
Mostrando entradas de febrero 24, 2013

WEHC2015: First Call for Session

Dear colleagues and friends, The International Economic History Association (IEHA) is delighted to announce its 17th World Economic History Congress (WEHC) to be held in Kyoto, Japan, from August 3rd to 7th, 2015. The First Call for Session is now open at our online submission page, https://www.kansai-lin.jp/wehc2015/session_form.php . The first round for submission of session proposals is from 1st March to 1st September, 2013. Please find the guidelines at http://www.wehc2015.org/scientificprogramme-call_for_sessions.html , and submit your proposal by the deadline. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Secretariat at wehc2015@c-linkage.co.jp Best regards, Tetsuji Okazaki Chair, WEHC 2015 Local Organizing Committee Secretariat of WEHC2015 (Kyoto, Japan) c/o Convention Linkage, Inc. TEL:+81-6-6377-2188 FAX:+81-6-6377-2075   E-mail:wehc2015@c-linkage.co.jp

Projecte divulgació, segon número: Galileu

Benvolguts companys, Fa uns mesos posarem en marxa un projecte que va començar amb el 150 centenari de Darwin l'any 2009, que consisteix a la publicació de còmics per xiquets sobre l'activitat de científics, amb la prioritat de no transmetre els tòpics habituals sinó situant-los en el seu context històric i basant el guió en les biografies dels historiadors de la ciència professionals especialistes en cada tema. Donat que la possibilitat de financiació inicialment comentada amb el CSIC va ser abandonada degut a la situació econòmica actual, hem fet per portar-ho endavant amb un projecte editorial independent que cerca recolçament econòmic per la impressió de les obres i demés despeses. El primer número de la col·lecció sobre Charles Darwin, que va eixir publicat al novembre de 2012, ha estat un èxit, i ara comencem amb la cerca de financiació pel segon número, que tracta sobre Galileu Galilei. Per tots aquells que vullgueu un còmic i donar supo

Summer research fellowship on history of women in medicine

The M. Louise Carpenter Gloeckner, M.D. Summer Research Fellowship is offered annually by the Drexel University College of Medicine Legacy Center: Archives and Special Collections on Women in Medicine, in Philadelphia, PA. A $4,000 stipend is awarded to one applicant for research completed in residence at the Legacy Center. The term of the fellowship is no less than four and up to six weeks to begin on or after June 1. The annual deadline for applications is March 1 and has been extended this year to April 1, 2013. This fellowship was established in memory of M. Louise Carpenter Gloeckner, M.D. in recognition of her key leadership role in the medical profession. This is a competitive annual fellowship open to scholars, students and general researchers. In addition to materials related to the history of the Woman's Medical College/Medical College of Pennsylvania, the collections have particular strengths in the history of women in medicine, nursing,

Mellon fellowships at RBS

If you're interested in bibliography and rare books, you may wish to apply for one of these three-year fellowships in the USA: http://www.rarebookschool.org/fellowships/mellon/index.php Best wishes, Patricia Dr Patricia Fara Senior Tutor Clare College Cambridge CB2 1TL Tel: 01223 333248

Webinar, new MA "STM in History", King's College London

Dear all, If you have students who might be interested in our new MA “Science, Technology & Medicine in History” please do alert them to this upcoming interactive online webinar presentation  on  Tuesday 5th March at 4:15pm  (GMT). This webinar will be about the new  MA in Science, Technology & Medicine in History  at the Centre for History of Science, Technology & Medicine, which will be launching this September here at King's. Register for the webinar here . This session will be delivered by  Professor David Edgerton  who will be providing in-depth information about the MA. This will also cover funding opportunities, including the  five full studentships available for 2013  based on academic excellence. You will also be able to ask Professor Edgerton questions directly. This new MA incorporates a distinctive approach to history, and integrates the study of science, technology and medicine whilst addressing big historical and policy