
Mostrando entradas de febrero 24, 2019

CfP: Railway Imperialism Reconsidered

Railway Imperialism Reconsidered: Colonialism, Infrastructure, and Power Open Panel Proposal for SHOT 2019 24–27 October 2019, Milan (Italy) Organizers: Julio Decker, University of Bristol,  julio.decker@bristol. ac.uk ; Norman Aselmeyer, European University Institute,  norman.aselmeyer@ eui.eu Since the 1950s, historians have regarded the intersection of imperial rule and colonial infrastructure as the straightforward story of means that achieved goals. Studies in the wake of John Gallagher and Ronald Robinson’s work as well as the more technology-centered publications by Daniel Headrick have argued that railroads, alongside telegraph lines and steamships, were designed as instruments of imperial power. To this day, the majority of works on colonial railways tends to purport the linear narrative of “tools of empire” applied in the global periphery to ensure rule over territory and its economic integration, making the history of colonial railways a “v

Fully funded PhD studentship: History of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. University of Manchester

Applications are invited for a fully-funded Doctoral Award, supported by the British Journal of Anaesthesia (BJA), to be held at the Centre for the History of Science, Technology & Medicine, University of Manchester, beginning in September 2019. https://www.findaphd.com/phds/ project/the-history-of-the-fir st-100-years-of-the-british- journal-of-anaesthesia/? p107075 The BJA has been central to the development of knowledge and practice of anaesthesia across research and education since 1923. Through the 20th century, the specialty broadened to include new sub-specialities of critical care medicine, pain medicine and perioperative medicine, each creating new scientific, practical and ethical challenges for practitioners. This project offers an opportunity to research and study the history of the BJA against the backdrop of wider changes across medicine, science and society to produce new knowledge of its contributions to research, education and practice. The su

LSHTM Funded Anthro/History PhD Studentship - MRF National PhD Training Programme in AMR: "Promoting use and non-use: Medicines for TB and other bacteria in an era of AMR"

Deadline : 31st March 2019. More info: https://www.lshtm.ac.uk/study/ fees-funding/funding- scholarships/19-20-mrf-amr Project description The containment of resistance in tuberculosis has historically been premised on the very tight control of TB medicines, yet in many countries such as South Africa this has been unsuccessful. With blame for resistance often being cast onto patients for ‘defaulting’ on treatment regimens, social research has contested this blame by highlighting the broader social and economic inequalities that lead to treatment failures. However, with antimicrobial resistance (AMR) increasingly recognised as a global threat, it is important to find what lessons might be learned from TB control programmes for attempts to damage-limit AMR for ‘ordinary’ antibiotics, as well as how potentially conflicting imperatives between getting/keeping people on antibiotics and scaling-back medicines use play out in local worlds. Drawing on ethnograph

IV Col·loqui MARC: Sexe, Genere i Salut, 30 i 31 maig 2019

IV Col·loqui Medical Anthropology Research Cente r "Sexe, Gènere i Salut "   30 i 31 de maig de 2019 Organitza: Medical Anthropology Research Center Col·laboren: Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Facultat de Lletres, Departament d¹Antropologia, Filosofia i Treball Social, Doctoral d¹Antropologia i Comunicació, Màster en Antropologia Mèdica i Salut Global. Tarragona, Catalunya, Espanya   El Centre de Recerca en Antropologia Mèdica de la URV (MARC) convoca el IV Col·loqui, que debatrà els conceptes de gènere i sexualitat al voltant dels processos de salut, malaltia i atenció des d¹una perspectiva transversal, interseccional i interdisciplinària. El Col·loqui es proposa com un espai de reflexió entorn d¹aquests tres aspectes de recerca amb la intenció de donar a conèixer què treballem des de diferents disciplines i espais d¹activisme. Us animem a presentar comunicacions que, inscrivint-se en una interpretació àmplia de la temàtica gènere, sexualitat i

CfA: VIII Jornada d’Història de l’Astronomia i de la Meteorologia.

Aquesta propera tardor, com és tradició des de l’any 2005 i amb periodicitat bianual, s’esdevindrà una nova cita per als estudiosos de la història de l’astronomia i de la meteorologia. De nou, la ciutat de Vic es convertirà en un espai de treball i de debat historiogràfic d’aquestes dues disciplines. És en aquest sentit que ens plau convocar-vos a la VIII Jornada d’Història de l’Astronomia i de la Meteorologia. Assistència i comunicacions El comitè organitzador de la VIII Jornada anima les persones interessades en la història de l’astronomia i de la meteorologia a participar-hi i a presentar comunicacions sobre recerques acabades o en curs. La durada de cada comunicació serà de quinze minuts i, posteriorment, es farà un debat breu. Cada persona podrà defensar una sola comunicació, excepte si ho fa en col·laboració amb altres inscrits. Programa provisional En el decurs de la Jornada es pronunciaran dues conferències plenàries encara per determinar. En sessions


