
Mostrando entradas de marzo 21, 2021

Novedad: La sombra de la sospecha. Peligrosidad, psiquiatría y derecho en España (siglos XIX-XX)

Autor: Ricardo Campos La sombra de la sospecha. Peligrosidad, psiquiatría y derecho en España (siglos XIX-XX),  Madrid: Libros de la Catarata, 2021, 256 páginas ISBN: 978-84-1352-197-8 Las relaciones históricas entre psiquiatría, derecho y la consideración del enfermo mental como peligroso han marcado profundamente el devenir de la psiquiatría como ciencia. Durante dos siglos la psiquiatría ha estado sumida en una fuerte contradicción entre su vocación de especialidad médica capacitada para estudiar, diagnosticar, asistir y curar las enfermedades mentales y su conversión en un instrumento de orden público —buscado conscientemente por la profesión— que la ha alejado de los principios científicos y filantrópicos que proclamaba. Su consideración del loco, del enfermo mental como sospechoso de ser peligroso por naturaleza se ha plasmado en cuatro líneas de actuación entrelazadas entre sí: la estigmatización de los enfermos mentales, los vanos intentos por definir y medir científicamente la

Novedad: La venganza de la naturaleza. 50 narrativas en torno al medio ambiente

Autor: Carlos Tabernero Url:  https://www.editorialuoc.cat/la-venganza-de-la-naturaleza-50-narrativas-en-torno-al-medio-ambiente Vivimos en un mundo de encrucijadas medioambientales: contaminación de la tierra, el aire y el agua, sobreexplotación de recursos, emisiones desbocadas de gases de efecto invernadero, destrucción sistemática de ecosistemas y biodiversidad, y desequilibrios demográficos y socioeconómicos en el delirio del consumo desenfrenado y de nuestras reclusiones coloniales, de clase, género y raza, que inevitablemente nos enfrentan a nuestros modos de vivir y morir. Con el cine, que nos ofrece infinitas maneras de mirarnos en nuestras comunidades, podemos explorar con peculiar libertad narrativa nuestras formas de entender la naturaleza, nuestras expectativas, nuestros recelos, las profundas contradicciones en nuestra forma de organizarnos y de construir, históricamente, el medio en el que soñamos, sufrimos y amamos. El cine nos muestra que la venganza de la naturaleza n

CfP : Water Medicine (1300-1850) - Histoire, médecine et santé

The journal  Histoire, médecine et santé  is launching a call for proposals for a thematic issue devoted to the ‘water medicine’ before the rise of 19th century hydrotherapy. We would like to solicit original research focusing on the therapeutic uses of mineral waters in a transhistorical perspective. Proposals can be sent, for example, on the administrative management of mineral waters and their therapeutics, on the geographical issues related to water medicine, their localisation and their hierarchy. The place of mineral waters in a medical market could also be studied as well as their integration to economies of knowledge. Finally, mineral waters are a formidable starting point to think about environmental medicine. The calendar of this call aims at allowing the integration of emerging projects and the dialogue between the contributors. Proposals for articles (c. 5000 characters, including bibliographical references), in English, Spanish or French, should be sent by  May 21st, 202

CfP: Discovering—Surveying—Ordering. Expeditions in the Long 19th Century

Today more than ever, we are fascinated by distant journeys. As covid-related travel bans are implemented throughout the world, people dream of faraway places, they rush to unknown beaches in their thoughts, they find themselves in untouched areas—taking note, rather casually, of the first images and sounds from Mars. It seems as if the familiar distance is more appealing than the unpredictable, the almost unattainable. In the long 19 th  century, the European sciences experienced their second revolution through both government-led and individual expeditions. The white spots of the earth were to be explored, all things foreign could be appropriated and categorized in the private studies and academies of Europe. Life on the peripheries was documented, evaluated, exploited. Languages, head forms, rituals, art, dances and much more had to be recorded, classified and catalogued. Entire disciplines formed and defined themselves around the urge to travel far away. Artifacts, illustrations,

BSHS Online Conference 2021 - Call for Papers due 3rd May 21

The British Society for the History of Science (BSHS) invites session proposals for the first BSHS Virtual Conference. The virtual conference will take place between 13-15 July. There will be a formal conference for members of the BSHS each morning followed by a public program in the afternoon/evening.   Call for Papers   The BSHS Conferences Committee now invites proposals for individual papers and for sessions from historians of science, technology and medicine, and from their colleagues in the wider scholarly community, on any theme, topic or period. Proposals are welcomed from researchers of all nationalities at all stages of their careers. Participation is limited to members of the Society. If you are not yet a member you can join upon acceptance of your abstract. See our website   https://www.bshs.org. uk/membership   for details - we offer a subsidised rate for anyone who is at a financial disadvantage. No other fees are associated with presenting.     Offers of papers and sessi

CfP: Workshop 'Promises of Precision'

Workshop:  Promises of Precision – Questioning Precision in ‘Precision’ Instruments 29-30 September 2021,  Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden This workshop will formally conclude a DFG-funded research project entitled  Vom Lauf der Sterne und Gang der Uhren. Astronomie und Präzisionsuhrmacherei in Deutschland um 1800  (‘On the course of the stars and the going of clocks: astronomy and precision horology in Germany around 1800’), which has studied the performance as well as the handling and monitoring of ‘precision’ pendulum clocks in 18 th -century observatories. The project has examined the clocks’ technical quality and investigated the scope of horological knowledge circulating among astronomers. One central question concerns the degree of precision reached by the clocks – and the very meaning of the term as understood by the period’s various practitioners. The research process has shown that knowledge and opinions about technical matters vari

CfP: Framing Innovation in a Networked World

Deadline: 29 March 2021     Framing Innovation in a Networked World: An Interdisciplinary Workshop.  Erasmus School of Philosophy, Rotterdam (The Netherlands),  2-3 September 2021       Organizer:       Paolo Rossini (Erasmus School of Philosophy, Rotterdam)    Confirmed speakers:    Klaas van Berkel (University of Groningen)  Mario Biagioli (UCLA)   Catherine Herfeld (University of Zurich)  Karena Kalmbach (Eindhoven University of Technology)  Roberto Lalli and Dirk Wintergrün (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science)  Chiara Lisciandra (University of Groningen)     Sandra Manickam (Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication, Rotterdam)  Tommaso Venturini (CNRS Centre for Internet and Society)    The exponential growth of social networks has opened new avenues for innovators. As the world has shrunk, diffusion of innovations has grown faster, while the number of collaborative inventions has steadily increased. But a networked world has also its challenges. The channe

Power and Democracy – International Journal of Politics, Philosophy and Law

One of the unexpected political novelties of the Third Millennium is the growing questioning of democracy as an instrument of civil prosperity and as a regime able to guarantee not only social peace but also the guarantee and equal redistribution of rights and duties in the political community. On the other hand, the same democratic institutions are at the core of a dynamic of delegitimization that has had a worrying escalation in the recent events of Capitol Hill. In recent years, there has been no shortage of interpretations, both descriptive and normative one, which have often attempted (or hoped) to circumscribe the scope of the democratic phenomenon, to reduce its semantic complexity or simply to demystify its most utopian aspirations. Similarly, encouraged by very determined epistemic communities, on a continental European level as well as on the other side of the Atlantic, research programs have been launched on the History of Political Thought, Political Philosophy, and Law, as