
Mostrando entradas de enero 31, 2010


International, interdisciplinary conference GENDERED WAYS OF KNOWING? GENDER, HUMANITIES AND NATURAL SCIENCES Trento (Italy), Fondazione Bruno Kessler December 1-4, 2010 The aim of this congress is to push the question about the epistemological function of the category “gender” further, in particular from the perspective of multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary research. Since the "rupture epistemologique" of the late 18th century science has fabricated tools for sexualizing the objects of the world, while modern anthropology and biology have contributed to the universalization of gender cosmologies and the ontologization of binary gender codes. While gender studies have challenged this binary construction, they have also had a share in the naturalization of gender by using it as an independent variable. In recent years, however, the critique of gender studies has contributed to a self-critical reflection about methodologies and presumptions underlying research

1st Latin American Conference of the International History, Philosophy, and Science Teaching Group (IHPST-LA)

1st Latin American Conference of the International History, Philosophy, and Science Teaching Group (IHPST-LA) A Primeira Conferência Latino-americana do International History, Philosophy, and Science Teaching Group (1ª IHPST-LA) será realizada na Praia de Maresias, município de São Sebastião, SP, de 19 a 21 de Agosto de 2010. Este evento é organizado pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Seguindo as diretrizes das conferências internacionais do International History, Philosophy, and Science Teaching Group (IHPST), a 1ª IHPST-LA será dedicada à apresentação e discussão de trabalhos de pesquisa sobre o uso de história, filosofia e sociologia da ciência no ensino de ciências. Será publicado um livro a ser lançado em 2011 um livro com uma seleção dos trabalhos apresentados durante a 1ª IHPST-LA. Uma edição especial da revista Science & Education será publicada com trabalhos apresentados no evento. Os idiomas oficiais da 1ª IHPST-LA são Português, Espanhol e Inglês. Maiores i

Reminder: One-Year Masters Studentships in the History of Medicine at Durham University, UK, for the academic year 2010/11.

One-Year Masters Studentships in the History of Medicine at Durham University, UK, for the academic year 2010/11. The Centre for the History of Medicine and Disease (CHMD) invites applications for 2 one-year Masters studentships in the History of Medicine. The closing date for applications is 28 February 2010. The studentships are part of the Taught Masters Programme in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine (HPSM) of Durham University's Department of Philosophy, the CHMD, and the School of Medicine & Health. It is placed within the framework of the Northern Centre for the History of Medicine ( http://www.nchm.ac.uk/ ), a partnership between the universities of Durham and Newcastle, and funded from a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award which has been awarded to the Northern Centre. The studentships will be available as of October 2010. The Masters studentships provide financial support of £10,000 each. The successful applicants will register for the HPSM programme off

Una parte de los fondos del antiguo Instituto Nacional de Previsión, conservados en la Instituto Nacional de Gestión Sanitaria, están siendo digitalizados y son accesibles a texto completo on line.

Una parte de los fondos del antiguo Instituto Nacional de Previsión, conservados en la Instituto Nacional de Gestión Sanitaria, están siendo digitalizados y son accesibles a texto completo on line. Se trata de materiales especialmente útiles para la historia de los seguros sociales. En enlace para acceder a la Biblioteca Virtual del INGESA es: http://bvingesa.msc.es/bvingesa/es/consulta/busqueda.cmd

The Historical Library of the Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library at Yale University is pleased to announce its third annual research travel grant for use of the Historical Library

The Historical Library of the Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library at Yale University is pleased to announce its third annual research travel grant for use of the Historical Library. The award honors Ferenc A. Gyorgyey, Historical Librarian emeritus. The Historical Library holds one of the country's largest collections of rare medical books, journals, prints, photographs, and pamphlets. It was founded in 1941 by the donations of the extensive collections of Harvey Cushing, John F. Fulton, and Arnold C. Klebs. Special strengths are the works of Hippocrates, Galen, Vesalius, Boyle, Harvey, Culpeper, Haller, Priestley, and S. Weir Mitchell, and works on anesthesia, and on inoculation and vaccination for smallpox. The Library owns over fifty medieval and renaissance manuscripts, Arabic and Persian manuscripts, and over 300 medical incunabula. The notable Clements C. Fry Collection of Prints and Drawings has over 2,500 fine prints, drawings, and posters from the 15th centu

