
Mostrando entradas de enero 14, 2024

DYNAMIS: VOLUMEN 43(2), 2023

DOSSIER  ONTOLOGÍAS HÍBRIDAS: PERSPECTIVAS HISTÓRICAS, CULTURALES Y DE GÉNERO Editado por Ana Romero de Pablos y María Jesús Santesmases   Ontologías híbridas: materiales, culturas experimentales y género Ana Romero de Pablos y María Jesús Santesmases   El viaje del uranio español en los años sesenta: significados y materialidades de un objeto híbrido Ana Romero de Pablos   Imágenes digitales del cerebro en la década de 1970: la construcción de una tecnología híbrida Miguel Ángel Rego Robles   Redes de colaboración y objetos híbridos: mujeres citogenetistas en México, 1960 - 1980 Ana Barahona   Frascos de cristal, plátanos y moscas: género, emociones y prácticas de la genética de Drosophila Marta Velasco Martín   Una ontología híbrida de género: Circulación de la imaginería fetal en cromosomas, fotografías y ecografías, 1950-1970 María Jesús Santesmases   ARTÍCULOS Las tercianas en Menorca en el contexto de la Oscilación Maldá: las fiebres de

Call for Abstracts: London Ancient Science Conference

This is a call for papers for the 17thLondon Ancient Science Conference 2024. The 17th London Ancient Science Conference will be held at the Department of Greek and Latin, University College London, from Monday, April 8th to Wednesday April 10th. Abstracts of around 200 words should be sent to Prof. Andrew Gregory by 31st January. Decisions early February. Papers are welcomed from established academics, postdocs and postgraduate students. Papers are welcomed on science in any ancient culture treated philosophically, historically, sociologically or technically. Science is construed quite broadly and may include epistemology, metaphysics and ontology relating to the natural world. Prof. Andrew Gregory will chair a session on Leucippus and Democritus. Paper proposals are welcomed for this session. Papers generally will be 20 minutes with 10 minutes for discussion though some papers may be invited to give longer presentations. There is a website for this conference at:  https://www.ucl.ac.

CfP: AI in Science: Lessons from the Ongoing Revolution

A thematic issue of  Teorie vědy / Theory of Science :  AI in Science: Lessons from the Ongoing Revolution . The current rapid advances in  Artifical  Intelligence (particularly LLMs) hold enormous promise for the sciences, ushering in a deep and potentially paradigmatic change. AI will impact existing methods and practices, and will also transform the ways in which scientists and philosophers view and understand scientific  reasoning and explanations, hypothesis generation and testing, interpretability and explainability of results, and so forth.   We invite authors to critically reflect on these changes from scientific, philosophical or interdisciplinary perspectives with contributions on topics such as: Unique opportunities and wider implications associated with AI deployment in concrete scientific fields of natural or social sciences and humanities ;        Effects of AI on the traditional scientific process, and the ways in which new AI-driven methodologies will reshape scientific

CfA: Philosophy of Science Meets Quantitative Studies of Science

Philosophy of Science Meets Quantitative Studies of Science. International Workshop, University of Turin, 27-29 May 2024 Philosophy of science and quantitative studies of science (scientometrics and bibliometrics) are currently distinct fields with limited interactions. However, they share numerous objects of investigation and areas of potential common interest. Recent works on disruption indicators for individuating scientific breakthroughs (Leibel & Bornmann, 2024), for instance, address classic philosophy of science topics, such as scientific revolutions and scientific progress, from a quantitative perspective. But also research evaluation, an area in which scientometric indicators play a central role in many countries, would benefit from closer collaboration between philosophers of science and quantitative researchers, especially to better understand how and to what extent metrics can accelerate or hinder the production of good science (Gillies, 2008; Müller & de Rijcke, 20

Oferta de stage de màster sobre l'industria nuclear espanyola

L’Institut de Radioprotéction et Sécurité Nucléaire francès proposa un stage per estudiants de màster per estudiar la resposta de l’industria nuclear espanyola a la crisi del Covid. La descripció del treball es pot trobar à la pàgina Web de l’IRSN: IRSN - Stage Master - L'industrie nucléaire espagnole et l'expérience de la pandémie Covid-19 H/F (talent-soft.com) Un coneixement bàsic de francès és recomanable per poder interactuar amb els altres membres de l’equip. El treball de camp (entrevistes, etc.) tindria lloc a Espanya. La candidatura es pot fer directament sobre la Web indicada a l’enllaç (“je postule à cette offre”).

CfA: Evidence in the Social Sciences (UNED, Madrid)

Evidence in the Social Sciences: specificities, challenges, and developments Venue: Edificio de Humanidades, UNED, Madrid, Spain Date: 23-24 May 2024 CFA deadline: 11 February 2024 Confirmed speakers: Donal Khosrowi (University of Hannover) Jaakko Kuorikoski (University of Helsinki) Caterina Marchionni (University of Helsinki) Mariusz Maziarz (Jagiellonian University) Workshop’s description: Given the growing popularity of evidence-based practices (EBM, EBP), the concept of evidence has achieved a growing centrality both in some methodological discussions in contemporary Philosophy of Science and in broader debates on the public understanding of science. In the case of social scientific fields, the concept of evidence nevertheless raises important specific questions. These questions include, but are not limited to, the limitations of experimental methods in the social sciences, the difficulties in the extrapolation of causal claims, reflexivity, etc. This workshop explores new approac

CfA: ILMPS Philosophy of Physics Conference, 10-11 June, King's College London

Fourth Irvine-London-Munich-PoliMi-Salzburg Conference in Philosophy and Foundations of Physics,  Dates: June 10-11 2024 Venue: King’s College London Strand Campus (London, UK) Organizing committee: John Dougherty (LMU), Alexander Franklin (KCL), Eleanor Knox (KCL), Patricia Palacios (Salzburg), Bryan Roberts (LSE), Giovanni Valente (PoliMi), Jim Weatherall (Irvine) Call for Abstracts: Over the past decades, important contributions to the mathematical and conceptual foundations of physical theories have been made within the philosophical community. Conversely, critical analysis of the formal structures of our best physical theories inform central philosophical concerns, and in some cases new theorems have been proven and new lines of argument developed that are of philosophical significance. This conference series aims to bring together philosophers, physicists, and mathematicians working on such issues. This year’s event will be held on June 10-11 at King’s College London Strand Cam

CfP for Thematic Issue: «For Science and Innovation: The Emergence and Demise of Coordination Agencies across the Globe»

This is a call for proposal for a thematic issue on the history of Science, Technology and Innovation «Coordination Agencies across the Globe». With this thematic issue, we intend to reflect upon the outcomes of the national bodies for STI that were created from the 1960s onwards and its successive attempts for better STI coordination, i.e., at least two waves of institutional reform towards improving coordination – 1960s and 1990s. Whether these reforms were successful remains to be seen, and there is a persistent lack of institutional, organisational and policy evaluation. We would like to have contributions that deal with the kind of Coordination agencies intended to organise and coordinate national S&T policy, supporting and advising the area Ministry, the decision-makers (and even coordinating the private sector) towards a public commitment to Science and the pairing of research and Science with development and Innovation – as most frequently the aim of coordination has been i