the discipline in the past twenty years, we see this theme as particularly topical and capable of generating broad historical questions at the same time. This theme will provide ample opportunity

CfP: Outer Edge: Queer(y)ing STEM Collections

Outer Edge: Queer(y)ing STEM Collections 1st Vienna Workshop on STEM Museums, Gender and Sexuality When:  5th March - Half-day pre-workshop activities & 6th March 2020 - All day workshop Where:  Technisches Museum Wien (Vienna Museum of Technology) How can the science and technology museum, as a cultural and social institution, explore the opportunities of reflecting and developing a plural society? In what ways are these museums still bound by existing collecting, labeling, and exhibiting practices? How are museum curators, practitioners, scholars grappling with these problems, and what tools, tactics and methods are helping tackling these tasks? The Technisches Museum Wien instigates the first Vienna workshop on gender and sexuality in STEM collections. As a part of the museum’s “Focus Gender”, this workshop will critically attend to constructions of gendered and/or heteronormative technology and science, and to emphasise the role of the object and material culture in

CfP “Academic Authority and the Politics of Science and History in Eastern Europe” Workshop

CfP “Academic Authority and the Politics of Science and History in Eastern Europe” Workshop, March 21-22, 2020 (GWZO Leipzig, Germany)   The scholar is dead – long live the scholar? Over the last couple of decades, the epistemological tectonics of contemporary societies have experienced massive changes – and so has the subject of our workshop, the scholar. Within a highly diverse environment, scholarship has become destabilised as an epistemic authority, due to socio-political processes, economic pressure, internal conflicts, new media techniques etc. The workshop aims to investigate the historical changes and challenges of (academic) scholarship’s role as the paramount producer of knowledge. Concentrating on (the public perception of) STS scholars, historians, sociologists and philosophers of science, as well as their non-academic counterparts, we aim to analyse concepts of scientific self-reflection and their historical trajectory in Eastern and Central Europe from the 19

Call for Papers and Symposia: BSHS Annual Conference 2020

The British Society for the History of Science invites proposals for individual papers and organised symposia for its 2020 Annual Conference , which this year will be held in Aberystwyth, home of the National Library of Wales and Aberystwyth University, from Wednesday 8 July to Saturday 11 July. The BSHS is committed to providing an inclusive forum for research and research-led engagement with HSTM, and therefore welcomes proposals for papers and symposia on papers and symposia on  any  topic related to the history of science, technology, or medicine, relating to  any  period of history, and  any  part of the world. Established and early career scholars affiliated to universities, museums, and other research organisations, postgraduate students and independent scholars of  any  nationality are welcome at the BSHS Conference, and we encourage all equally to apply. We aim to provide a conference that is welcoming to all delegates regardless of age, sex, gender ident

Johann-Lorenz-Bausch-Fellowship 2020 - Call for applications

The Leopoldina Akademie Freundeskreis e.V. announces the  “Johann-Lorenz-Bausch Fellowship”  for 2020. Johann Lorenz Bausch (1605-1665) founded the Academia naturae curiosorum, the Leopoldina, on 1 January 1652 in Schweinfurt together with four other physicians. This makes it the oldest continuously existing academy of medicine and the natural sciences in the world. The Leopoldina was appointed as the German National Academy of Sciences on 14 July 2008. It addresses key issues of particular significance for the future of society from a scientific perspective and independently of economic or political interests, shares its findings with policymakers and the public, and puts these issues up for discussion on a national and international level. In addition, it takes on the classic tasks of an academy by carrying out research, for example in the field of the history of science, and promoting young scientists and researchers.   Target group and possible topics The fello

CfP: Workshop: 'The Home in Modern History and Culture' 27 Jan 2020

27 January 2020, Council Room, Trent Building, University of Nottingham Email: nightingale2020@nottingham.ac. uk Website: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/C onference/fac-arts/Humanities/ History/The-Home-in-History/ index.aspx.aspx Keynote speaker: Professor Jane Hamlett, Royal Holloway CFP deadline: 22 November 2019 The University of Nottingham's AHRC-funded project 'Florence Nightingale Comes Home for 2020' (see www.florencenightingale.org ) is arranging the second of a series of three thematic project workshops. Following the first successful event on nineteenth-century healthcare, this second workshop seeks to examine, from multiple disciplinary perspectives, the broad theme of 'Home' and its applicability as a prism through which to understand historical change. 'Home' is an elusive notion, lacking a permanent definition; it is a concept that is manifested through specific places and at specific times yet also transcends these. Edwin He

CfP: WHO tobacco control

 We would like to draw your attention to a call for papers in Public Health Panorama , the journal of the WHO Regional Office for Europe, for a themed issue on tobacco control. We warmly invite researchers and academics from the social sciences and health humanities - including anthropology, philosophy and history - to take part. We aim to reach a wide range of submissions (including original research, reviews, and case studies). In particular, we would like to encourage submissions addressing insights within the following themes: understanding the cultural contexts which underpin decisions to use, sell or promote tobacco products evaluating effectiveness as well as the financial, social, political impacts of tobacco control policies over the last decade drawing on comparative and historical research on other public health initiatives that can shed light on and be useful for future tobacco control interventions.   S ubmission deadline is 31 December 2019.

