
Mostrando entradas de enero 15, 2017

Foundation for the History of Women in Medicine Fellowship: Applications Open

Deadline May 15, 2017 The Foundation for the History of Women in Medicine is pleased to provide one $5,000 grant to support travel, lodging, and incidental expenses for a flexible research period between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018. Foundation Fellowships are offered for research related to the history of women to be conducted at the Center for the History of Medicine at the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine. Preference will be given to: -projects that engage specifically with the history of women physicians, other health workers or medical scientists; however, proposals on the history of women’s health issues will also be considered -those who are using collections from the Center’s Archives for Women in Medicine, but research on the topic of women in medicine using other material from the Countway Library will be considered -applicants who live beyond commuting distance of the Countway; however, all are encouraged to apply, including graduate students In

Novedad editorial: "Biopolítica y Salud Pública” de descarga gratuita

Por Javier Segura del Pozo Médico salubrista Acaba de editarse el libro “Biopolítica y Salud Pública” que tiene el descriptivo subtitulo de “una recopilación de textos blogueros pendientes de amasar” . Como advierto en el prologo, es una simple recopilación de textos editados en los blogs “Salud Pública y algo más” (entre 2008 y 2012) y “Salud Pública y otras dudas” (2012 y 2015) que tienen como punto en común la relación entre Biopolitica y Salud Pública. Url:  https://saludpublicayotrasdudas.wordpress.com/2017/01/11/editado-biopolitica-y-salud-publica-de-descarga-gratuita/

CfP: Worlds of Nature and Medicine: New Historical Perspectives LAGLOBAL

Conference/Workshop August 2-3, 2017. Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Url:  http://laglobal.blogs.sas.ac.uk/rio-de-janeiro/ Since the sixteenth century New World and in particular Iberian and Latin America knowledge has been critical to the modern making of ‘nature’ and ‘medicine’. Nevertheless, this long history of the making of new knowledge is not fully recognized in canonical narratives of the histories of science and medicine, which still emphasize European and North-American ‘discoveries’ and pay little attention to the transoceanic circulation of knowledge and people. At this two-day workshop, leading historians from around the world will present new research on the emergence and development of concepts and practices related to natural history and materia medica in the New World from the sixteenth to the twentieth century, illuminating the connections between global and local processes in natural science and medicine. Pap

Exposición: Leonardo da Vinci: el geni i els invents

La mostra presenta 40 enginys ideats pel geni universal Leonardo da Vinci Url:  http://mnactec.cat/ca/exposicio-detall/leonardo-da-vinci-el-geni-i-els-invents L'exposició presenta 40 màquines i enginys ideats pel geni universal Leonardo da Vinci, construïts a partir dels manuscrits, els esquemes, els dibuixos i les indicacions dels còdexs de Leonardo da Vinci. Alguns dels enginys són a mida real i d’altres a escala, però tots s’han construït amb els materials utilitzats a l’època i seguint els dissenys de Leonardo. L’exposició consta de sis àmbits: Màquines interactives manipulables: un total de 16 peces que el visitant podrà fer funcionar combinant així l’experiència directa del funcionament amb l’exploració dels principis físics i mecànics implicats en cada una de les màquines. Aigua: les màquines i els invents extrets dels còdexs de Leonardo da Vinci referents a l’aprofitament de l’aigua, la navegació, la flotació i, fins i tot, els sistemes de salvament d

CfP: 8th Annual Undergraduate Conference on Health & Society at Providence College

The 8th Annual Undergraduate Conference on Health & Society at Providence College will be held on Saturday, April 22, 2017. This is a great opportunity for advanced undergraduates who are engaged in significant writing projects. This interdisciplinary conference welcomes paper proposals from all areas of inquiry that address topics related to health, health care, or health policy, including Anthropology, Biomedical Ethics, Community Health, Economics, Health Care Management, Health Policy, History, Literature, Political Science, Public Health, and Sociology. Abstracts are peer reviewed on a competitive basis by a joint student-faculty selection committee. Accepted participants orally present their research on a panel moderated by a faculty discussant. Additionally, all participants will have the opportunity to publish their work through PC’s Digital Commons. Examples of papers from past conferences can be viewed at http://digitalcommons.providence.edu/auchs/ . Ab

