
Mostrando entradas de mayo 22, 2016

CfP: Digital HPS Conference -- Deadline approaching

The Digital HPS Consortium is holding its annual conference from Friday morning August 26, through Sunday morning August 28, 2016 at the University of Oklahoma in Norman. Register at http://dhps2016.eventbrite.com by May 31, 2016 . Conference title: "Varieties of Digital History and Philosophy of Science" Papers dealing with all types of digital projects in the history and philosophy of science are welcome, and participants are encouraged to address the conference theme: how can diverse, locally created projects can be made discoverable, interconnected, and sustainable? As we move further into the networked digital age, scholars are creating new types of digital scholarship with extraordinarily varied methods, structures, and presentations. When taken together, the richness of these diverse projects is extraordinary. Unlike traditional published works, however, many of these projects go unnoticed and often shut down for lack of support. The chal

Postdoctoral Researcher in Information Ethics position at the University of Oxford

We are advertising a Postdoctoral Researcher in Information Ethics position at the University of Oxford. If you are interested in ethics and technology please apply, the position is completely open to a large spectrum of research interests and expertise. And please forward this to anyone who might be interested. The postdoc is a full-time research position for 18 months, no teaching no admin, and plenty of opportunities and support to develop new ideas. The postdoc will collaborate with me ( http://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/ people/floridi/ ) and my research group ( http://epic.oii.ox.ac.uk/ ) at the Oxford Internet Institute, a Department in the University of Oxford Social Sciences Division ( http://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/ ). For the formal advertisement, a full description of the job, and details about how to apply please check: http://tinyurl.com/jlbfg3e

CfP: Special Issue: Food Packaging Design-International Journal of Food Design (Intellect)

Type:  Call for Publications Date:  May 16, 2016 to January 1, 2017 Location:  United Kingdom Subject Fields:  Humanities, Architecture and Architectural History, Art, Art History & Visual Studies, Cultural History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology Call for Papers for the Special Issue:  Food Packaging Design International Journal of Food Design (Intellect) The double-blind peer-reviewed  International Journal of Food Design (IJFD) seeks full articles (8,000 words) and case studies (4,000 words) on Food Packaging Design Food design extends beyond food itself to include its related artefacts and the meanings they communicate. For most people the first contact with food is packaging, framing its meaning before it is consumed. Packaging protects and preserves, but it also communicates powerful emotional messages whether associated with purity and strength or luxury and value. In the hands of the best designers the elements

Identity, Memory and History. Call for Articles Anais de História de Além-Mar.

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  July 1, 2016 Location:  Portugal Subject Fields:  Colonial and Post-Colonial History / Studies, Cultural History / Studies, Early Modern History and Period Studies, Humanities, Spanish and Portuguese History / Studies Anais de História de Além-Mar – Annals of Overseas History (AHAM) is a peer-reviewed journal published by CHAM, the Portuguese Centre for Global History. It aims to disseminate scientific work on the Portuguese expansion (15th – 20th centuries), its historical context, parallel phenomena, and the connections between the histories and the societies of all the spaces involved.  An upcoming volume of AHAM will include a thematic dossier on “Identity, Memory and History», edited by Francisco Zamora Rodríguez (CHAM) and Alberto Baena Zapatero (Universidade Federal de Goiás).  PRESENTATION  The concepts of identity and memory have achieved great relevance in the current historiographical debate. The conte

New York hospitals annual reports available

Archives & Special Collections at the Columbia University Health Sciences Library is happy to announce that we’ve completed our project to digitize the post-1922 annual reports of several hospitals that were/are major clinical affiliates of Columbia University’s medical school.  The work was made possible by a Mini-Digitization Grant from the Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO), for which we are grateful. Included are annual reports for: Babies Hospital, 1924-1942 New York Orthopedic Hospital (also known as New York Orthopaedic Hospital or New York Orthopaedic Dispensary & Hospital), 1925-1944 New York-Presbyterian Hospital, 1998-2008, 2010 Presbyterian Hospital, 1924-1997 (from 1959-1990 this was published as a “Combined Annual Report” with Columbia’s College of Physicians and Surgeons and School of Dental & Oral Surgery) They can be found on our Digital Collections page or in the Medical Heritage Library holdings in Intern

