
Mostrando entradas de junio 20, 2021

Asclepio: Nuevo número publicado Vol. 73 No. 1 (2021)

Asclepio acaba de publicar su último número. Podrá acceder a su contenido a través del siguiente enlace: https://asclepio.revistas.csic .es/index.php/asclepio/issue/ view/74

CfP: Craft History Workshop: A works-in-progress seminar for interdisciplinary histories of making

Craft History Workshop: Call for Papers (deadline July 31, 2021) https://crafthistoryworkshop.com/ This seminar series invites new considerations of craft in an expanded historical and methodological field. Recent art-historical scholarship on craft tends to emphasize the mechanisms and markets of contemporary art, or positions craft as a phenomenon arising specifically through the dialectics of industrial modernity. But this is not the only way we can define and frame craft. Even during the rise of the mass-produced modern world, craft remained integrated in industrial capitalism, not as its “other” but (as Raphael Samuel famously showed) part of its development and operation. Nor has modernity been the only driver of change: craft’s rich pre- and early-modern transformations deserve explicit attention as well. Furthermore, craft has an ongoing present beyond the specific frame of Western affluence; in the global South and in marginalized communities within the global North, craft’

Call for Chapters: Energy Justice - Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation (Palgrave Macmillan)

There is strong scientific evidence that human-induced climate change is a real threat and human activity is the main cause of this urgent problem; despite the existing evidence, fossil fuel consumption continues to rise, as well as global energy demand—under normal circumstances.  However, the COVID-19 crisis changed this scenario having an immediate impact on health, wellbeing, energy use, and CO 2  emissions. Energy justice calls for a moral analysis of all current energy systems from legal, political, and philosophical perspectives. The energy law framework is developing rapidly in the U.S. and worldwide, especially environmental law and natural resources law (Salter et al. 2018). Energy policy systems are often detached from energy justice and ethics concepts (Jenkins et al. 2018). Energy justice is a relatively new concept as compared to environmental justice; first and foremost, energy justice is characterized as a certain tool for the policymaking process that seeks to identify

CfP: Humanities & Social Sciences Communications / Generative Approaches to Noise

  Humanities & Social Sciences Communications   is a fully open access journal publishing scholarship from across all areas of the humanities, social and behavioural sciences. The journal is published by  Springer Nature . It began publication as  Palgrave Communications  (ISSN 2662-9992) and operated under that title until June 16 th 2020 and aspires to be the definitive peer-reviewed outlet for open access research in and between fields within its scope.  Generative Approaches to Noise: Towards a New Paradigm in the Humanities and Social Sciences Guest Editors : Cecile Malaspina (King’s College London, UK; Collège International de Philosophie, France) and Luca Possati (University of Porto, Portugal) Few notions are more central than noise to the transformation of modern life. Noise has become synonymous with the complexity and uncertainty of our world and its global digitized information networks. The notion of noise has provided a pithy concept for information theory and computa

CfP for workshop: ‘Researching and Writing Histories of Sexual Violence: Methodological Challenges and Ethical Complexities’

Researching and Writing Histories of Sexual Violence: Methodological Challenges and Ethical Complexities Research into sexual violence…is not lightly undertaken...The project is necessarily and unavoidably political. An attempt at dispassionate, discrete authorship runs the risk of becoming voyeuristic and exploitative. Research on sexual violence should be empowering, for those involved in its writing(s) and reading(s). It therefore demands methodologies devised as if to be similarly empowering to the women and children disclosed in the written sources . ( Shani D’Cruze, ‘Approaching the History of Rape and Sexual Violence: Notes Towards Research,’  Women’s History Review  1:3 (1992): 377.)   These words, written almost thirty years ago by Shani D’Cruze (who sadly passed away earlier this year), remain an important provocation for historians of sexual and gender-based violence. D’Cruze was a leading figure amongst a generation of historians who, inspired by the women’s liberation move

RSA Dublin 2022 - Call for papers and panels - Philosophy (Deadline 25 July)

