
Mostrando entradas de agosto 1, 2010

CFP: Star Trek and History

*Proposals Due Oct. 1, 2010* *Call for Papers:  Star Trek and History (book collection)* *Editor:*  Nancy Reagin, Pace University *Description:* We are inviting proposals for essays to be included in an edited collection, “Star Trek and History,” which will be published by Wiley & Sons in 2012 as part of its Pop Culture and History series.  We’re looking for essays that historicize the Star Trek television series and movies: examining individual characters or aspects of the series against a historical backdrop, analyzing how popular historical understandings inform the series, or discussing the use of historical contexts or events within Star Trek.  The primary focus of the collection is on the characters and stories of the first Star Trek series (and its movies), but essays that discuss the use of history in the later Star Trek series (Next Generation, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise) are also welcome. The collection is aimed at a broader audience than is the case for many s

CFP: Pharmacy in History journal

Pharmacy in History (PH) Editor: Gregory J. Higby, University of Wisconsin-Madison, American Institute of the History of Pharmacy Managing Editor:  Elaine Condouris Stroud, University of Wisconsin-Madison, American Institute of the History of Pharmacy Published: Quarterly (Print and Electronic Formats) Call for Papers The editors of the Pharmacy in History invite you to consider submitting a manuscript for inclusion in this peer-reviewed scholarly journal. Pharmacy in History publishes essays on the history of pharmaceutical practice, science, and industry, including the history of drugs and therapeutics and facets of the related medical sciences. The journal solicits manuscripts not exceeding 10,000 words, and also invites submission of scholarly notes, generally no longer than 1000 words (exclusive of footnotes). All scholarly manuscripts submitted undergo a peer-review process. Send a copy of the manuscript via email ( PH@aihp.org ) or on disk to Gregory Higby, Editor, AIHP

Epidemics in context

You are cordially invited to attend the conference ‘EPIDEMICS IN CONTEXT’, to be held on 12 and 13 November at the Warburg Institute in London. Please download the poster here: http://warburg.sas.ac.uk/colloquia/posters/epidemics.pdf . I would be grateful, if you could put it on your noticeboards. We are also making our first draft texts and translations available to you, as previously announced. They can be downloaded here: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/classics/research/dept_projects/epidemics/papers Even if you cannot come to the conference, I hope that you will find the material of interest to you. KInd regards, Peter Peter E Pormann, D.Phil. Wellcome Trust Associate Professor Department of Classics & Ancient History University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7AL UK tel.: +44 24 761 50408 fax.: +44 24 765 24973 web site: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/classics/staff/pormann/

New digital collection: FDA Food and Drug Notices of Judgment 1908-1934

The Archives and Modern Manuscripts Program at the History of Medicine Division , National Library of Medicine is pleased to announce the second release of additional court case summaries published as the Food and Drugs Act Notices of Judgment (NJs) ( http://archive.nlm.nih.gov/fdanj/ ). These NJs cover the first case published in 1908 through February 1934 (20,629 cases). These cases include both adulterated and misbranded foods and drugs. We will periodically add more NJs to complete this Combined Foods and Drugs category which existed through 1943. The FDA Notices of Judgment online collection already holds cases for the Drugs and Devices category, dated 1940-1963 and for Cosmetics, dated 1940-1964. This collection is a digital archive of the notices judgment for products seized under authority of the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act and the 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The NJs are resources in themselves, but also lead users to the over 2,000 linear foot collection of the evid

CFP: HISRECO (History of Recent Economics Conference), Duke University, 29-3- April 2011

Fifth Annual Conference on the History of Recent Economics 29-30 April 2011, Duke University, Center for the History of Political Economy, North Carolina, USA The Second World War and its aftermath marked a major stage in the establishment of economics as one of the dominant discourses in contemporary societies. The spread of economic ideas into many areas of social life invites mutually profitable engagements between historians of economics and historians of other social sciences. It also presents great potential for those working on the history of economics to broaden their audience beyond those that they have traditionally addressed. The past decade has been witness to a surging interest in the history of economics post-WWII. This new scholarship has made good use of newly available source-materials, rehearsed new methodologies for the study of the past and looked across disciplinary boundaries for insights. In its fifth consecutive year, the HISRECO conference offers a venue f


