
Mostrando entradas de enero 22, 2017

Grabación disponible del VI Seminario Gadea "Espacio y salud"

Ya está disponible la grabación de las sesiones del VI Seminario Gadea "Espacio y salud: el proceso de descentralización en el marco autonómico español”.  Watch video! Acceder al resto de vídeos a través del siguiente enlace: https://vertice.cpd.ua. es/col/5881 La Constitución de 1978 abrió el proceso de descentralización política en España que cristalizaría en la creación de 17 comunidades autónomas y 2 ciudades autónomas, durante la década de los 80. En el ámbito sanitario, significó el fin de una estructura política centralizada y una desconcentración meramente administrativa de ámbito provincial. Los intentos descentralizadores anteriores a la Guerra Civil no tuvieron continuidad en el contexto centralista de la etapa franquista. Con la llegada de la democracia, la organización sanitaria desarrollada por la dictadura no respondía a las necesidades políticas y administrativas, incluidas las sanitarias, previstas en la nueva Constitución. En ese escen

CfP: Seminario Permanente de Historia Social y Cultural de la Salud y la Enfermedad

Convocante:  Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas UNAM Tipo de convocatoria: Artículo Fecha límite: Mar, 2017-02-14 Correo electrónico:   sphsc.saludyenfermedad@gmail.com Texto de la convocatoria:  Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas Seminario Permanente de Historia Social y Cultural de la Salud y la Enfermedad Convocatoria 2017 Recepción de propuestas de trabajos para exponer y discutir en las sesiones mensuales, que tendrán lugar el último viernes de cada mes a las 12.00 horas en el Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas de la UNAM. Las propuestas deberán incluir la siguiente información: - Nombre completo e institución de adscripción - Título y un resumen del trabajo de no más 500 palabras. Los autores cuyos trabajos sean aceptados, recibirán una notificación con la fecha para su presentación. Se les solicitará que los textos

CfP: Contemplating Science, Medicine, and Technology: Past and Present Challenges, Münster, 22-24 September 2017

Contemplating Science, Medicine, and Technology: Past and Present Challenges Date: 22–24 September 2017 Venue: University of Münster, Germany The Society for the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology (Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, der Medizin und der Technik, GWMT) invites paper and panel proposals for its first annual conference. We encourage submissions dealing with all aspects of the relation between historical and systematic reflections and science, medicine, and technology, as well as submissions focusing on the current situation of the historiographies of these fields. Two broader questions stand out: First, historical examples for the use of ‘history’ in social, political, and economical debates about science, medicine, and technology. Second, the relation between the present-day historiographies of science, medicine, and technology and other fields of critical and systematic reflection, as for example gender studies, STS, soci

Novedad editorial: Embriología en la periferia

Autor:  Raúl Velasco Morgado Url:  http://editorial.csic.es/publicaciones/libros/12740/978-84-00-10162-6/embriologia-en-la-periferia-las-ciencias-del-desar.html Resumen Al comenzar el siglo XX, la embriología no había encontrado aún su nicho en la universidad española. Embriología en la periferia traza la odisea de la disciplina abriéndose camino en dos escenarios científicos tan diferentes como la II República y la dictadura franquista. A través de la investigación en más de una decena de archivos nacionales e internacionales, del análisis de las publicaciones de los morfólogos españoles y de la recolección de numerosas fuentes orales, este libro reconstruye las investigaciones embriológicas de ambos períodos y sus contextos sociopolíticos y académicos. A través de sus páginas, Embriología en la periferia muestra cómo la economía del país, las cambiantes políticas científicas o las ideas políticas y religiosas de los propios investigadores

CfP: Partería en América Latina

Editoras: Dra. Georgina Sánchez y Dra. Hanna Laako (ECOSUR) Favor de enviar  resúmenes de 500 palabras  junto con un breve biodata a ambas editoras del libro más tardar el día  28 de febrero de 2017 . Las preguntas generales también dirigidas a las dos editoras en  gsanchez @ ecosur.mx   (Dra. Georgina Sánchez), y  laako.hanna @ gmail.com  (Dra. Hanna Laako).  La fecha límite de artículos finales, máximo de 10 000 palabras, será el 30 de Junio de 2017. Url:  http://www.ecosur.mx/blog/convocatoria-libro-parteria-en-america-latina/ Han pasado casi 20 años desde que Hilary Marland y Anne Marie Rafferty editaron el libro Midwives, Society and Childbirth: Debates and Controversies in the Modern Period (“Parteras, Sociedad y Nacimiento: Debates y Controversias en el Periodo Moderno”, 1997) cuyo contenido narraba el rol de las parteras en varios países de Europa, detectando la evolución de la situación de las parteras en estas sociedades y sus diferentes desafíos. Desde enton