El proper dilluns 1 d'abril a les 18:30 es presentarà a la Llibreria Alibri de Barcelona (Balmes, 26) "El discurso psicopatológico de la modernidad", d'Enric Novella. L'acte comptarà amb la participació del mateix Enric, Daniel Cruz i Ferran Molins, i després s'obrirà un breu torn de preguntes i de debat. Enric Novella és Profesor Titular d'Història de la Ciència i investigador de l'Institut d'Història de la Medicina i de la Ciència López Piñero de la Universitat de València. És doctor en Medicina per la Universitat d'Hamburg, llicenciat en Filosofía per la Universitat Lliure de Berlín (FU) i metge especialista en psiquiatria format a l'Hospital Clínic Universitari de València. Del 2015 al 2018 ha sigut director de la Revista de la Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatría, tasca en la que ha contribuit a impulsar una mirada emancipadora sobre les persones amb un diagnòstic de trastorn mental posant a primera línia de la revista qüestions

Call for Poster - Making Medicine in Austere Times. Materialities, Moralities, and Policies of Care

We warmly invite abstract submissions for the poster session of the international symposium “Materialities, Moralities and Policies of Care. Making Medicine in Austere Times”, which will be held at the Institute of Social Anthropology, Bern University, Switzerland, from June 11-13, 2019. With this multidisciplinary symposium we interrogate the intricate ways in which worldwide situations of austerity influence people's experiences of illness and healing, clinical practices, as well as triage/prioritization logics in public health policies and the infrastructures of health care systems. The symposium will explore the three following issues, at the intersection of ethnography, history and policy analysis:   1.  The contemporary strategies of patients, families and health professionals dealing with scarcity and austerity: experiences and embodiments How do social actors or institutions cope with and experience the lack of resources? How do contexts of scarcity

CfP: Research Ethics Committees

This workshop seeks to bring together scholars interested in medical research ethics and regulation to discuss their origins and development in various historical and national contexts. On an empirical level, focus might be placed on the policies, guidelines, institutions and organizations designed to impose ethical regulations on medical research on humans in different countries. This may include analyses of the social, political, economic and cultural conditions under which these regulatory frameworks and regimes appeared and developed. This workshop will highlight various analytical and theoretical perspectives on the development of medical research ethics. Our aim is to provide an opportunity to work together and acquire a close reading of ongoing research, by circulating papers/work-in-progress texts in advance, and with the possible production of a joint publication . We welcome contributions interested in the history of medical research ethics which represent


Paper submission date 6 March 2019 Conference 18-19 Sept 2019, in Glasgow Website and submissions https://www.histelcon2019.org/ HISTELCON (HISTory of ELectrotechnology CONference) is a flagship biennial-conference of the IEEE Region 8 and this is the 6th event to take place. HISTELCON 2019 will be in the IEEE UK and Ireland Section, in Glasgow, Scotland. The proposed primary theme is ‘historic computers’ with an aim to include papers on those inventions and developments which have not already been the subject of extensive historical publications, and to include the contribution special purpose processors have made to the development and use of advanced digital signal processing methods in many applications areas. Sessions to cover other aspects of technology history in the electrical, electronic and related fields will also be provided for. In accordance with the traditions of previous HISTELCONs, and the conference will include invited keynote lecture

CfA: All Things Reichenbach, 22-24 July, 2019 at LMU Munich

The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy invites abstracts for the following event: All Things Reichenbach MCMP, LMU Munich 22-24 July, 2019 http://www.lmu.de/ reichenbach2019 ****************************** *************** Hans Reichenbach (1891-1953), one of the founding fathers of Logical Empiricism, is among the most important philosophers of science of the Twentieth Century and without doubt one of the most prominent philosophers of physics of the first half of the past century.  Many of his ideas still retain their interest in current philosophy of science, and his work continues to be influential, often in unnoticed but deep ways.  This conference is dedicated to highlighting the importance of Reichenbach and his legacy, across all areas of his thought, specifically focusing on the issues raised within his work, and on the current debates surrounding them.   Call for abstracts W

Wunderblock: Exhibition and symposium on the history of the child's mind at the Freud Museum

Wunderblock - a new exhibition and symposium on the history of the child's mind at the Freud Museum 6th March - 26th May 2019 https://www.freud.org.uk/ exhibitions/wunderblock/ Symposium : 6th April, 9am-12.30pm  https://www.freud. org.uk/event/hidden- persuaders-symposium/   Register online. For enquiries about the symposium contact Sarah Marks: s.marks@bbk.ac.uk Drawing on historical research by the Hidden Persuaders project at Birkbeck, University of London, artist Emma Smith explores how child psychoanalysis and psychiatry sought to influence, understand, and encourage children’s healthy development after World War II. Smith’s artworks and interventions interrogate some of this complex narrative to highlight the hidden history of the child’s influence over the adult world.  Research into infant observation in psychoanalysis, the emergence of child-centred education, and the anti-psychiatry movement, have all been important in the exhibition