
Mostrando entradas de febrero 16, 2020

Cfp: "Writing the Heavens. Celestial Observation in Literature, 800--1800"

Conference: "Writing the Heavens. Celestial Observation in Literature, 800–1800" May 20-22, 2021 – Dr Karl Remeis Observatory, Bamberg (Germany) Organizers: Aura Heydenreich, Florian Klaeger, Klaus Mecke, Dirk Vanderbeke, Jörn Wilms ELINAS (Center for Literature and Natural Science) In the Middle Ages and early modernity, celestial observation was frequently a subject for verbal rather than numerical and geometrical recording. Astronomical genres, in the hands of natural philosophers, poets, chroniclers, travellers, geographers, educators and others mediated knowledge of the heavens in textual form. Before the modern academic institutionalization of astronomy, such celestial knowledge extended from the cosmological to the meteorological, with applications and implications that touched upon a wide range of discourses, be they theological, legal, political, medical or agri

CfP: Early Career Conference about History of Physical Sciences in Copenhagen

Crossing Borders and Fostering Collaborations The American Institute of Physics (AIP) Center for the History of Physics and the Niels Bohr Archive are pleased to host the fifth international conference for graduate students and early career scholars, to be held September 3–6, 2020 in Copenhagen, Denmark. “Early Career” includes graduate students and recent PhDs, independent scholars, post-docs, and those in early-stage academic positions. The goal of this conference is to foster communication and collaboration across national and disciplinary boundaries amongst junior scholars and to provide a forum for exploring and reflecting upon current issues in the historiography of the physical sciences. In addition to sessions with submitted papers, the conference program will feature roundtables, workshops, and other events designed to foster a community of scholars and develop career ski

Dr. Robert Matz Hospital Postcard Collection

Url:  https://digitalcollections.nyam.org/islandora/object/digital:matz he Robert Matz Hospital Postcards Collection consists of about 2000 postcards organized into three sub-collections: New York City (NYC), New York state (sans NYC), and United States (sans NY). The postcards range in date from the late 19th century to the mid-20th century. Dr. Robert Matz donated the collection to The New York Academy of Medicine Library in several installments between 2015 and 2019. The postcards were printed using a variety of printing technologies, including photo-reproduction, lithography, chromolithography, etc. Some of the postcards were mailed and include messages. The messages vary from a simple note ( Veterans Administration Hospital… ) to an elaborate conversation ( [New York Hospital] ) and can be found written on the front, back, along the sides, and wherever the author found space. This pilot project represents a small portion of the NYC sub-collection of the Robert Matz

CfP: Scientific and technical cooperation in Africa in the era of decolonisation: processes and legacies"

Communication submission in the Conference website:  https://ciea11.pt/ index.php/en/ 33 - Scientific and technical cooperation in Africa in the era of decolonisation: processes and legacies Authors Cláudia Castelo Institutions Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade de Coimbra Author Email claucastelo@hotmail.com Abstract In the post-war, Africa knowledge was seen as crucial from the point of view of several international actors and become a very disputed field. This panel intends to discuss the processes and legacies of the scientific and technical cooperation in Africa, between the post-war and the African independences (circa 1945-1980). The contributors to the panel should submit papers that analyse the role, features and effective action of scientific and technical cooperation organisations or agents, of inter-imperial, regional or international scope, addressing or taking place in Africa, such as the Commission for Technical Cooperation in Africa South o

CfP: 9th ESHS Conference:"Visual, Material and Sensory Cultures of Science"

Url:  https://sites.google. com/view/eshsbologna2020/home   The 9th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science (ESHS), hosted by the Centre for the History of Universities and Science at the University of Bologna (CIS) and by the Italian Society for the History of Science (SISS), will take place in Bologna, from the 31st of August to the 3rd of September 2020. Bologna is one of the major centers for the study of the history of science in Italy, and this distinguished tradition goes back a long time. Since the later Middle Ages Bologna has been at the core of significant developments in European medicine, natural philosophy, mathematics, astronomy and a wide spectrum of other emerging scientific disciplines. Over the centuries, the city and its university have collected and preserved a vast amount of documentation that traces the practice and evolution of these disciplines within a variety of institutional and civic contexts. As a result, Bologna

CfP: Research Topic: Public Research and Private Knowledge – Science in Times of Diverse Research Funding

Url:  https://www.frontiersin.org/ research-topics/11981/public- research-and-private- knowledge---science-in-times- of-diverse-research-funding# overview Description The production and distribution of knowledge is a key process in scientific and scholarly inquiry. However, this process is not and has never been limited to universities and public research institutes alone, but extends to agents as diverse as the Research & Development Departments of companies, citizen scientists, and private non-profit research institutes. In recent years, these agents have shown an increased interest in basic ˗ as opposed to applied ˗ science, for example in fields of rising social significance such as AI or biomedical technology. These specific research interests in turn direct attention to the sources of funding, and, as a consequence, to the direction of inquiry and the accessibility of results. The main problem that arises from this development can be expressed in two questions:


