
Mostrando entradas de junio 21, 2020

CfP: How computers entered the classroom, 1960-2000

Subject Fields:  Childhood and Education, Educational Technology, European History / Studies, Eastern Europe History / Studies, British History / Studies In historical research, there are now numerous studies devoted to digital change in Europe. The term “digital change” is used to cover all the structural adjustment processes – political, economic, social and cultural – that society is undergoing both as a result of and in response to the progressive introduction of digital technology to our everyday lives. As computers became gradually smaller, more affordable and easier to use, they spread from universities and research institutions to offices, small companies, libraries, private homes and classrooms. Today they are not only used by scientists and engineers, but also by the general public. Digital technologies have gradually permeated everyday tasks and interactions at home, work, education and leisure. This development is often associated with the notion of an emerging

V Circular del XIV Congreso de la SEHCYT

Dadas las circunstancias especiales que sufre nuestro país por la pandemia del coronavirus, nos vemos obligados a posponer nuestro XIV Congreso de la SEHCYT, que se iba a celebrar en el IH-CSIC en Madrid en junio de este año, a las mismas fechas y lugar, del 23 a 25 de junio del año 2021 . Esta decisión se ha tomado por unanimidad por el Comité Organizador, oída la Junta directiva de la SEHCYT. La idea inicial de la Junta directiva y del Comité Organizador del XIV Congreso de la SEHCYT es mantener la estructura del Congreso contando con las ponencias ya propuestas y las que puedan llegar, que se reflejarán en la web, y las gestiones realizadas por el propio Comité ya citado en lo referente al lugar de celebración, conferencias invitadas, la exposición artística prevista, la exposición bibliográfica, las gestiones para la logística de comidas, impresión de programas, resúmenes, carteles, etc. Al tener que tomar esta decisión abrimos de nuevo la posibilidad de admitir nuevas p

A New Medical History Journal: EHMH

In June 2021, the first issue of a new medical history journal will be published: the European Journal for the History of Medicine and Health (EHMH). People will wonder: yet another journal? In this digital age? And also: yet another medical history journal? With so many fine journals around? They may be thinking of UK-based journals like Medical History and Social History of Medicine , and of US-based journals like the Bulletin of the History of Medicine and the Journal for the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences .             The sceptics are right: these are indeed excellent journals. In fact, they may be regarded as the leading journals in our field, giving much inspiration and providing an outlet to medical historians across the world. At the same time however, they are collectively the embodiment of a global trend: the dominance of English as the lingua franca in science. In itself, this need not be a bad thing. After all, until the nineteenth century science was do

CfP: Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research: Undergraduate Research and Climate Change

Climate change is the existential crisis of this century, affecting biodiversity, ecosystems, and all aspects of human life. This is a topic of enormous breadth, complexity, and particular urgency with respect to knowledge, innovation, collaboration, advocacy, and activism. This theme issue of the peer-reviewed  Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research  (SPUR) will explore the broad and impactful work of undergraduate research in the context of climate change. Are there particular models of collaborative research vital for this work? Are there particular challenges associated with the interdisciplinary demands of the interrelated impacts of climate change? Are course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) an effective model for teaching about climate change impacts? How do faculty and students translate research into advocacy? Four to five articles are sought from a wide range of disciplines that explore how undergraduate research engages in and contributes t

Call for abstracts for a special issue: Childhood, Adolescence and Sexualities

The journal  Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research  announces a call for abstracts for a special issue on  Childhood, Adolescence and Sexualities  edited by Lucie Jarkovská and Sharon Lamb. https://www.genderonline.cz/en/article/70-call-for-abstracts-for-a-speci... Feminist research has always been closely connected with research in the field of sexuality and has helped to unpack the connections between sexual subjectivity, or agency, and the true protection of children, which would include the protection of human rights. Therefore, we see the examination of childhood and adolescent sexualities as a necessary focus for contemporary societies currently facing the conservative backlash. We welcome articles from scholars in sociology, psychology, philosophy, education, media studies, political science, women’s/girlhood/gender studies, and related fields that focus on (but are not limited to) the following questions, tying theory or research to politics in these areas: Sex edu

Introducing the BSHS Global Digital History of Science Festival: Monday 6th - Friday 10th July 2020

This Global Digital History of Science Festival is a five-day online celebration run by the British Society for the History of Science featuring talks, discussions, workshops, performances, discussions, and more -  free to everyone! For more information see,  bshsfestival.org.uk   note: all events take place at UTC+1 aka British Summer Time (BST) adjust for your local timezone.

Ancient Science: A new Book Series

Series Editors: Chemla, Karine, Keller, Agathe, Proust, Christine. “ Why the Sciences of the Ancient World Matter ”, published by Springer ( https://www.springer.com/ series/15657 ). The following four titles have already been published: Pieces and Parts in Scientific Texts .  Editors : F lorence Bretelle-Establet and Stéphane Schmitt ( https://link.springer.com/ book/10.1007/978-3-319-78467-0 ) Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk . Editors:  Chr istine Proust and John Steele ( https://link.springer.com/ book/10.1007/978-3-030-04176-2 ) Monographs in Tang Official Historiography  Perspectives from the Technical Treatises of the History of Sui (Sui shu). Editors: Daniel Patrick Morgan and Damien Chaussende, with the collaboration of Karine Chemla ( https://link.springer.com/ book/10.1007/978-3-030-18038-6 ) The Making of a Scribe , Errors, Mistakes and Rounding Numbers in the Old Babylonian Kingdom of Larsa. Author: Robert Middeke-Conlin ( https://www.springer.co

CfP: Adventures in Chemistry and Technology: Exploring the Legacy of 19thCentury Innovation in Textiles, Jewellery and Materials

This one-day symposium seeks paper proposals from  a wide range of disciplines,  including   design historians, jewellery historians, economic and industrial historians, textile, fashion and jewellery practitioners, historians of science, museum and gallery curators, trade bodies and company archivists  to discuss material histories of textiles and Jewellery. Papers might address: historical innovation in aesthetic design and modern textile design fashion and jewellery-materials chemistry and making technolog ies of making stories of chemists and early material scientists contributing to the world of craft and design and of makers and artisan manufacturers becoming chemists and inventors  from c. 1830-1940 papers directly addressing electrification, new materials,  material-textual- visual combinations of art and science  and  manufacturing, machines and patenting for economic, social or environmental benefit . I ndividuals  chosen will  present short papers on research idea

ESHS Neuenschwander Prize and Early Career Lectures

With the 2020 ESHS Bologna meeting now fast approaching, it is time for important announcements regarding the life of our society which will be followed up by some exciting events at the (online) ESHS meeting... 2020 Gustav Neuenschwander Prize It is with great pleasure to announce that the historian Kostas Gavroglu has been awarded the 2020 Gustav Neuenschwander Prize. In awarding the prize, the ESHS Scientific Council called attention to Gavroglu's outstanding personal and scientific trajectory and especially his committment to the discipline as community builder. In particular, the Council acknowledged: - His contribution to the history of science encompassing the study of science in the Greek-speaking world during the Enlightenment, science in the European Periphery, the history of universities, and the investigation of key transition in physical sciences, including the foundations of quantum chemistry and low temperature physics; - His role in building a community of