
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 20, 2022

CfP: "Women in Science: Achievements and Barriers" Conference

Inspired by its 2023 exhibition  Women in Science,  the American Philosophical Society is organizing two international conferences that will explore the history of women in science, the present state of science and society, and the opportunities to create a more inclusive and diverse practice of science. The Society’s first gathering will focus on the themes “achievements and barriers,” while the second will focus on “opportunities.” Both conferences aim to examine these themes from historical, contemporary, and interdisciplinary perspectives.   The program committee is now accepting proposals for the first conference on “Women in Science: Achievements and Barriers.” The conference will be held in-person at the Society in Philadelphia on June 8-9, 2023. The conference will also be livestreamed. The program committee invites paper proposals from scholars in all fields, and especially historians, practitioners, policymakers, educators, and others whose work bears upon this theme. Possibl

CfA: Philosophy of Medicine Roundtable - June 2023

Bologna, Italy, June 8-9, 2023 Conference website https://philhead.org/events/ 10th-international-philosophy- of-medicine-roundtable/ Invited speakers Prof. Anya Plutynski (Washington University in St Louis) Dr. Fedro Peccatori (IEO – European Institute of Oncology) The talks by the two invited speakers will be on the theme: “Modeling and Treating Complex Diseases” Affiliated symposia Two affiliated symposia will be held on June 7: “From Evidence Based Medicine to Evidence Based Psychiatry?” organized by C. Amoretti, L. Bortolotti, E. Lalumera “Extending Lifespan: Theoretical, Ethical and Socio-economic Aspects” organized by M. Benzi, A. Blasimme Venue The 10th biennial Philosophy of Medicine Roundtable will be held at Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, organized by the Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, and by the Inter-University Research Centre on Health and Disease (PhilHeaD). Call for Abstracts Altho

Call for thematic dossiers | HoST – Journal of History of Science and Technology | 2024

HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology is an open access, on-line peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the History of Science and Technology, published in English by a group of Portuguese research institutions and De Gruyter/Sciendo. HoST encourages submissions of original historical research exploring the cultural, social and political dimensions of science, technology, and medicine (STM), both from a local and a global perspective.    Past thematic issues have dealt with topics as diverse as circulation, science communication, natural history, or the relation between science, technology and politics. Future issues might deal with both established and emerging areas of scholarship. The editors of HoST are looking for proposals for two thematic dossiers to be published in 2024 (HoST volume 18, issue 1-June, issue 2-December).    Each thematic dossier should be prepared by the guest editor(s) and include four research papers along with an introduction.   Submissi

CfP: Sound, Language and the Making of Urban Space

University of Copenhagen. August 24th and 25th 2023 Contemporary histories of sound and hearing often open with a lament that this subject matter has too long been ignored in favor of studies of the written word or of vision. But over the last two decades, auditory history has entered the discipline with a vengeance—at the intersection of the history of music, the body, technology, medicine, disability, the environment, and everyday life. Thus wrote the American historian Sophia Rosenfeld a decade ago. Since then, the study of sound history, listening regimes, auditory practices and the cultural history of noise and silence has continued to bloom and bud, often with the context of the city and urban life at its center. From the late Raymond Murray Schafer’s pioneering studies of the urban soundscape via Bruce Smith’s concept of “acoustic communities” and Karin Bijsterveld’s and Peter Payer’s explorations into the conceptualization and abatement of urban noise to Emily Thompson’s study

CfP: Asia-Pacific Philosophy of Science Association (APPSA) Biannual Conference 21-22 July

