
Mostrando entradas de abril 23, 2017

Nova Exposició -- Deixar-hi la pell -- COMB & MHMC

Una nova exposició del Museu d'Història de la Medicina de Catalunya Sala d'exposicions del Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona DEIXAR-HI LA PELL DERMATOLOGIA HISTÒRICA A CATALUNYA Inauguració el dia 2 de Maig de 2017, a les 19.30h Sala d’actes del Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona Pass. de la Bonanova, 47, Barcelona Una aproximació a la dermatologia des de la confluència entre la història de l’art i la cultura material de la medicina. L’exposició proposa un recorregut històric a partir de l’extraordinària riquesa visual d’una disciplina que es consolida com a especialitat al llarg del segle XIX:  a partir dels llibres i els atles –amb gravats i fotografies- i dels motllos de cera, les imatges dermatològiques es van estendre pel món, tot capgirant les pràctiques de veure, reconèixer i tractar les malalties de la pell. L’exposició fixa també la mirada en la construcció de la dermatologia científica a la Catalunya contemporània. Es prenen en consideració els mestres

Exposición: Com aprenguérem a menjar

Com aprenguérem a menjar L'acció educativa i social del Programa EDALNU, 1961-1996 Del 27 d’abril al 27 d’octubre de 2017 Inauguració. Dijous 27 d’abril a les 19h. IHMC. Palau de Cerveró. En 1961 es posava en marxa a Espanya el Programa d’Educació en Alimentació i Nutrició, conegut amb les sigles EDALNU. El seu objectiu va ser educar la població espanyola en nous i millors hàbits alimentaris, a més d’estimular la producció i el consum local d’aliments protectors. La intensa tasca educativa i divulgadora duta a terme en l’àmbit escolar, familiar i comunitari ens ha deixat un ric llegat d’objectes, imatges i sons que ens acosten a una etapa de la nostra història en la qual la transició alimentària es va unir a moltes altres transicions. Els textos i les il·lustracions dels llibres i manuals, les escenes dels documentals i fotografies, els missatges dels cartells i dibuixos ens parlen d’una nova alimentació caracteritzada per la qualitat i la varietat, però també de

Free E-book published by the Whipple Museum: Anita McConnell, “A Survey of the Networks Bringing a Knowledge of Optical Glass-Working to the London Trade, 1500-1800”

Publication of a free E-book Anita McConnell’s research monograph,  A Survey of the Networks Bringing a Knowledge of Optical Glass-Working to the London Trade, 1500-1800 .  Originally completed in 1997, this work had long been recognized by colleagues as an important account of optical glass-making technique, but access had been limited to those few who had seen the small number of privately printed copies in circulation. Working with Anita, the monograph has been revised, illustrated, and edited by Jenny Bulstrode, currently a doctoral candidate in the Cambridge Department of History and Philosophy of Science.  We are delighted to be able to make this important work widely available for the first time, as a free pdf download from the ‘Explore’ section of our website: http://www.sites.hps.cam.ac. uk/whipple/explore/astronomy/ glassmonograph/ For those who would prefer a physical copy of the book, a very limited print run has been produced, and copies may be

Presentació del llibre "Psiquiatría e higiene mental en el primer franquismo"

Dimecres 24 de maig a les 18 h, al Saló d’Actes de l’IHMC  Es durà a terme la presentació del llibre "Psiquiatría e higiene mental en el primer franquismo", a càrrec dels seus editors, Ricardo Campos i Ángel González de Pablo.  Presentarà l'acte Enric Novella, professor de l'Institut d'història de la medicina i de la Ciència López Piñero La Segona República va representar un període d'efervescència en el camp psiquiàtric que va cristal·litzar en un conjunt de mesures legislatives que van establir les bases d'una profunda reforma assistencial alimentada pel desig de regenerar, modernitzar i democratitzar el país. Després de la Guerra Civil i el triomf dels colpistes, la Dictadura franquista va retallar la reforma psiquiàtrica republicana i va impulsar una psiquiatria altament polititzada en concordança amb una imaginària tradició cultural espanyola, antimoderna, ultracatòlica, autoritària i nacionalista. L'evident diferència entre el

