
Mostrando entradas de junio 4, 2017

New York Academy of Medicine Library Launches New Digital Collections

New York (June 6, 2017) – The New York Academy of Medicine Library announced   today the launch of its new digital collections and exhibits website, hosted on the  open-source framework Islandora and accessible at  http://digitalcollections. nyam.org/ . The new site makes it easy for the public to  access and explore highlights of the Library’s world-class historical collections in  the history of medicine and public health. “The Academy is committed to enhancing access to our Library’s world-class   collections through digitization,” said Academy President Jo Ivey Boufford, MD.  “With the launch of our new digital collections and exhibits website, users across  the globe will have access to an ever-growing number of important resources in the  history of medicine and public health.” The website includes a glimpse into the Library’s rare and historical collections   material. In one day, high-end photographer Ardon Bar-Hama, courtesy of George  Blumenthal, took photos of a su

Convocatòria: Premis Bonaplata per la valoració del Patrimoni Industrial Tècnic i Científic

Els Premis Bonaplata tenen com a objectiu premiar aquelles persones i institucions que hagin dut a terme accions per valorar el patrimoni industrial a través de l’estudi, la rehabilitació, la difusió o reivindicació d’un territori industrial, d’un lloc industrial, d’una instal·lació industrial, tècnica o científica, de béns mobles o de documentacions industrials, tècniques o científiques. Així mateix, aquests premis inclouen un premi a la Col·laboració, amb algun dels museus del Sistema Territorial del mNACTEC. Url:  http://www.amctaic.org/?page_id=22&language=cat

Programme of the EAHMH Biennial Conference

The programme of the European Association for the History of Medicine and Health conference in Bucharest is available online: http://eahmhconference2017.ro/programme/ All other conference information should be there. If not, please contact the conference organisers or even me, and we will get you the information you need. There is also one week left to benefit from the early-bird registration fee. The members of the EAHMH Scientific Board look forward to seeing many of you there Best wishes, Jonathan Reinarz Professor of the History of Medicine Secretary of European Association for the History of Medicine (EAHMH)

Visiting Scholarships @ Max Planck Institute for the History ofScience

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science , Berlin, Department III, Artefacts, Action, and Knowledge, Director: Prof. Dr. Dagmar Schäfer, offers Visiting Scholarships , 3-9 months to take place in the period 1 January 2018 to 31 August 2019. Outstanding scholars beyond the postdoc phase of their careers are invited to apply for participation in the working groups:  - „ The Art of Judgement “, in particular projects that connect the history of judgments in planning with current concerns about the different dimensions of global change.  - “ The Body of Animals ”, in particular projects that focus on animals' bodies and materiality, or consider animals in relation to commodification, technology, or the environment.   Applications from candidates in every field involved with issues relevant to the history of science and technology are welcome, with some preference for projects looking at cases from Asia, Africa, or Latin America, or adopting a global perspectiv

CfP: Handbook of Research on Technology-Supported Teaching and Research Methods for Educators

CALL FOR CHAPTER PROPOSALS Proposal Submission Deadline: July 15, 2017 Handbook of Research on Technology-Supported Teaching and Research Methods for Educators A book edited by Prof. Lazarus Ndiku Makewa (Lukenya University, Kenya), Dr. Baraka Manjale Ngussa (University of Arusha, Tanzania) and Dr. Joshua Michael Kuboja (University of Arusha, Tanzania) Introduction Research on Technology-Supported Teaching and Research Methods for Educators arouses curiosity into the teaching and learning process. Technology has an instructional taste if its utilization is recognized and maintained. Technology can be a powerful tool for transforming learning. It can help affirm and advance relationships between educators and students, reinvent our approaches to learning and collaboration, shrink long-standing equity and accessibility gaps, and adapt learning experiences to meet the needs of all learners. Our schools, colleges, and universities should be incubators of expl

Novedad bibliográfica: "Regiment de sanitat per al rei d'Aragó"

Arnau de Vilanova. Edició crítica d’Antònia Carré Arnau de Vilanova, contemporani de Ramon Llull, va escriure el Regiment de sanitat per al rei d’Aragó , en llatí, entre els anys 1305 i 1308. La reina Blanca, esposa de Jaume II, va demanar al cirurgià major del rei, Berenguer Sarriera, que el traduís al català en un moment en què la cort reial era un important centre promotor de traduccions de textos mèdics a la llengua vernacla. L’interès d’aquesta obra rau en el fet que és una peça fonamental en el gènere dels regimina sanitatis –uns manuals higienicopràctics destinats al manteniment de la salut individual o col·lectiva–, un clàssic d’una gran vigència pels consells que s’hi donen per portar una vida sana (dieta, exercici, hores de son, gestió de les emocions, etc.). A cura d’Antònia Carré, aquesta edició revisada de la traducció de Sarriera també inclou les altres traduccions catalanes conservades d’Arnau de Vilanova, totes dues anònimes: la versió abreujada

