
Mostrando entradas de octubre 2, 2011

One-year Predoctoral Fellowships MPIWG Berlin

One-year Predoctoral Fellowships The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin (MPIWG) offers three one-year predoctoral fellowships for outstanding students in the final stage of completing their dissertations. Dissertation topics should be related to an ongoing research project (see website link below) in Department II (Director: Prof. Lorraine Daston). The fellowships are open to doctoral candidates of all nationalitites and disciplines, except those who have already received three years of Max Planck Society predoctoral fellowship funding. Department II holds a bimonthly colloquium in English, and candidates are expected to be able to present and discuss their work and that of others in that language. Applications, however, may be submitted in German, French or English. The fellowships run from 1 September 2012 to 31 August 2013. Applicants should submit the following materials: 1. Curriculum vitae and list of publications. 2. Brief (maximum 750 words) descri

Postdoctoral Fellowships MPIWG Berlin

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Department II (Lorraine Daston), announces two Postdoctoral Fellowships for up to two years, starting date September 1, 2012. Outstanding junior scholars are invited to apply. The fellowship will be awarded in conjunction with the following three Working Group research projects: The Archives of Deep-Time Sciences http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/en/research/projects/DeptII_DastonLorraine-SciencesOfDeepTime/index_html Machines of Memory http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/en/research/projects/DeptII_ChamayouGregoire-MachinesOfMemory/index_html Histories of Knowlegde and Gender http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/en/research/projects/DeptII_Oertzen_Using/index_html Candidates should hold a doctorate in the history of science or a related field at the time the fellowship begins; the Ph.D. degree should have been awarded in 2009 or later. The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science is an international and interdisciplinar

“Learned Practices of Canonical Texts”: Short-term Fellowships at the MPIWG

“Learned Practices of Canonical Texts” Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowships, 2012 The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin (MPIWG) offers a limited number of two-month pre- and postdoctoral fellowships for outstanding junior scholars in the final stage of completing their dissertations or within 4 years of having received the doctorate. Dissertation topics should be related to the ongoing research project in Department II “Learned Practices of Canonical Texts” (Organizers: Anthony Grafton, Glenn Most); project description at http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/en/research/projects/DeptII_GraftonMost_Canonical . This research project examines historically and comparatively the scholarly practices associated with canonical texts especially in the following linguistic traditions: ancient Greek; Latin; Hebrew; Arabic; the languages of the Indian subcontinent; Chinese. Approximately six senior and six junior scholars (the positions advertised here are for the latter six) wil


ON RESENTMENT An Interdisciplinary Workshop on The History of Emotions October 26-28, 2011 The Louis-Jeantet Auditorium Route de Florissant 77 Geneva, Switzerland This workshop aims at exploring from an interdisciplinary approach the nature of resentment and its diverse psychological, cultural and social manifestations in order to reveal how this emotion has played a decisive role in history. Detailed program on the website http://histmed.unige.ch/colloques.php