CfP Cabinetization and Compartmentalization in Early Modern Art and Science

Renaissance Society of America, Chicago March 30-April 1, 2017. This interdisciplinary session examines the role of cabinetizing and compartmentalizing visual and material knowledge, objects, and images in the early modern period. Through considering a wide range of media it aims to develop a theoretical and conceptual understanding of the various ways in which cabinets and cabinet-like spaces and formats, by means of boundaries, thresholds, and kinetic and haptic interaction, organize, frame, decontextualize, re-contextualize, activate, and transform their contents, and also guide, instruct, engage, and transfer knowledge to beholders. We welcome paper proposals that engage with concepts of early modern art and science especially. Suggested paper topics include but are not limited to: cabinets, boxes, specimen drawers, furniture, real and depicted collections, perspective boxes, dioramas, stage sets, gardens, architectural spaces, polyptychs, dollhouses, maps,

Vacancy: Keeper of Technologies and Engineering - Science Museum

Keeper of Technologies and Engineering Science Museum, London Salary: Excellent salary and benefits package Job Type: Full Time - Permanent The Science Museum is looking for an outstanding candidate to lead the group that curates the fields of technologies and engineering. As Keeper of Technologies & Engineering you will have an insightful and comprehensive overview of history and development in these areas, with proven academic achievement and publications in one or more specific fields. You should also have a driving interest in the interplay between technology and society. This broad cultural and historical perspective should be allied with an interest in, and good knowledge of, contemporary and developing practice in technology. As Keeper, you will play a major role in the intellectual stewardship of the collections. You will develop interdisciplinary approaches to the display and promotion of the Museum’s collection and its relevant fields of r

Call for Participation: The Physics of Society Workshop, 22 - 23 July 2016 at LMU Munich

The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy invites participation for the following event:   The Physics of Society: Philosophy of Econophysics and Complex Social Systems MCMP, LMU Munich July 22-23, 2016 http://www. physicsofsociety2016. philosophie.uni-muenchen.de/ index.html Econophysics is a new and exciting cross-disciplinary research field involving the applications of techniques from statistical physics and complex systems theory to economic systems. In particular, econophysics models have been successfully applied to recover certain 'stylised facts’ about financial markets and about inequality in income distributions. There are a number of interesting and important methodological questions relating to the foundations of econophysics, and to the treatment of social systems as complex systems in general. For example: Are the idealisations and abstractions used in econophysics

Call for Authors - Open Access History of Applied Science & Technology Textbook

Type:  Call for Publications Subject Fields:  History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Labor History / Studies, Maritime History / Studies, Military History, World History / Studies Authors are invited to contribute to a high quality, peer-reviewed, open access textbook to meet the needs of History of Applied Science and Technology courses at colleges and universities around the world. Specifically, this textbook will center on the theme of the transformative impact of technological and epistemological changes on worldview and human behavior as they relate to every day life and global choices. More and more courses are moving toward Open Education Resources (OERs) to reduce and even eliminate the cost of textbooks to students. OERs with the Creative Commons–Attribution license also offer a freely accessible foundation for college courses, with the ability to be tailored each instructor's needs. However, such resources are few and far between in

La Fundación Juanelo Turriano convoca dos becas para la realización de tesis doctorales dotadas con 14.400 euros anuales cada una

La Fundación Juanelo Turriano convoca dos becas para la realización de tesis doctorales dotadas con 14.400 euros anuales cada una. La tesis debe versar sobre materias propias de la historia de la ciencia o de la técnica, valorándose la relación del tema con la historia de la ingeniería en los campos de la hidráulica, construcciones civiles, mecánica o arquitectura. El plazo para la presentación de solicitudes concluye el 16 de septiembre de 2016. Consultar bases Descargar formulario