Paul Bunge Prize 2018 : History of Scientific Instruments

The German Chemical Society (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker- GDCh) extends its invitation for applications for the Paul Bunge Prize 2016. The Prize is awarded by the Hans R. Jenemann Foundation and administered by the German Chemical Society (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker) and the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry (Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie). The prize is endowed with 7.500 Euro and honours outstanding publications in German, English or French in all fields of the historiography of scientific instruments. It can be given on the basis of a recent major publication or as a lifetime achievement award. In addition to the published work, applications must include a curriculum vitae and a complete list of publications. The deadline for nominations and self-nominations is September 30, 2017 . Nominations and self-nominations may be submitted. The Advisory Board of the Hans R. Jenemann Foundation will decide on the prize winner. The prize

CfP Workshop "Towards a History of Paleoclimatology", Hamburg 6-7 Sept. 2017

“Towards a History of Paleoclimatology: Changing roles and shifting scales in climate sciences” 6-7 Sept 2017, Universität Hamburg, Germany Deadline for abstract submission: 15 July 2017 Organised by Dania Achermann and Simone Rödder, in cooperation with the CliSAP Centre of Excellence “Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction” (Universität Hamburg) and the Centre for Environmental Humanities (Aarhus University) The climate of the past is a fundamental part of today’s climate research. Paleoclimatological data from the archives of nature serve to calibrate climate models and inform current knowledge about future climate changes. Historian of science Matthias Dörries argues that paleoclimatology gained political relevance by writing a “history of the deep past” by which it also influences the interpretation of the present; it helped to fill the Earth’s history with concrete climate events (Dörries 2015: 25). But how did the study of this “deep past

CfP: Masterclass on Galileo’s Methods of Investigation and Discovery

Masterclass on Galileo’s Methods of Investigation and Discovery 24-28 October 2017 IRH-ICUB, University of Bucharest Speakers include: Jochen Büttner, Daniel Garber, Mihnea Dobre, Stephano Gulizia, Dana Jalobeanu, Matteo Valleriani.   The aim of the masterclass is to explore the various facets of Galileo Galilei’s work. It puts together scholars working on several aspects of Galileo’s thought, including: experiments, humanist methods, and theorizing. We discuss themes such as Galileo, the engineer, the astronomer, the mathematician, the courtier, the natural philosopher, or the theologian. The masterclass format combines lectures with reading groups. All the selected texts for discussions will be distributed with the participants before the beginning of the masterclass. For registration, please send a CV and a cover letter to  humanities@icub.unibuc.ro . The deadline for registration is 15 June 2017. The event is organized by Mihnea Dobre, Dana Jalobeanu and

Post-Doc Positions on a Narrative Science Project

Applications are invited for 3 Post-Docs to work on the EU-funded project Narrative Science under the direction of the principal investigator, Professor Mary S. Morgan at the London School of Economics.  This team project will investigate how, when, and why scientists use narratives to explain their work within their own communities.  Each researcher will develop their own case materials within the overall project, working - by agreement with the project leader - on particular topics and fields of science past and present. It is expected that candidates will have a PhD in history of science, or a closely related field (including narrative studies, science communication, etc) provided you have some experience of historical research work; or you must have an equivalent track record of independent and original research.  As part of their application, candidates are asked to write a brief response to the larger project summary, found here: http://www.lse.ac.uk/ eco

Job Opportunities at the Institute for Ethics, History, and the Humanities (University of Geneva)

Please find here below some information that might be of your interest concerning two open job positions (a PhD candidate and a postdoctoral researcher) at the Institute for Ethics, History, and the Humanities of the University of Geneva to work under the Swiss National Science Foundation's project:   "Those women who performed humanitarian action: a gendered history of compassion from the Franco-Prussian War to WWII" "Ces femmes qui ont fait l'humanitaire : une histoire genrée de la compassion de la Guerre franco-prussienne à la Seconde Guerre mondiale"   A full job description is available in both French and English by clicking on the following links:   PhD candidate (SNSF) https://jobs.unige.ch/www/wd_ portal.show_job?p_web_site_id= 1&p_web_page_id=27761   Postdoctoral researcher (SNSF) https://jobs.unige.ch/www/wd_ portal.show_job?p_web_site_id= 1&p_web_page_id=27762 Applications must be sent exclusively on-li