
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 17, 2013

Psychiatry in Africa, new book

AFRICA • MEDICINE/PSYCHIATRY http://ohioswallow.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=38e67014b8bc7d81fb4c12627&id=813611841c&e=ab5ae17f4c Black Skin, White Coats Nigerian Psychiatrists, Decolonization, and the Globalization of Psychiatry Matthew M. Heaton Black Skin, White Coats is the first work to focus primarily on black Africans as producers of psychiatric knowledge and as definers of mental illness in their own right. By examining the ways that Nigerian psychiatrists worked to integrate their psychiatric training with their indigenous backgrounds and cultural and civic nationalisms, Black Skin, White Coats provides a foil to Frantz Fanon’s widely publicized reactionary articulations of the relationship between colonialism and psychiatry. Black Skin, White Coats is also on the cutting edge of histories of psychiatry that are increasingly drawing connections between local and national developments in late-colonial and postcolonial settings and international sc

History of Medicine Travel Grants - Duke University

The History of Medicine Collections< http://library.duke.edu/rubenstein/history-of-medicine/index.html > in the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library< http://library.duke.edu/rubenstein/index.html > at Duke University are pleased to announce our new travel grant program. The History of Medicine Collections offers research grants of up to $1,000 to researchers whose work would benefit from access to the historical medical collections at the Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Our holdings include over 20,000 print items and 4,500 unique manuscripts along with prints, photographs, and approximately 500 medical instruments and artifacts including a large collection of ivory anatomical manikins. Collection strengths include but are not limited to pediatrics, psychiatry, human sexuality, yellow fever, and materia medica. Any faculty member, graduate or undergraduate student, or independent scholar with a research project requiring t

Call for Papers for a New Feature in the Journal of Pediatric psychology

Historical analysis in pediatric psychology New feature in the Journal of Pediatric Psychology – Historical Analysis in Pediatric Psychology. By Anne E. Kazak The formal history of pediatric psychology dates to the mid-1960s. Over the past half century, there has been dramatic growth and differentiation in the field, with relatively little written analysis of these changes. Recognizing the importance of the history of the field, the Journal of Pediatric Psychology ( JPP ) invites a new genre of papers for editorial review. “Historical Analysis in Pediatric Psychology” is a special series of papers devoted to the history of pediatric psychology. Authors interested in submitting a paper for this series should contact the editor of JPP to discuss potential papers prior to submission. There is no deadline for these papers (they may be submitted anytime). All submissions will be peer reviewed and should comply fully with the JPP instructions to authors . P

9th STEP MEETING - Session on scientific biography - CfP

9TH STEP MEETING - LISBON, 1-3 SEPTEMBER 2014 SESSION PROPOSAL by: Luís Miguel Carolino  (ISCTE – Lisbon University Institute) Pedro M. P. Raposo (Inter-University Centre for the History of Science and Technology, Lisbon) Teresa Salomé Mota (Inter-University Centre for the History of Science and Technology, Lisbon) Life at the centre: is scientific biography the next STEP?   RATIONALE: In the course of the twentieth century, biography was often disregarded in history of science due to its perceived positivist leanings. S ocial studies of science did not value it either, as they assigned a lesser role to individual contributions. However, over the last decades scientific biography has unmistakably gained historiographical currency. It is now widely accepted that biography can be used to integrate the individual and the collective , the intellectual and the institutional contexts of science, and generally the cultural, political, social and economic facto