Afers: Hospitals a la rereguarda republicana durant la Guerra Civil

Edición de un nuevo número de la Revista Afers fulls de recerca i pensament: Hospitals a la rereguarda republicana durant la Guerra Civil. Volumen 31, Número 84.  Índice de contenidos:  Hospitals a la rereguarda republicana durant la Guerra Civil espanyola Xavier García Ferrandis, Àlvar Martínez Vidal Assistència sanitària a la rereguarda de Madrid. Els hospitals britànics de Huete i Uclés Linda Palfreeman Solidaritat socialista i ajuda mèdica a la causa republicana durant la Guerra Civil (1936-1939). L'Hospital Militar Internacional d'Ontinyent Joan Josep Torró Martínez L'ajuda escandinava durant la Guerra Civil. De l'Hospital Sueconoruec d'Alcoi a l'Hospital Militar Base Angel Beneito Lloris L'assistència hospitalària e un dels principals bastions republicans durant la Guerra Civil espanyola: la ciutat de València Xavier García Ferrandis, Àlvar Martínez Vidal De Belchite a l'Ebre. El Dr. Rafae

CfP: In the Heart of the Great War. The Individual at theCrossroads between the Civilian and Military Worlds

Deadline : 3th  March 2017* The 2016 Summer School organised by the International Research Centre of the Historial de la Grande Guerre de Péronne has led to many exchanges and debates which needed to be prolonged and perpetuated. In that sense, we invite *papers for a symposium directed at young researchers, such as graduate students and PhD students*. The historiography of World War I has been largely built upon the basis of separation between the History of battles on one side and occupied populations and the home front on the other1. Nonetheless, to reason with this image is to forget that World War I, as total warfare, has set new means of meeting, coexisting and cohabitating between the civilian and the military spheres. From the military front to the home front, and through occupied territories, the war experience is a crossway, perhaps even an interaction between the civilian and military worlds, as the expression ‘home front’ suggests. Expected proposals will dis

AaC/CfP: 3èmes Journées d'études Epistémologie Historique (Paris, Mai 2017)

APPEL À CONTRIBUTIONS / CALL FOR PAPERS   3èmes journées d’études sur l’Épistémologie Historique 3rd Workshop on Historical Epistemology Pour une épistémologie historique des transformations techniques   For an Historical Epistemology of Technical Transformations     18-19-20 mai 2017 Ecole doctorale de Philosophie ED 280, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Institut des sciences Juridique & Philosophique de la Sorbonne – UMR 8130 Centre de Philosophie Contemporaine de la Sorbonne, Equipe EXeCO     https://episthist.hypotheses.o rg   CONFIRMED KEYNOTES Vincent BONTEMS  (Larsim CEA);  Moritz EPPLE  (Frankfurt); Luca PALTRINIERI  (Rennes);  David WEBB  (Stefforshire) * * * [English below]   Ces troisièmes journées d’études seront consacrées à la place des techniques dans les études d’épistémologie historique. Il s’agira d’explorer cette thématique d’un point de vue méthodologique et d’approfondir différents cas d’étude de transformations

CfP: Edited collection on STS Approaches to Science Communication

Editors: Sarah R Davies (University of Copenhagen) & Ulrike Felt (University of Vienna)   Public communication of science is a key way that people encounter scientific knowledge. Whether in mass media, science museums, public events, or online, science communication is used by audiences in different ways and for multiple purposes. This volume will gather together work that takes a critical Science and Technology Studies approach to such public communication. Building on STS traditions of exploring questions of scientific authority, democracy, and public knowledges, it will interrogate science communication activities to ask: what is happening to science, to publics, and to communication within public communication of science?   We are particularly concerned with the diverse spaces and places that science communication takes place within, the different issues that get addressed, the formats and modalities developed, and the connections and differences between

BSHS Ayrton Prize: Call for Entries

BSHS Ayrton Prize for Digital Engagement in HSTM In 2015 The British Society for the History of Science launched the Ayrton Prize, a new award recognising outstanding web projects and digital engagement in the history of science, technology and medicine (HSTM). The prize name was chosen by members of the BSHS from a shortlist to recognize the major contributions of Hertha Ayrton (1854-1923) to numerous scientific fields, especially electrical engineering and mathematics, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The inaugural prize was won by the British Library for Voices of Science ( http://www.bl.uk/voices-of- science ) and we now welcome applications for the second Ayrton Prize, to be awarded to the best history of science web project of the past two years. The deadline for submissions is 10 March 2017 ; for more details on how to enter, please visit www.bshs.org.uk/prizes/ayrton- prize . To be eligible entries should: Be a self-contained