CfP Workshop "Vaccines: Values, present and past" -- Uppsala 23-24 Nov 2017

Call for papers:  Workshop Vaccines: Values, Present and Past Uppsala 23–24 Nov. 2017 VACCINES: VALUES, PRESENT AND PAST Vaccines, their practices, and means of production, are a historically contested field in which different values, experiences, needs, risks, rights and demands from individuals, public authorities, industries and other institutions have recurrently both clashed and coincided in the joint production of the common good: the protection of whole populations from diseases. But what comes to count as good principles for valuing vaccine research, production and vaccination practices? This workshop brings together researchers who conduct critical work on the diverging values in the world of vaccines and vaccination. Questions of interest for this meeting are:  What comes to count as respectable grounds for producing vaccines and implementing, or resisting, vaccination programs? Who comes to decide what is a legitimate risk, and what is

Premi Rafael Patxot ( 2017 Astronomia i Meteorologia)

Rafael Patxot i Jubert, meteoròleg, mecenes, bibliòfil i escriptor. Sant Feliu de Guíxols, 1872 - Ginebra, 1964 3a convocatòria. Premi instituït l’any 2015 pel Consell Assessor de la Masia Mariona de la Diputació de Barcelona. Ofert a un treball de recerca, bibliogràfic o d’assaig sobre algun dels aspectes afins a la trajectòria intel·lectual i científica de Rafael Patxot i Jubert. S’adjudica en tres torns per treballs dels temes següents: 1) Cultura popular catalana, particularment la conservació del patrimoni en tots els seus aspectes (etnografia, el rol de la dona, música, arquitectura), l’excur­sionisme en la descoberta del territori i llengua catalana (estudis filològics, di­dàctica de la llengua catalana, sociolingüística). 2) Història medieval catalana, història de les ciències a Catalunya, història local de Sant Feliu de Guíxols i dret internacional en la defensa dels drets i valors humans. 3) Astronomia i meteorologia. Ofert, en aquest torn,

Making science count in policy making

MCAA/EuroScientist 2017 webinar series The Marie Curie Alumni Association, in collaboration with EuroScientist, is hosting a round table “Making science count in policy making”  on May 18 2017 at 17:00 CET. Registration is now open http://www.euroscientist.com/w ebinar-making-science-count-po licy-making/ Making sound policies in all sorts of fields is not an exact science: moral choices, traditions, communication and many other aspects play important roles. However, policies that don’t take into account scientific evidence are almost sure to fail. Europe has launched its own mechanism to convey scientific advice to policy makers. It has been a complex, partially ongoing, construction. This webinar is an opportunity to check the state of the art of the European advice mechanism. Its broader scope is also to discuss how this and other tools provide ways for European scientists to have their expertise taken into account by political leaders. The panel counts w

Call for participation: Conference "Simulation and thought experiment", 8-9 June 2017, Geneva

Simulation and thought experiment 8-9 June 2017 , University of Geneva Uni Bastions – room B214 Rue de Candolle 5, 1205 Genève Detailed info:  simthexp.wordpress.com Simulations and thought experiments are used across scientific disciplines to produce and explore new theories, explanatory hypotheses and arguments that may guide us to new experiments and ultimately to new knowledge. The goal of the conference is to explore simulation and thought experiment from the perspectives of philosophy of science, epistemology and philosophy of mind. A close analysis of these notions, their similarities and differences will provide a basis for their accurate deployment in scientific reasoning. The conference is an activity of the Geneva Centre for Philosophy of Science ( http://www.unige.ch/lettres/p hilo/recherche/research-groups /geneva-centre-philosophy- science/ ) and the DFG-SNSF research unit ‘What if?' ( https://cms.uni-konstanz.de/w hat-if/ ) Speakers:    

Call for Abstracts: Workshop on Quantum Structures 2017

An intermediate workshop on Quantum Structures 2017 will be hosted by the International Quantum Structures Association ( IQSA ) from Tuesday July 4th to Friday the 7th at the Radboud University Nijmegen, in the Netherlands. The workshop is a satellite event of the 14th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL), see: http://qpl.science.ru.nl/ Topics and Scope: The workshop will encourage discussion and collaboration between the  IQSA  and QPL communities, we will bring together researchers active in the following areas:         •       quantum structures and their applications in physics, mathematics and philosophy         •       logico-algebraic structures, orthomodular structures, quantum logics, empirical logics, operational structures         •       quantum mechanics         •       quantum measurements         •       quantum computation, quantum information, quantum communication         •        philosophy and history of quantum me