CfP: Cultures of Intoxication: Contextualising Alcohol & Drug Use, Past & Present

Venue: Humanities Institute, University College Dublin, Ireland Dates: 7-8 February 2020 This conference will focus on the cultural meanings and contexts of alcohol and drug use, both past and present. It aims to assess how cultural norms and stereotypes around alcohol and drug use shape policies, practices, treatment and users’ experiences and behaviour. In particular, it seeks to consider how and why those of certain ethnicity, race, religion, gender, sexuality and socio-economic background are deemed prone to excess while others are supposedly abstemious. Papers on the following themes will be considered, although this list is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive: Defining “drinking culture” and “drug culture” Attempts to change drinking/drug cultures Ethnic, racial, gendered and socio-economic stereotypes/stigma of alcohol and drug use Medical/policy/public perspectives on drug and alcohol use Cultures of abstinence or excess Hidden cultures, subcultures and counter

1 Year Research Fellowship (in history) at University of Nottingham

 The successful post holder will assist and support Dr Anna Greenwood in carrying out the historical research component of a 18 month AHRC/GCRF grant: ‘Towards Transdisciplinary Understanding of Inherited Soil Surveys: an Exploratory Case Study in Zambia’, This grant is led by Professor Murray Lark (School of Bio Sciences), Dr Alison Mohr (School of Social Sciences) and Dr Anna Greenwood (School of Humanities) with equivalent partners in the University of Zambia. The post requires some limited overseas travel to Zambia.  The history role will suit a candidate with a doctorate in colonial/postcolonial history in the history of science/medicine/agriculture/ geography with demonstrable research experience of the African continent. It is essential candidates have completed PhD in one of the following areas: history of imperialism/history of science/history of agriculture/history of medicine/historical geography (all post 1850). Candidates that show a knowledge of Zambia

PGR/ECR Workshop: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Mental Health

Increasing numbers of postgraduate students and early-career researchers from a wide range of disciplines are undertaking work on mental health that entails interdisciplinary approaches. Conducting research in this crucial area across disciplinary boundaries offers significant opportunities for innovative scholarship, but it can also present practical and intellectual challenges for those at the earlier stages of their academic careers. This workshop, supported by the  Emerging Minds Network , funded by  UKRI , is particularly focused on bringing together postgraduate and early-career researchers across and beyond the arts, humanities, social sciences, with researchers from the health sciences. It will involve interactive sessions and open discussion on research approaches and collaborations which can help inspire future research into contemporary challenges in mental health. The incredible collections of the  Mental Health Museum  will be used to inspire conversatio

UAB’s Reynolds-Finley Research Fellowships in the History of the Health Sciences for 2020

The Reynolds-Finley Associates, in conjunction with the Historical Collections (HC) unit of UAB Libraries, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), are pleased to announce the availability of short-term awards of up to $2,500 to individual researchers studying one or more aspects of the history of the health sciences during the 2020 calendar year. Intended to support research using the HC unit as a historical resource, the fellowship requires the on-site use of at least one of the unit’s three components, which are the Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences ( https://www.uab.edu/amhs/ ), Reynolds-Finley Historical Library ( https://library.uab.edu/ locations/reynolds/ ) and UAB Archives ( https://library.uab.edu/ locations/archives ). All materials must be submitted by January 31, 2020 to receive consideration. Awards will be announced by February 28, 2020. For more information and application details, visit https://library.uab.edu/ special-collections/fellowship . 

Uncertain Reasoning, Flairs 33

Paper submission deadline: November 18, 2019 Conference website: http://www.flairs-33.info Track website: http://idsia.ch/~alessandro/fl airs ::: Call for Papers ::: Many problems in AI (in reasoning, planning, learning, perception and robotics) require the agent to operate with incomplete or uncertain information. The objective of this track is to present and discuss a broad and diverse range of current work on uncertain reasoning, including theoretical and applied research based on different paradigms. We hope that the variety and richness of this track will help to promote cross fertilisation among the different approaches for uncertain reasoning, and in turn foster the development of new ideas and paradigms. The Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning (UR) is the oldest track in FLAIRS conferences, running annually since 1996. The UR'20 Special Track at the 33rd International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-33) is the 25th