Conference Venue: College of Arts and Sciences, VinUniversity, Hanoi, Vietnam Conference Date: 21-22 July 2023 Topic Areas Philosophy of Science Philosophy of Technology Historical and Sociological Studies of Science and Technology Details The Asia-Pacific Philosophy of Science Association (APPSA) invites papers for its upcoming 10th biannual meeting to be held at VinUniversity, Hanoi, Vietnam. The theme of the conference is "Philosophical Challenges at the Frontiers of Science and Technology". Papers can cover any theme from philosophy of science and technology, and we particularly welcome approaches situated in the Asian context, whether that is from philosophy, history or the sociological study of science and technology. To be considered, please prepare an abstract of no more than 500 words for a paper that can be read in 20 minutes (plus 10 minutes Q+A). We welcome submissions from individuals who wish to join APPSA. Membership is not required to present, but we encourage

CfP: SLSAeu 2023. Models, Metaphors and Simulations

Conference of SLSAeu. European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts and ELINAS Research Center for Literature and Natural Science. May, 18 – 21/2023. The SLSAeu Conference 2023 is centered on modes of exchange between discourses and practices of knowledge production, re-presentation and simulation which lead to epistemic transformations in science, literature and arts. Metaphors, models and simulations are epistemic tools for physics, astronomy, climatology, earth system sciences, biology, life sciences, medicine and robotics. Model-based reasoning is employed in social sciences, cognitive sciences, computer sciences, archaeology and architecture. While the usual categories for doing scientific research are experiments, theories and their falsifications, which are mainly based on technical equipment and mathematical formalism, recent approaches investigate how models and simulations are embedded in cultural processes, and ask how they are formed or epistemically transformed as

Postdoc at Duke

The Duke University Philosophy Department invites applications for a post-doctoral associate in philosophy. The ideal candidate will have strong research interests in history of philosophy and/or philosophy of physics, in any period from the 17 th  century to the present day, and will have a demonstrated interest in neglected voices. The post-doctoral associate will work no more than 20 hours per week serving as research assistant to  Katherine Brading , and will devote their remaining hours to conducting their own research. The post-doctoral associate may also have the opportunity to teach or co-teach as part of their duties, at the discretion of the Chair of the Philosophy Department.   Salary and benefits will be competitive. Initial appointment is for 1 year, with opportunity of renewal for a further year. Starting date: September 1, 2023. The successful candidate must have completed their PhD by the time of appointment.   All candidates should submit (1) a letter of application de

CfP: Phenomenologies of Care: Patients, Caregivers, and Narratives

Clinical Ethics  Special Issue on  Phenomenologies of Care:  Patients, Caregivers, and Narratives (Deadline for Submissions: 1 May 2023; publication in December 2023) Guest Editors: Jenny Krutzinna and Anna Gotlib   Among the numerous empirical, socio-political, and ethical analyses of clinical caregiving practices, what is often missing are the phenomenological narratives—those that express, are based on, or that explore the ethical, epistemic, or practical implications of, the individual “lived” experiences of caregivers and the cared-for. Yet, without these narratives, it can be difficult (if not impossible) to know whether or to what extent principles, guidelines, protocols, and policies for clinical action and justification capture and respond to actual patient and practitioner experiences. Narratives of the phenomenologies of care are a means of addressing this uncertainty, clarifying what has been epistemically, morally, or practically missed by non-narrative approaches to patie

CfP: Workshop on The Gravitational Constant, from the Local to the Universal, St Andrews, UK, 20-21 April 2023

The workshop is part of  The Gravitational Constant, from the Local to the Universal , an interdisciplinary collaborative project between St Andrews and the  Lichtenberg Group for   History and Philosophy of Physics, University of Bonn  ( https://www.gravconstant.net/  ). The project brings perspectives from transnational history, philosophy, mathematics and physics to bear on the question of how the constant,  G,  was transformed from a controversial innovation in the 1880s to an unquestioned fundamental constant of nature by 1915. The aim of the workshop is to explore the wider context and foster collaborations around emerging research questions.     The 2-day workshop will treat gravitation as a case study in a wider context of interpretational moves at the turn of the 19th to 20th century from the local to the universal that took place through:    measurement     circulation practices     ideas about the role of laws     translation    Each theme will start with an invited speaker