CfP: The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth

Potential topics for articles include: -histories of  childhood museums,  its origins, ideologies, changing philosophies and current practices - frameworks and perspectives on national museum collections of childhood objects -studies on the constructions of children and youth in recent exhibitions across diverse cultures and socio-economic backgrounds -discussions on the evolution of artefacts in museums reflective of childhood and child rearing such as toys and games, clothing, furniture, books and diverse items related to home and school life -debates on the issues, practices, and policies of childhood museums including collection development, education, research, and other subjects of concern to academic scholarship and, or the local community Proposals for articles to be sent to Loren Lerner at loren.lerner@sympatico.ca by 1 April  2017 should include: -Name of author, institutional affiliation, email address - Title of article -300-500 words abstract

CfP: British Society for the History of Medicine Congress, Edinburgh, September 2017

This is the call for papers and posters for the BSHM Congress to be held from 13 th -16 th September 2017 at Surgeons’ Hall, Edinburgh, in association with the Society for the Social History of Medicine.  All interested are welcome to attend and to submit abstracts for 15 minute oral presentations and for posters. The Congress has 4 themes: Women in Medicine; Scotland's contribution and influence; Apothecaries and their successors; Art and photography in Medicine. These themes are not exclusive. Papers and posters on any aspect of the history of medicine are welcome. Abstract submission opens on 1 st February and closes on 31 st May.  Abstracts should be no more than 200 words in length and the title no more than 15 words. A single reference may be added

CfP: New Perspectives on Science and Religion in Society

Call for Papers: New Perspectives on Science and Religion in Society Please note: bursary supported places available. Thursday 29th June – Saturday 1st July 2017 Chancellors Hotel and Conference Centre, Manchester, UK. Organised in partnership between by Newman University, UK, University of Kent, UK, York University, Canada, and Kent State University, USA. In the last decade there has been significant growth in social scientific scholarship on science and religion, complementing the more established historical research into the subject. Greater attention is being paid to the varied ways in which perceptions of science are influenced by religious and non-religious belief, identity, community and conflict in different geographical, cultural and historical contexts. The purpose of this international conference is to bring together researchers with backgrounds in history, anthropology, sociology, STS, psychology, political science and related humanities and social

CfP: 11th Annual Science in Public Conference

Submit your proposal by January 31st 2017 at bit.ly/sip17panels Web link: https://scienceinpublic.org/ science-in-public-2017 Science and technology are essential ingredients of our humanity. The emergence of fruitful and diverse scholarly perspectives on the history, practice, communication, governance and impacts of scientific knowledge reflects this fact. Yet rapid scientific and technological change has also unsettled the idea of what it means to be human; for example, through new frontiers in physical and cognitive enhancement, shift to knowledge economies, and potential threats to employment from mass automation. These changes take place in a context of broader challenges to expertise and evidence, dramatically illustrated by the EU referendum and the election of Donald Trump. Taking these matters seriously calls for a renewed focus on compassion, benevolence and civilization. This year at Science in Public, we ask: How do science and technology affe


Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari seeks to appoint a visionary director to lead the development and delivery of the project. Post Summary The ideal candidate will be an outstanding creative and entrepreneurial leader with a successful track record in leading an organisation focused on transdisciplinary public engagement with emerging ideas and research, from early stages to opening and operation as a successful self-sustaining enterprise. The candidate will be regarded as a leader in this emerging field, with significant expertise and networks within the worlds of science, art, technology and business.  Key attributes of the ideal candidate include  Having held senior positions in a gallery, museum, science centre or science festival.  Being comfortable in working in an academic environment. Having good project, business and stakeholder management skills. Responsibilities and duties The Director will be responsible for developing, planning and implementing t

Technology's Stories

The Society for History of Technology has recently redesigned its online ‘Technology's Stories’ resource, designed to be used by teachers and students  - among others. This resource is now available and entirely for free here: www.technologystories.org This first issue features pieces on the history of reproductive technologies, plus a piece on museums in Roswell, New Mexico.