Imago Hispaniae

Se acaba de publicar en la web oficial del Ministerio de Cultura, en el micrositio de PARES, el proyecto del Archivo General de Simancas: Imago Hispaniae. http://www.mcu.es/archivos/MC/AGS/FondosDocumentales/ImagoHispaniae.html º "Con Imago Hispaniae, el Archivo General de Simancas ofrece un recorrido por la España de la Edad Moderna (siglos XVI-XVIII) a través de algunas piezas de su colección de Mapas, Planos y Dibujos. Con una periodicidad mensual se irán ofreciendo a los usuarios los documentos más relevantes de esta colección, organizados por Comunidades Autónomas, según un orden alfabético. La organización de los fondos documentales del Archivo General de Simancas reproduce básicamente el entramado de las instituciones centrales de gobierno de la Monarquía hispánica de los siglos XVI al XVIII. El control de la información siempre ha sido una herramienta básica en la lucha por el poder y una de sus claves es la representación del espacio a través de los documentos.

Research grants from the Scientific Instrument Society

The deadline for the next round of research grants from the Scientific Instrument Society is Monday 1 March 2010. Further information can be found at www.sis.org.uk/support.html If you have any queries about the grants, please contact grants@sis.org.uk . Richard Dunn on behalf of the Scientific Instrument Society www.sis.org.uk

CFP: AAHPSSS in Sydney, July 2010

The next conference of AAHPSSS (the Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science) will take place at the University of Sydney, in the Unit for History and Philosophy of Science (New Law School building), on July 9-11 , 2010. Information about accommodation and registration is on the AAHPSSS website at   http://www.usyd.edu.au/aahpsss/AAHPSSS2010-conference.html . If you need accommodation you are strongly encouraged to book early as the hotels and hostels will fill up. The conference will take place immediately after the AAP meeting at UNSW in Sydney (more information at http://www.aap-conferences.org.au/ ) . Membership in AAHPSSS (now 25 $ yearly, 10 $ for students) allows you to register for the conference at a lower fee. Members register at a cost of 40$ for both days or 20$ / day; non-members register at a cost of 80$ for both days or 40$ /day. Students and unwaged: 20 $ / day or 40 $ / both days. Remember, your membership dues contribute

Call for Papers: Science and the Public 2010 (UPDATED)

Dear list: We already have a steady stream of abstracts coming in for this conference, but as I can now confirm keynote speakers and the involvement of the Science Museum, I thought it was worth posting a reminder. Deadline is start of next month. Enquiries to alice.bell@imperial.ac.uk or scienceandpublic@googlemail.com Alice ------ Dr Alice Bell Lecturer in Science Communication Imperial College London http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/people/alice.bell

1er Encuentro Hispano Portugués de Etnobiología (EHPE 2010)

1er Encuentro Hispano Portugués de Etnobiología (EHPE 2010) Organizado por Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, España Tenemos el placer de invitarle al XI Congreso de la International Society for Ethnopharmacology y el Ier Encuentro Hispano Portugués de Etnobiología, que se celebrará en Albacete (Castilla-La Mancha, España), del 20 al 25 de septiembre de 2010. Más de 400 destacados científicos e investigadores de 50 países se espera que participen en este congreso, que es uno de los eventos internacionales de mayor prestigio en el ámbito de las ciencias que estudian las plantas medicinales. España es un país fascinante por su diversidad cultural y gastronomía, un país lleno de vitalidad. Esperamos que el espíritu dinámico y acogedor de la pequeña ciudad de Albacete (Castilla-La Mancha) proporcione un ambiente propicio para estimular el intercambio científico entre etnofarmacólogos, etnobiólogos y etnobotánicos de todo el mundo y especialmente de España y Portugal

