
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 16, 2014

Call for Applications Columbia University in the City of New York Presidential Scholars in Society and Neuroscience

Columbia University is pleased to announce three postdoctoral positions for researchers who have earned the doctorate, or its equivalent, in a humanities or social science discipline—such as psychiatry, psychology, public health, law, history, economics, literature, philosophy, anthropology, sociology, journalism, music and the arts—and who have extensive acquaintance with and critical understanding of neuroscience research.  These Presidential Scholars will form the inaugural members of an innovative program that will eventually include nine postdoctoral positions and a large group of mentors and affiliated faculty from the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Over the last decade, Columbia University has assembled a distinguished group of neuroscientific researchers in the Zuckerman Mind, Brain, Behavior Institute which, with the infusion of new funds and a new building, stands poised to become one of the most important loci of neuroscience research in th

Curar-se en salut

Curar-se en salut http://www.guixols.cat/museu/curar-se/index.html Museu d'Història de Sant Feliu de Guíxols: http://www.guixols.cat/museu/ https://ca-es.facebook.com/Museuhistoria Producció El projecte ha estat dissenyat per l’arquitecte Dani Freixes i el seu despatx Varis Arquitectes i ha estat comissariada per Alfons Zarzoso , conservador del MHMC. Exposició produïda per l’Ajuntament de Sant Feliu de Guíxols i el Museu d’Història de la Medicina de Catalunya.

CfP: Tropical Diseases in Latin America and the Caribbean - a historical perspective

The workshop is organised by Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/ Fiocruz and the University of York as part of the British Academy-funded collaborative project Public health policies and practice in the Caribbean and Latin America: a historical perspective. Part of a series of international workshops that explore the knowledge and practices related to the history of tropical health and medicine in Latin America and the Caribbean from the 18th century to the present, this three-day symposium focuses on malaria, leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis, dengue, yellow fever and other diseases that affected the people from that region in the colonial and post-colonial period. In particular, it will pay attention to the clinical, laboratory and epidemiological studies of these diseases and the institutional methods adopted to tackle these diseases but will also raise important questions regarding the historicity and pertinence of the concept of tropical medicine. We welcome proposals for papers from es

Seeking Managing Editor for Somatosphere

Somatosphere seeks a Managing Editor to help run the day-to-day operations of the website, as well as to develop new projects and initiatives.  The Managing Editor will work with members of the site’s Editorial Collaborative, regular and guest contributors to: oversee the submission, editing, and formatting of posts; manage the site’s social media presence; and aid in developing new series and projects.  We are looking for candidates with: strong written and verbal communication skills; experience in editing scholarly writing; familiarity with WordPress, HTML and social media; a background in a particular field of the social sciences and humanities of medicine, health, and science (anthropology, sociology, history, STS, geography, etc.); a commitment to Somatosphere ’s aims and potential.  Candidates with experience in academic publishing and/or SEO management are particularly welcome. This is a part-time paid position, with an expected time commitment of approximately 7-

Graduate applications Invited to Montana State: MA and PhD programs in Environmental History and Science and Technology

The Department of History & Philosophy at Montana State University in Bozeman welcomes applications for its MA and PhD programs in Environmental History and Science and Technology. The department has a strong concentration of prominent scholars working in these fields. Brett Walker is a recent Guggenheim Fellow and winner of the 2011 ASEH George Perkins Marsh best book award for  Toxic Archipelago . Tim LeCain won the same ASEH best-book prize in 2010 for  Mass Destruction  and was a 2011-12 Senior Fellow at the Rachel Carson Center in Münich. Robert Rydell is the world's leading expert on Worlds Fairs. Michael Reidy is a well-known historian of British science and technology currently completing a book on mountaineering. The department also is home to the Wallace Stegner Chair which will be occupied by Mark Fiege in the spring of 2015. The MA and PhD in Environmental History provide world-class instruction and mentoring within a small collegial program that permits close i