CfP: Food Words and Stories - 1st issue of Meridian Critic, 2017

The first 2017 issue of the academic journal Meridian Critic invites scholarly articles that explore the universe of food, gastronomy and cuisine depicted by words , images and texts . Both food and the lack of food determine the course of human actions and define man’s inner structure. Our food preferences manifest themselves through numerous consumption practices that are rooted in cultural beliefs and traditions specific to certain times and geographic areas. As a culinary strategy, the consumption of food constantly reorganizes man’s symbolic universe and constructs identities. Besides the numerous identity markers accompanying our consumption decisions, our food choices often trigger numerous interpretations that may range from patriotic statements to forms of social protest. The preparation of food influences the innermost part of human society; food is a complex cultural product that reflects social hierarchies, gender relationships, as well as rural, urban, n

CHSTM Fellowships

The Consortium offers short-term Research Fellowships , nine-month Dissertation Writing Fellowships and a nine-month NEH Postdoctoral Fellowship for scholars in the history of science, technology or medicine who would like to use collections at two or more institutions in the Consortium. Dissertation and Postdoctoral Fellows use offices in the Consortium’s facility in Center City Philadelphia and have ready access to events and activities throughout Philadelphia’s vibrant academic and cultural communities. The Consortium’s fellowships may be held sequentially with fellowships offered separately by Consortium member institutions but may not be held concurrently. See also How Fellows Are Selected . Applying Applications for Fellowships for 2017-2018 must be submitted online by 15 February 2017 . Late applications will not normally be accepted. All applicants must submit online: an abstract limited to 150 words a description of resources at two or more Consort

CfP: Innovation and Urban Health in Africa (ECAS Panel)

We invite submissions for an upcoming panel on 'Innovation and Urban Health in Africa', taking place at the European Conference on African Studies, in Basel, Switzerland, 29 June-1 July. Abstracts should be submitted by 19 January directly through the ECAS submission system (Panel K04) -- a link to the CFP is below.  A summary of the panel is also appended, but if you'd like to discuss the panel in more detail, or have any questions, please do contact Kathleen Vongsathorn ( k.vongsathorn@warwick.ac.uk ) and Yolana Pringle ( yp255@cam.ac.uk ).  https://ecas2017.ch/cfp K04: Innovation and Urban Health in Africa   Urban areas are often assumed to be spaces of innovation for health and healthcare. The concentration of finances, education, specialist medical institutions, competition, and new technologies, as well as a greater mobility of population, have all been linked to the reshaping of care, knowledge, and practice. This assumption is r

BSHS Undergraduate Dissertation Archive Grants 2017

BSHS Undergraduate Dissertation Archive Grants 2017 The BSHS is delighted to invite applications to this scheme, which offers to undergraduate students who are completing dissertations related to the history of science, technology and medicine the opportunity to consult archival records as part of their projects. These awards of up to £250 are specifically designed to cover travel, accommodation and reprographics, or similar costs, associated with archival visits. The application form is available through the BSHS website ( http://www.bshs.org.uk/ outreach-and-education/ outreach-and-education- committee-grants ); please send completed forms and all enquiries to outreach@bshs.org.uk by the deadline below. Grant recipients will be invited to write a short account of their most exciting archival find for the BSHS magazine, Viewpoint . The deadline for applications is 4pm on Friday 3 rd February 2017 . Successful applicants will be notified by Friday 24th

CfP: University of Exeter Postgraduate Medical Humanities Conference 2017

Postgraduate Medical Humanities Conference 29 th – 30 th June 2017 Call for Papers Keynote Speakers Victoria Bates (Bristol) Ina Linge (Cambridge) Hannah Morgan (Lancaster) The by now well established University of Exeter Postgraduate Medical Humanities Conference is returning in 2017 for the fourth consecutive year to showcase the diversity of contemporary medical humanities research. Our conference this year will provide a platform for an international community of postgraduate researchers to share insights and network with academics working within and across disciplinary boundaries. While we encourage innovative submissions that relate to any aspect of medical humanities, the following subject areas are of particular interest:  ·          History of medicine ·          Disability studies ·          Gender and sexuality ·          Transformations of the body ·          History and philosophy of science ·          Occupational health and i