
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 9, 2018

CfP: Association of Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, July Barcelona 2019, UPF

 The 50th Annual Conference of the ASPHS will take place in Barcelona, Spain, from July 10 -13, 2019 at the  Universitat Pompeu Fabra , hosted by the  Institut d'Història Jaume Vicens Vives . A welcoming reception will be held on Wednesday evening, July 10, and panels will run Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The banquet will take place on Friday 12 July.    The ASPHS invites proposals for panels, roundtable discussions, and individual papers. A typical panel session will include three papers, a chairperson, and a discussant (the chairperson may also double as the discussant). Proposals should include a 200-word abstract for each paper and a one-page curriculum vitae for each participant, including chairs and discussants. Please include each participant's name and e-mail address along with any special requirements. All rooms come equipped with computers, standard software, and projectors.   This year's conference will feature  Paul Preston   as the ke

Research Fellowship, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Research fellowship at UAB.  Recipients must travel to UAB to use materials housed in the UAB Archives, the Reynolds-Finley Historical Library, and/or the Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences. Past recipients include students, faculty, private researchers, artists, etc.  Research topics of past fellows include: Ø hospital desegregation during the Civil Rights Movement Ø creating a portfolio of conditions from medical teaching models Ø review of Medieval manuscripts Ø medicine and healthcare during the American Civil War Ø midwifery in the Jim Crow South Ø industrial toxins and public health in the urban areas of Alabama UAB’s Reynolds-Finley Research Fellowships in the History of the Health Sciences for 2019 The Reynolds-Finley Associates, in conjunction with the Historical Collections (HC) unit of the UAB Libraries, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), are pleased to announce the availability of short-term awards of u

CfP: Symposium Sociedad Española de Historia de la Psicología

La Sociedad Española de Historia de la Psicología convoca a todas aquellas personas interesadas a participar en su XXXII Symposium, que se celebrará en Madrid entre los días 8 y 10 de mayo de 2019 , auspiciada por el Departamento de Psicología Básica I de la UNED. Los abstracts deberán enviarse en formato Word, hasta el 1 de marzo de 2019, a la siguiente dirección:  sehp2019@gmail.com

CfP: Congreso Dona Ciència i Tecnologia

Misión La contribución de las mujeres a la ciencia y la tecnología ha sido tradicionalmente in visibilizada. Incluso en el ámbito de la salud, a pesar de tratarse de un espacio altamente feminizado, tanto la investigación como la intervención tienen un marcado sesgo androcéntrico. En todo el mundo, instituciones privadas y públicas ponen en marcha iniciativas para dar visibilidad al trabajo de las mujeres en ciencia y tecnología. Uno de los elementos principales que justifica este congreso es la voluntad de dar relevancia y valorizar esta visibilidad a las niñas y chicas en particular y a la sociedad en general para así promover las vocaciones científicas y técnicas entre las futuras estudiantes Este congreso también quiere configurarse como una plataforma de reflexión, creación, compartición y proyección del conocimiento y del talento que muchas mujeres aportan y facilitan en estos ámbitos tradicionalmente masculinizados o con una preeminencia masculina en el disc

CfP: Representing the Medical Body (28 March 2019)

A one-day workshop at the Science Museum, London, organised by Katy Barrett (Curator of Art Collections) and Sarah Wade (Research Manager), on March 28, 2019. In 2019, a series of five landmark new medicine galleries will open at the Science Museum in London. A series of contemporary art commissions form a significant part of this project along with images of the human body throughout the history of art. This provides an ideal opportunity to reflect on the unique ways in which the body has been represented in relation to health and medicine through the history of art and visual culture. This one-day interdisciplinary workshop will bring together artists, scientists and historians of art, science and medicine to explore artistic responses to medicine and representations of the medical body throughout history. Papers are invited from a range of critical frameworks including, feminist, queer, postcolonialist, posthuman and gender studies. Contributions can take a variety of forms

5-year postdoc, 4 years of graduate funding, and visiting fellowships in history and philosophy of physics