CfP - MEDICINE IN THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN WORLD 1400-1750, Cambridge UK, 3-4 April 2017

Organised by Valentina Pugliano (University of Cambridge) and Nukhet Varlik (Rutgers-Newark University) Sponsored by The Wellcome Trust; Christ's College, Cambridge; and the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge. This conference aims to offer, for the first time, a comprehensive picture of medicine, environment and health in the eastern Mediterranean and the Near East, ca. 1400-1750. While a considerable body of scholarship exists on Islamic and Byzantine science and medicine and their influence on the medieval Latin West, the state of medical theory and practice in the following centuries has been comparatively neglected and often spoken of in terms of intellectual stagnation and decline. The conference aims to challenge this narrative and reveal the continued vitality of knowledge making and transfer across the eastern Mediterranean world. Taking as our focus the politically heterogeneous southern Europe and eastern Mediter

Beauty and the Hospital in History: Call for Papers

International Network for the History of Hospitals Malta, 6–8 April 2017 Hosted by the Mediterranean Institute at the University of Malta, and the University of Warwick   Beauty, and its perceived absence or loss, has been a part of hospital experiences, therapies, and planning throughout history.  This conference aims to shed new light onto the history of beauty and health by exploring the subjective concepts of beauty, ‘normality’, and their opposites within and around the hospital.   This eleventh INHH conference will consider the relationship between beauty and the hospital in history through an examination of five key themes: (1) the arts and the hospital; (2) landscape and environment; (3) restoring beauty; (4) patient and staff experiences; and (5) beauty and the senses.  We also encourage the submission of abstracts that discuss other aspects of beauty and the hospital in history in innovative ways. For submission guidelines and a more detailed discussion

Food, Embodiment, and Knowledge

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  May 19, 2016 to November 1, 2016 Location:  Canada Subject Fields:  Theatre & Performance History / Studies Food studies has emerged as a powerful disruption of dominant discourses about how we grow, distribute, make, consume, and waste food. The inter-disciplinary nature of food studies welcomes cross-boundary discussions that question hegemonic discourses and that produce the potential for imaginative interventions into current epistemologie s and practices. [1] And yet, this discussion largely happens within the realm of the text, either through journals, books, archives, and conference proceedings. Visual media has also formed a bulk of knowledge production and transmission within the field. But growing, preparing, and consuming food are themselves, as Lisa Heldke makes clear, “knowing” activities (212). [2] Hands, muscles, ears, tongues, noses, and fingers are combined sites where knowledge resides. And if thes

BSHS Great Exhibitions Competition 2016

The British Society for the History of Science Prize for Exhibits on the History of Science, Technology and Medicine 2016 The BSHS Outreach and Education Committee is pleased to announce its fourth Great Exhibitions competition. The competition is open for any public exhibition that deals with the history of science, the history of technology, or the history of medicine. Entries are welcome from institutions in any country and exhibits may be permanent or temporary. Eligible exhibits must use artefacts or places of some kind and this may include buildings or locations, pictures, instruments, objects and books. Web-based exhibits are not eligible for the prize; we run a separate competition – the Ayrton Prize – for these and other digital outputs. The closing date is 1st September 2016 . Exhibits should go live no later than the end of September and still be available for viewing until the end of November 2016 to enable judging. There will be two prizes of £300,