Revista de Historia de la Medicina y Epistemología Médica

Estimados colegas. La Facultad de Medicina (de la Universidad de Buenos Aires) tiene una revista online , denominada: Revista de  Historia de la Medicina y Epistemología Médica   (la única oficial ), que los invita a enviar trabajos para su publicaci ón. Les solicitamos leer las instrucciones y ajustarse a ellas. En estos días van a poder acceder   el número de l segundo semestre de 2009. El próximo número saldrá en agosto.  Tienen tiempo para enviar sus aportes. Estamos festejando el BICENTENARIO DE LA REVOLUCIÓN DE MAYO DE 1810 , cuando comenzó en la Argentina el proceso de la indepen d encia. Nos parece la gran oportunidad para hacer publicaciones de carácter latinoamericano o panamericano . Muchas gracias, Los directores Consultar:   www.fmv-uba.org.ar/histomedicina/index 1024x768.htm
Dear colleagues, If you or someone you know has published an article in 2009 dealing with any aspect of the history of electricity, electronics, telecommunications, or any other electrically-related field­and this entails history of technology in its broadest sense­please consider nominating it for the IEEE Life Members’ Prize in Electrical History. Paper authors are encouraged to nominate themselves by submitting a copy of their article, and everyone is asked to submit notice of anything that they have seen published in 2009 that they feel is worthy of being considered for the Prize. The deadline for submissions is April 15, 2010. The official prize announcement appears below. For more information, please contact Andrew Butrica, Prize Committee Chair, at abutrica@earthlink.net, or W. Bernard Carlson, SHOT Secretary at shot@virginia.edu. Andrew Butrica Prize Committee Chair THE IEEE LIFE MEMBERS’ PRIZE IN ELECTRICAL HISTORY The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engin

*Call for Papers: Collected Volume of Essays on Early Modern Disability*

*Call for Papers: Collected Volume of Essays on Early Modern Disability* Abstract: 500 words (Due Date: April 1, 2010) Editors: Allison P. Hobgood and David Houston Wood Accepted abstracts will lead to scholarly essays (c. 5,000-6,000 words) to be included in a proposed book collection tentatively entitled "Disabling the Renaissance: Recovering Early Modern Disability." While Renaissance scholarship in the past few decades has been interested in all sorts of new identity histories, too little work has been undertaken on early modern disabled selves as such. Accordingly, we are interested in essay submissions that call attention to how recent conversation about difference in the early modern period has often overlooked or misidentified disability. This volume will present early modern disability studies as a productive theoretical lens that can reanimate existing scholarly dialogue about Renaissance subjectivities even as it motivates more politically investe


FORENSIC CULTURES IN INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVE University of Manchester, UK Friday 11 - Saturday 12 June 2010 This international conference examines in analytical and historical perspective the remarkable prominence of forensic science and medicine in contemporary culture. It brings together leading scholars from history, sociology and socio-legal studies, media and cultural studies, and practitioners working within the diverse locations of forensic culture – from crime scenes and bio-medical laboratories to television studios. Topics for discussion include the politics and practice of DNA evidence, the use of "cold case review" in re-evaluating celebrated murder trials from the past, the historical invention of "crime scene investigation", the work of forensic identification at mass grave sites, and media forensics –- including a dinner event featuring the creators of the BBC forensic dramas _Waking the Dead_ and _Silent Witness_. _Forensic Cul

Call for a doctoral fellowship in Epistemology (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)

Call for a doctoral fellowship in Epistemology (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)   The research project “Epistemology of the artifacts. Affordances, practical knowledge and epistemic artifacts” (FFI2009-12054) , funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and coordinated by Jesús Vega-Encabo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) calls for applications to one 4-year doctoral fellowship. People interested in epistemology, broadly conceived, are invited to apply to this fellowship. In particular, this project addresses questions on practical, functional and non-observational knowledge, as well as the role of instruments and artifacts in the generation of knowledge.   All applications must be submitted online when published in the web of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation ( http://www.micinn.es .). But previously the applicants are asked to send their CV and a letter of interest to the following e-mail address jesus.vega@uam.es . es (indicating in the su


Hola: Os envío esta información por si es de vuestro interés: "NUEVO INSTRUMENTO DE CONSULTA DE LA BIBLIOTECA DE LA FUNDACIÓN F. LARGO CABALLERO COLECCIÓN DIGITAL DE CARTELES DE LA UNIÓN GENERAL DE TRABAJADORES Y ENTIDADES AFINES El principal instrumento de consulta de la Biblioteca de la Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero es el Catálogo Automatizado, que actualmente proporciona los registros bibliográficos de más de 40.000 documentos e imágenes de muchos de ellos. Contiene información de: monografías, publicaciones periódicas, fotografías y carteles, películas y videograbaciones, así como grabaciones sonoras y multimedia. Hasta ahora no estaba accesible en Internet y gracias a la ayuda de la Dirección General de Políticas e Industrias Culturales del Ministerio de Cultura en 2009, en esta primera etapa, ofrecemos el acceso público a la Colección Digital de Carteles de la Unión General de Trabajadores y entidades afines, compuesta inicialmente por 1.120 títulos, editados