  Papers and/or traditional panels and/or roundtables on  Renaissance Philosophy  are invited for the 68 th  Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America (30 March – 2 April 2022) in Dublin, Ireland. Proposals on all aspects of Renaissance philosophy and thought will be considered, but preference may be given to papers and/or sessions that either explore interdisciplinary topics (e.g., philosophy and literature / medicine / theology, etc.) or adopt transnational, crosscultural, and/or crossdisciplinary approaches (e.g., translation studies, reception studies, environmental studies, gender studies, etc.). Please consult the  RSA submission guide   as well as  the checklist below before submitting your proposal. Incomplete proposals will not be considered. Note, in particular, the requirements on graduate student eligibility and the chronological boundary of c. 1700 for all papers. All participants must be members of the RSA by the time of the conference. Please submit your propo

Durham CfP: Organizing and Disorganizing Knowledge

  How to apply Please send an abstract of max. 250 words, along with your name, affiliation and title to  admin.imems@durham. ac.uk We hope to attract contributions from scholars working on premodern book cultures from anywhere across the globe, and we hope to organize the conference to facilitate discussions that include comparative and/or connected perspectives. We invite proposals for papers on the following topics: The material organization of knowledge (dictionaries, encyclopaedias, philosophical, scientific, technical, medical or natural-historical texts and libraries, catalogues, taxonomies, storage, margins, rubrics, annotations, indices or tables of contents) The organization of knowledge about other cultures (dictionaries, encyclopaedias, etc., and epistemic, cultural, linguistic or religious difference) The disorganization of knowledge (the movement, circulation, sale, forgery, theft, or dispersal of knowledge texts or knowledge’s changing meaning as it is appropriated, edit

MSCA Expressions of interest, Research Center EThoS, University of Verona

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme  at the RESEARCH CENTER ETHOS Call for the Expression of Interest The Research Center EThoS (Ethics and Technology of the Self) at the  University of Verona warmly  encourages young promising scholars to present expressions of interest to apply jointly for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-IF). Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship Funded under Horizon Europe Programme, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships are the main tool to support the transnational mobility and career development of the most talented researchers. All research topics can be funded: from physics to life sciences, from humanities to mathematics. The grant covers the remuneration costs for the researchers (with an allowance for researchers with family), and the costs for training, research, and networking.

2 x 4-year Wellcome postdocs with Connecting 3 Worlds project on Africa (Birkbeck) & Latin America (Exeter/UNAM)

The Wellcome-funded Connecting Three Worlds project is hiring two 4-year postdoctoral researchers to start 1st October 2021, to develop projects on the connection between health, medicine and socialism since WWII in transnational context. A post based at the Department of History, Classics and Archaeology at Birkbeck, University of London will focus on Africa, working with Dr Sarah Marks; and a post based at the Department of History, University of Exeter in conjunction with Professor Edna Suárez-Díaz at UNAM, Mexico will focus on Latin America in transnational perspective. The researchers will develop their own book projects with support and mentoring, and will also form part of the wider Connecting 3 Worlds research team led by Prof Dora Vargha, Dr Sarah Marks & Prof Edna Suárez-Díaz to work collaboratively on conferences, events, publications and public engagement. We define health in its broadest terms, and welcome applications from scholars in History, or from Science and Tech

Call for PhD funding application

The University of Strasbourg is now accepting applications for a  Three-year PhD position  with the international project:  How did the Antibiotic Pipeline Run Dry? People, Infrastructures and Politics of Antibiotic Drug Development 1970-2010  [DryAP]. The application deadline is 30 June 2021, 17:00p.m. (CEST).  Candidates will be notified on 2 July 2021 and remote Interviews will be scheduled on the 5-6 July 2021.  Motivated prospective candidates are encouraged to contact Dr. Vagneron to discuss the PhD project ahead of applying. The contract will begin in September 2021. PhD Project Description:  The Dry Antibiotic Pipeline and the Global Policy Laboratory (1980-2010) We are looking for a PhD candidate to study the history of antibiotic regulation at the international level between circa 1980 and 2010. Located in Strasbourg, the PhD project aims to study how the post-1945 antibiotic success story has been transformed into a narrative of innovation scarcity, orchestrated at an intern