ERC programme “NOSCEMUS – Nova Scientia: Early Modern Science and Latin” – Call for postdoc (PhD) funding applications

Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck ERC programme “NOSCEMUS – Nova Scientia: Early Modern Science and Latin” Call for postdoc (PhD) funding applications The ERC Advanced Grant programme “NOSCEMUS – Nova Scientia: Early Modern Science and Latin” on the role of Neo-Latin literature in early modern science, led by Martin Korenjak (Univ. of Innsbruck), is now accepting applications for up to four five-year postdoc (PhD) positions (01/10/2017 – 30/09/2022). The application deadline is 15th of June 2017. Project description Fundamental changes occurred in the study of nature between the late 15th and 18th centuries, leading to the emergence of natural science as we know it today. This process would have been impossible without Latin as the scientific lingua franca of the era, just as today's science is hard to imagine without English. At present, the crucial role of Latin has been insufficiently acknowledged, and the hundreds of thousands of scientific texts written

CfP: Subaltern political knowledges, ca. 1770- ca. 1950

Subaltern political knowledges, ca. 1770- ca. 1950 International conference – call for papers University of Antwerp - Power in History. Center for Political History 18-20 October 2017 During the last decades, political historians have increasingly focused on the evolution of political consciousness among the “common people” during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In that process they have often made use of all-encompassing notions such as politicization, democratization and nationalization. These have in common that they suggest an increasing commitment of a growing number of citizens in the political life of the nation, but because these concepts are so general and linear, they are hard to grapple with. Do they refer to an increase in consciousness and/or agency? Apart from the difficulty of measuring these processes, one can also ask whether they necessarily occur in parallel. A more active participation in electoral processes, for example, does not nec

CfP: "Managing Women's Health," Remedia series

Submissions are invited for a series hosted by the REMEDIA blog on the theme of ‘Managing Women’s Health’. Healthcare issues that primarily concern women have a long and fraught history of being grouped diagnostically and financially outside traditional structures of healthcare provision. Recently, the medical, financial and commercial management of women’s bodies has been debated with renewed vigor. The Remedia series on the history of ‘Managing Women’s Health’ seeks to illuminate current debates. We intend this series to range widely, from inequalities of healthcare funding to the ways in which medical products are marketed to women. Pieces might consider gendered diagnoses, healthcare funding for women’s health, women’s health activism, the availability of contraception, aging and menopause, female stereotyped care roles, patient etiquette and the language used to describe women's bodies. We welcome papers from colleagues working in history, history of m

CfP: Special issue of Scientia Canadensis on Environment and Technology

Environment and technology are broad rubrics, and historians have been investigating their intersection for some time now. North American envirotech scholars have examined, among others, such subjects as hydroelectric mega-projects, urban sanitation, mining, wildlife management, fisheries science, and agricultural biotechnology. This work has sharpened our understanding of how environments and technologies shape each other, and of the societies and polities that produce them. To further advance envirotech discussion, co-editors Daniel Macfarlane and William Knight invite contributions for a special issue of Scientia Canadensis . To be published in 2018, this special issue seeks to further explore envirotech and push it in new directions. While Scientia Canadensis is generally focused on Canadian history, the editors welcome contributions that examine envirotech in the North American context, and especially invite articles that consider envirotech in transnational co

Novembertagung 2017

Novembertagung on the History of Mathematics 2017 Theme: “Tools for research in mathematics, history and philosophy” in Brussels, Belgium November 2-4, 2017 Title: Novembertagung on the History of Mathematics 2017 Theme: Tools for research in mathematics, history and philosophy Invited speakers: Liesbeth de Mol (Lille) & Ralf Krömer (Wuppertal) Date: November 2-4, 2017 Location: Brussels, Belgium Submission deadline: August 15, 2017 Contact: novembertagung2017@gmail.com Web page: https://novembertagung. wixsite.com/conference We are pleased to announce that the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science (CLWF) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) will host the Novembertagung on the History of Mathematics 2017 in Brussels, Belgium. Registration and call for papers are now open. The Novembertagung on the History of Mathematics is an annual international conference aimed at PhD and postdoctoral students in the history of mathematics and re