Vacancy: Assistant Curator in Kassel, Germany

The Cabinet of Astronomy and Physics holds one of the finest collections of early modern instruments. For an upcoming exhibition about Landgrave Carl of Hesse-Kassel (1654 – 1730) the museum is offering a 2-year position as assistant curator starting March 1st 2017. The exhibition will show Landgrave Carl as patron of the arts and sciences. He centralized the princely instrument collections in the so called Kunsthaus as well as enlarged the existing collections with instruments from some of the most eminent makers in Europe like Campani, Hartsoeker or Tschirnhaus. The position holder will help in the realisation of said exhibition as well as work in the museum on other projects after the exhibition’s opening in spring 2018. Proficiency in the German language is required, please see for all informations the attached job offer in German. Link: http://www.museum-kassel.de/ de/die-mhk/stellenangebote Das Astronomisch-Physikalische Kabinett und andere Abteilungen der

Berlin: professor position History of Technology

Technische Universität Berlin, Faculty I - Humanities - Institute for Philosophy, Literary History, History of Science and  Technology - invites applications for the position of a  University Professor - salary grade W3 - for the field of "History of Technology".  Faculty I, Reference number: I-666/16 (starting at the earliest possible / permanent / closing date for applications 23/02/17) Working field: Research and teaching in the field of History of Technology. Research should be internationally visible and focus on topics that resonate with the profile of the institute, the faculty and the university. Lecturing (in German and English) has to represent the field of History of Technology in its entirety from the beginnings to the present, both in Bachelor´s and Master´s programs (BA "Culture and Technology", MA "History and Culture of Science and Technology"). Requirements: Successful applicants must fulfil the requirements for appointment a

CfP: Health Histories - The Next Generation (SSHM PG Conference)

Health Histories: The Next Generation Call for Papers Society for the Social History of Medicine Postgraduate Conference 2017 In cooperation with the University of Strathclyde and Shanghai University Funded by the Wellcome Trust Health Histories: The Next Generation 12-13 October 2017 Shanghai University, China https://www.strath.ac.uk/ humanities/schoolofhumanities/ history/ healthhistoriesthenextgenerati on/ The Society for the Social History of Medicine periodically hosts an international conference for postgraduate students. The 2017 conference committee welcomes papers on any topic within the discipline of the social history of medicine and particularly encourage proposals for papers and panels that critically examine or challenge some aspect of the history of medicine and health. We welcome a range of methodological approaches, geographical regions, and time periods. Proposals should be based on new research from postgraduate students curre

CfP: Society for Industrial Archeology conference, May 18-20, Houston, TX

SOCIETY INDUSTRIAL ARCHEOLOGY Call for Paper Abstracts and Session Proposals 46 th Annual Conference Houston, Texas, May 18-21, 2017 The deadline for proposals is February 17, 2017 The Society for Industrial Archeology invites proposals for presentations and poster displays at the 46th Annual Conference on Saturday, May 20, 2017, in Houston, Texas. The conference hotel will be the Houston Marriott Medical Center and presentation sessions will be held at the hotel. Presentations on all topics related to industrial archeology, technology, social change related to industry, and historic industrial structures and bridges are welcome. Papers about regional industries and transportation along the Texas Gulf Coast are particularly encouraged. Poster displays can be on works in progress. All presentations and poster displays should offer interpretation and synthesis of data. Presentation Formats: Proposals may be for individual presentations 20 minutes in length

CfP: "Global Literature and Technology," Special Session for MLA 2018

Details: Organizer: Jap-Nanak Makkar, University of Virginia, jkm5ar@virginia.edu Deadline: March 1, 2017 (email abstract, bio & AV requirements to organizer) Special Session for MLA 2018, New York City Please consider submitting to a special session, proposed to take place at MLA 2018 in New York City, on “Global Literature and Technology.” Description: Digital media pose a challenge to the cultural authority usually associated with the book, generating an “aesthetic of bookishness” in recent fiction (Pressman 2009) or engendering a reactive, anti-technological response in literary criticism (Birkerts 1994). According to this perspective, digital media threaten to overtake the place of literary fiction as a leisure option. But, as Sarah Brouillette (2007) has pointed out, electronic technologies have also contributed to the creation of the postcolonial canon: ever since electronic technology permitted publishing companies greater control over stock