OBERTA: Votació popular a Inspiraciència · Fins al 12 de juny · CSIC

Divendres passat va acabar el termini per a presentar relats a Inspiraciència. Hem rebut prop de 500 relats , dels quals 11 relats en euskera , 30 en gallec , 92 en català i 349 en castellà . Per categories, dels 482 relats que finalment s’han publicat al web, 195 ho han fet en la categoria adult i 287 a la categoria jove. Una selecció de 125 relats passarà al jurat i serà sotmesa a votació popular per decidir els premis, institucional i del públic, respectivament. El premi del públic es decidirà a través de la votació popular dels participants prèviament registrats. Fins al 12 de juny , cada participant podrà votar en línia ( www.inspiraciencia.es ) a través del formulari habilitat en el qual podrà donar un únic vot per relat, sense restricció del número de relats votats. El públic premiarà els relats més votats de les dues categories, amb independència de la llengua amb què s’hagin escrit. El jurat que decidirà els guanyadors del premi institucional per cada llen

Mapping Entanglements: Dynamics of Missionary Knowledge and “Materialities” across Space and Time (16th - 20th centuries)

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  February 9, 2017 to February 11, 2017 Location:  United States Subject Fields:  Colonial and Post-Colonial History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Religious Studies and Theology, World History / Studies, Cultural History / Studies February 9-11, 2017 Workshop at the German Historical Institute in Washington, DC Conveners: Sabina Brevaglieri, Elisabeth Engel in collaboration with the History of Knowledge Research Group at the GHI Washington and the German Historical Institute in Rome  Deadline: June 30, 2016 Call for Papers In recent years missionary knowledge has emerged as an experimental category for scholarship, residing at the intersection of different historical and scholarly fields and shaped by all of them, such as the social and cultural history of missions, imperial history, history of science, and intellectual history. This new analytical focus fosters better understand

Postdoctoral Fellowship at the MCMP (LMU Munich)

Postdoctoral fellowship (1y) in situated semantics   Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP)                LMU Munich, Germany        * Submission deadline: June 15, 2016 *  JOB DESCRIPTION    The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich is seeking applications for a 1-year postdoctoral fellowship in situated semantics. The fellowship is sponsored by Kristina Liefke's LMU Junior Research Fund project "Rich Situated Natural Language Content". The starting date for the fellowship is *August 1, 2016*. (A slightly later starting date may be negotiated.) The successful candidate has a background in philosophy, linguistics, or cognitive science and is conducting research in situation semantics, semantic contextualism, dynamic semantics, and/or situated cognition. The candidate will be expected to (i) conduct research on the information-dependence of

CfA: Foundations of Mathematical Structuralism, 12-14 October 2016, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy

12-14 October 2016, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU Munich In the course of the last century, different general frameworks for the foundations of mathematics have been investigated. The orthodox approach to foundations interprets mathematics in the universe of sets. More recently, however, there have been other developments that call into question the whole method of set theory as a foundational discipline. Category-theoretic methods that focus on structural relationships and structure-preserving mappings between mathematical objects, rather than on the objects themselves, have been in play since the early 1960s. But in the last few years they have found clarification and expression through the development of homotopy type theory. This represents a fascinating development in the philosophy of mathematics,  where category-theoretic structural methods are combined with type theory to produce a foundation that accounts for the structural aspects of mathe

Nueva publicación y presentación: Eponímia mèdica catalana III

La malaltia de Parkinson, la malaltia d’Alzheimer, el limfoma de Hodgkin. La medicina és plena de termes que deuen el seu origen a les persones que van jugar un paper determinant en el seu descobriment o als llocs o institucions des dels quals es va aconseguir la seva identificació. Elena Guardiola i Josep-Eladi Baños , del departament de ciències experimentals i de la salut de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, presenten l’últim volum de la trilogia sobre eponímia mèdica catalana de la Fundació Dr. Antoni Esteve, una visió històrica de la medicina catalana a través dels seus epònims i que amb aquesta tercera part reuneix ja més de 60 articles sobre les personalitats i centres de recerca que amb el seu nom han deixat una empremta inesborrable a la història de la medicina. Alguns dels epònims que es tracten en aquesta sèrie son coneguts per la majoria dels metges. El lligament de Gimbernat, per exemple, que deu el seu nom a l’il•lustre cirurgià català del segle XVIII, el pr