CfP: History and Philosophy of Computing, 4-7 October 2017, Brno

In their societal impact, computers have grown way beyond their roots in mathematics and logic. Their ubiquity since the late 20th century has increased the number and impact of several of the original questions raised by early computer scientists and practitioners: questions about their expected and intended behaviour, as Alan Turing did when asking whether machines can think; questions about their ontology, as John von Neumann did when asking what the computer and the human brain have in common; questions about their role in performing human tasks, as Norbert Wiener did when asking whether automatic translation is possible. With new technologies, the need for rethinking formal and technological issues is crucial. HaPoC conferences aim to bring together researchers exploring the various aspects of the computer from historical or philosophical standpoint. The series aims at an interdisciplinary focus on computing, rooted in historical and philosophical viewpoints. The

Issue 07 of the Science Museum Group Journal is now online

he Spring 2017 issue of the Science Museum Group Journal is on the theme of Sound and Vision. Read it online here: http://journal.sciencemuseum. org.uk/issues/spring-2017/ Issue 07 of the Journal collects scholarly articles from research related to sound and vision from across the Group. Several of these focus on sound and visual elements within collections, most of which are in store rather than on display. James Mooney, for example, discusses sound objects in the collection of composer Hugh Davies, while Joanne Gooding looks at a collection of NHS glasses through the lens of design. Melissa Dickson’s article takes a single historical object – the Ammoniaphone – and looks at how contemporary claims for its effectiveness tell us much about Victorian thinking about science and the voice. Phillip Roberts, meanwhile, uses a detailed case-study, that of Philip Carpenter, to demonstrate the move of early instrument makers into the commercially lucrative production of scient

CfP: XV Internationa Summer School in Healt Promotion 22th - 26th May 2017

Research, policies and innovative education May 22nd to 26th 2017 Welcome to the XV edition of the Summer School in Health Promotion, an annual event in which the following universities currently participate: University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland Fontys University of Applied Sciences Tilburg, Netherlands HOWEST University of West Flanders; Bruges, Belgium Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany University of the Balearic Islands, Spain Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany (Universidad Invitada) The 2017 edition will take place in the UIB, organized as previous editions by the Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy. During the week, different sessions will take place as keynote presentations, platform presentations and posters, as well as researchers meetings, seminars, field visits and workshops. Some of those are available only for a limited number of participants while other sessions are open to everyone i

CfP: Materiality and Embodiment in Greater Asia

Call for Papers South-South II: Materiality and Embodiment in Greater Asia and Africa October 27-28, 2017 Columbia University, New York   The incorporation of non-humans as active participants in knowledge production has prepared the way for interrogations of the nature of “objects”, “bodies”, and their relationship to one another throughout history. Transregional studies of objects and bodies have often focused on narratives of circulation and migration. But how does an inclusion of an object or body’s  embeddedness  in certain geographies and temporal contexts enable new possibilities for research? Does a study of material culture, theorized through conceptions of objects and bodies, confound or confirm regional geographies? This conference seeks to give voice to histories of materiality and embodiment in the Global South, in particular in Africa and Greater Asia broadly defined.   This conference thus poses two primary questions. First, how can African an

EBM+ MSCA Individual Fellowship Opportunity

‘Medical methodology’ is an interdisciplinary area that investigates how clinical evidence is critically appraised and applied to various different medical  cases. EBM+ has formed a wider network of organisations and individuals focused on this field who are attempting to articulate precisely how current research and clinical methods/guidelines are suboptimal, and how these can be lastingly improved. We would like to invite you to apply for a  Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship  to be hosted in one of the partner institutions of the EBM+ consortium. Host institutions available:   University of Amsterdam University of Kent University College London EBM+ is a consortium of philosophers, sociologists and public health experts who are working to improve the ways in which evidence-based medicine handles evidence of mechanisms in addition to evidence of associations. For more information, visit  http://ebmplus.org   We are looking for an interested candidat