Following the successful three International Conferences on Science and Literature which took place in Athens, Poellau and Paris, this Conference is the fourth to be organized under the aegis of the Commission on Science and Literature DHST/IUHPST. The fourth International Conference will be organized by the Càtedra Dr. Bofill de Ciències I Humanitats (Dr Bofill Chair on Science and the Humanities) integrated at the University of Girona (UdG) with the technical support of the Commission on Science and Literature. The conference includes communications with public lectures (we are glad to announce that our list of keynote speakers includes the prestigious scholar, Simon J. Schaffer, from the University of Cambridge). As it was the case with the first three Conferences, the fourth one does not have a specific theme, as its intent continues to be the creation of an open forum for all scholars interested in Science and Literature. Nevertheless, the Conference will be organized along th

CfP: Geometrical Analysis in Ancient Greek Mathematics

The goal of this thematic issue is to outline the state of research on the significance and the extent of the analytical method as practiced in ancient Greek geometry. The importance of this type of reasoning for pre-modern mathematics has been recognized since the first historical research on ancient mathematics (Montucla 1758). Numerous attempts have also been made to explain the nature and meaning of this method, from Descartes, Newton and Leibniz to the contemporary epistemological and logical research (among others Polya 1945, Hintikka and Remes 1974, Lakatos 1978). However, despite this long critical tradition, today it is not yet possible to establish a commonly agreed interpretation of ancient geometric analysis: what is the aim of the analytical procedure in comparison with other methods such as the method of exhaustion or reductio, which are also used in ancient Greek geometry? Is the analytical method heuristic or apodictic? What is the relationship between the ancient for

CfP: History of Mathematics and Flight

he British Society for the History of Mathematics invites proposals for its meeting on the History of Mathematics and Flight. When: 12 September, 2020 Where: Concorde Centre, Manchester Airport, UK Proposals should be for presentations of up to 30 minutes. Flight will be broadly conceived to cover the flight of man-made objects (planes, missiles, arrows, rockets etc), animals, and even fugitives; flight formation, navigation and control. If you would like to present, please email an abstract to Isobel Falconer by 30 April Proposal deadline: 30 April 2020

Research Fellowships at the Edward Worth Library, Dublin

The Edward Worth Library, Dublin, is offering two research fellowships (duration on month ) to be held in 2020, to encourage research relevant to its collections. The Worth Library is a collection of 4,300 books, left to Dr Steevens’ Hospital by Edward Worth (1676-1733), an early eighteenth-century Dublin physician. The collection is particularly strong in three areas: early modern medicine, early modern history of science and, given that Worth was a connoisseur book collector interested in fine bindings and rare printing, the History of the Book. Research does not, however, have to be restricted to these three key areas. Further information about the collection and our catalogues may be found on our website: www.edwardworthlibrary.ie The stipend is to the value of €2000 per month , during a period preferably between June and November. Please note that the Worth Library is usually closed during the month of August. Fellows will be expected to reside in Dubli

Visiting Fellowship in History of Mathematics at St Andrews

The School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of St Andrews invites applications to its bi-annual Non-Stipendiary Visiting Fellowship scheme for the academic year 2020-21. The fellowship is open to all interested researchers, whether or not affiliated to a university. Junior and senior applicants are equally welcome, though applicants should have submitted a PhD. The Visiting Fellowship provides an opportunity for applicants external to the University of St Andrews to participate in the research life of the History of Mathematics Group within the School, and to research a topic in the University Library’s Special Collections. St Andrews hosts the well-known MacTutor Archive, a biographical database of mathematicians with nearly 3000 entries ( http://mathshistory.st-andrew s.ac.uk ). The University Library’s unique Special Collections contain an outstanding collection of books, archives and photography, accumulated throughout the six hundred years since the

AHRC PhD studentship: Biocultural knowledge, power and poetics in South American featherwork

Birkbeck, University of London, and the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford are pleased to announce the availability of a fully funded Collaborative Doctoral Training grant from October 2020 to undertake research on South American objects made by Indigenous peoples out of feathers, of with feathers attached, in the Pitt River Museum’s collections.  Exploring South American featherwork in the PRM collections, this interdisciplinary, practice-based doctoral project will seek to develop ways of telling histories of specific objects that shed light not only on the historical processes of collection in the field and the ‘lives’ of the objects in the museum, but also on contemporary debates on Indigenous cultural identity, sovereignty and heritage rights, as well as the dynamic relationships among Indigenous peoples, birds, and environments. The project aims to provide understanding of these feathered objects as historical biocultural objects, which afford ways of t

Job: Lecturer in Philosophy of Science and Medicine

Url:  https://atsv7.wcn.co.uk/search_engine/jobs.cgi?amNvZGU9MTg1OTk1MyZ2dF90ZW1wbGF0ZT05NjUmb3duZXI9NTA0MTE3OCZvd25lcnR5cGU9ZmFpciZicmFuZF9pZD0wJmpvYl9yZWZfY29kZT0xODU5OTUzJnBvc3RpbmdfY29kZT0yMjQ%3D&jcode=1859953&vt_template=965&owner=5041178&ownertype=fair&brand_id=0&job_ref_code=1859953&posting_code=224 UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies seeks to appoint one Lecturer in Philosophy of Science and Medicine to undertake teaching, research, and related academic duties. The postholder will be expected to develop a research programme in areas relevant to the philosophy of science and medicine. For the purposes of this position, the medicine may be construed liberally to include clinical practices, biomedical research, public health, medical data science, or psychological specialities, but with a strong preference for Western approaches. This is a 100% FTE appointment, starting 1 June 2020. The post holder will be required to