The University of Bonn now houses a new group for integrated history and philosophy of physics, with a focus of gravitational/spacetime physics. The following positions are available: 1.) A five-year postdoc; 2.) Four years of funding for a PhD student;  3.) The newly established Heinrich Hertz Fellowships in History and Philosophy of Physics   Hertz fellowships are designed to allow PhD students and early-career scholars to spend 3 months, 6 months or an entire academic year (9 months) at the University of Bonn to work on any topic in history and philosophy of physics. They have no formal duties apart from following their own research agenda and interacting with the other historians and philosophers of physics in Bonn; and they are provided with a generous stipend, conference travel support and a nice office in the Electoral Palace of Bonn, which houses the Institute of Philosophy.  Details on all positions and instructions of how to apply are available

Inauguració diumenge 16 de desembre a Sant Feliu de Guíxols

El proper diumenge 16 de desembre a les 11'h s'inaugura l'exposició "Els banys de mar" situada a la primera planta de l'antic Hospital. Serà un nou punt de partida per a totes les activitats de recerca i difusió a l'entorn de la salut que despleguem plegats, junt amb la Càtedra Dr. Martí Casals de medicina i salut en l'àmbit rural de la Universitat de Girona. Així mateix podreu apreciar les primeres obres de remodelació que s'estan portant a terme  a l'edifici de l'antic Hospital, un cop aprovat el seu pla director i haver pogut incorporar una nova finca, en haver adquirit recentment aquest Ajuntament una edificació confrontant. L'exposició "Els banys de mar" revaloritza la visió del nostre litoral amb un primer turisme vinculat als balnearis marítims i que combinava cultura i salut. Incorpora dos àmbits més:  "La ciutat saludable", que recorda com s'han anat solventat problemes d'higiene

Postdoc position in the history of amateurs

We are opening a postdoc position (or visiting fellow) in the history of amateurs and hobbyists in science and technology (meteorology, astronomy, etc.), from the 18th-20th century at the University of Geneva (Switzerland). The postdoc position will begin between February and June 2019 and last 18 months or more. The chosen candidate will join the research team working on the projet “The Rise of Citizen Science: Rethinking Science and Public Participation”. Interested candidates should contact Bruno J. Strasser ( bruno.strasser@unige.ch ) by email before December 19th, 2019.

CfP: 150 years of the Periodic System

Organizers: Gisela Boeck, Rostock; Isabel Malaquias , Aveiro; Luis Moreno Martínez , Valencia ; Annette Lykknes , Trondheim T he United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2019 as the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. We will take this opportunity to organize a special panel on the Periodic System, dedicated to its use in teaching and popular culture. The session shall be a platform for discussing how the Periodic System has been used and accommodated in teaching during the last 150 years. Questions of classroom practice, of several ways to integrate the Periodic System in textbooks and of the use of different presentations in dependence of the context and the time will be discussed. The second focus of the session will be how the System of Elements appears

CfP: "The Coming of Age of the Public Fetus - Exploring Pregnant and Fetal Bodies in Visual Culture"

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, feminist scholars started to use the concept of “the public fetus” to describe the growing dissemination of fetal images in the public. This process was often connected to the publication of Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson’s pictures of human fetuses in the mid-1960s and the increasing use of the obstetric ultrasound. Many have analyzed the consequences of this change and how images of fetal bodies have been used in anti-abortion campaigns, especially in the US context. However, while these issues are still highly relevant, the historiography of “the public fetus” has also been problematized, which calls for further research. For example, how were pregnancy and fetuses made publically visible in earlier periods and in other cultural contexts? And how can new historical perspectives extend our knowledge of this development and of today’s visual culture? Given the media expansion of the last decades and contemporary political strugg

CfP: 16th Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy ofScience and Technology

Czech Technical University, Prague, Czechia, 5–10 August 2019 http://clmpst2019.flu.cas.cz/ Submission deadline: 15 December 2018 The International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology (CLMPST) is organized every four years under the auspices of the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (DLMPST/IUHPST). The Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences is proud to host the 16 th CLMPST in the summer of 2019 in Prague. CLMPST 2019 will host three plenary lectures , delivered by Heather Douglas (Michigan State University), Joel D. Hamkins (University of Oxford), and Sandra D. Mitchell (University of Pittsburgh), and over twenty invited lectures. Invited speakers include: Anna Alexandrova (University of Cambridge), Atocha Aliseda Llera (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Christina Brech (University of São Pa