IVR WORLD CONGRESS 2024, Seoul, South Korea 7-12 JULY 2024 SPECIAL WORKSHOP ON LAW, MEDICINE, AND BIOETHICS Scholars, researchers, and practitioners interested in the intersection of law, bioethics, and medicine are invited to submit abstracts for presentation at the Special Workshop of the IVR World Congress in Seoul. This workshop provides a unique platform to explore the extraordinary challenges that contemporary legal systems face, such as genetic engineering, animal testing, stem cell research, human enhancement, medical paternalism, alternative therapies, and more. Relevant policy-making and regulatory choices urge for in-depth, interdisciplinary, and thorough considerations in which all relevant reasons are critically examined. Submissions of abstracts (300-500 words) addressing issues relevant to the intersection of law, medicine, and bioethics are welcome. Please send the proposals to the following email address: LMBworkshopIVR2024@gmail.com Important Dates: • Abstract