IV TALLER DE HISTORIA SOCIAL DE LA SALUD Y LA ENFERMEDAD EN ARGENTINA Y AMERICA LATINA Tucumán 12, 13 y 14 de agosto de 2010 Cuarta circular Como se informó oportunamente, los días 12, 13 y 14  de agosto del cte año se realizará el IV Taller de Historia social de la salud y la enfermedad en la Residencia Universitaria de Horco Molle, ubicada a 15 km al oeste del centro de la ciudad de San Miguel de Tucumán. A la misma se accede fácilmente en taxi desde aeropuerto Benjamín Matienzo o desde la terminal de ómnibus (trayecto directo por avenidas que van cambiando de nombre –Av. Sarmiento- Av. Belgrano- Av.Perón- hasta la localidad de Yerba Buena, donde se encuentra la Residencia).   El actual conjunto arquitectónico de Horco  Molle se encuentra enclavado en el Parque Sierras de San Javier. En 1947, el rector de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Horacio Descole, impulsó la compra por parte del Gobierno Nacional del citado predio para concretar el proyecto de Ramón Carrillo (Ministro

UNED: Seminario sobre ideales de formación en la Historia

UNED: Seminario sobre ideales de formación en la Historia Los próximos 28 y 29 de octubre, el Grupo de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas (GEMYR), del Dpto. de Historia de la Educación de la UNED, va a organizar un seminario interdisciplinar sobre Ideales de formación en la Historia. En él van a participar distintos investigadores españoles y europeos, reflexionando sobre la base de seis mesas redondas o unidades temáticas: -Ideales de formación en el clasicismo oriental y grecorromano -La renovación pedagógica de la Baja Edad Media -Ideales pedagógicos en el Humanismo renacentista -Modernidad e Ilustración: ideales de formación -Ideales de formación en la contemporaneidad -Marginación e inclusión pedagógica en el siglo XX Las ponencias así como las comunicaciones se publicarán en las Actas, aunque en el seminario sólo se expondrán las ponencias. Las normas de redacción de los trabajos son las propias de la SEDHE. Los interesados en participar pueden ponerse en contacto con el s

Base de datos: Historia de las matemáticas

Colegas, foi lançado o DVD “A educação matemática na escola de primeiras letras: um inventário de fontes”.  Trata-se de um trabalho coletivo do GHEMAT, que reúne livros didáticos, leis educacionais, manuais de ensino para professores, revistas pedagógicas e provas de alunos.  Convido todos a visitarem http://www.unifesp.br/centros/ghemat/paginas/livros_didat.htm?email=wag Abraços, WAGNER RODRIGUES VALENTE Universidade Federal de São Paulo GRUPO DE PESQUISA DE HISTÓRIA DA EDUCAÇÃO MATEMÁTICA www.unifesp.br/centros/ghemat

JOB POSTING: Open-rank position in History of Science / Harvard University

The Department of the History of Science, Harvard University, seeks to appoint an outstanding scholar working in any area of the history of science, technology, or medicine who will play an active role in shaping the field. The position is open as to rank.  The Department is especially interested in candidates with exceptional promise as scholars, teachers and mentors, who are able to offer courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. We welcome applications that will strengthen the diversity of the department. The appointee will have significant intellectual and administrative responsibilities in building initiatives that complement and expand on existing strengths.  Applications should include a c.v., an outline of present scholarly projects and future plans, a statement of teaching experience and approach, and three letters of recommendation. Please address application materials to hsdept@fas.harvard.edu   or Search Committee  c/o Marcus Dahmen, Department of the History

University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries Grants-in-aid

The Friends of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries (FOL) is pleased to offer several one month residential grants-in-aid for research in the humanities in the university's Memorial Library. Awards are $2,000 each, with an additional $1,000 for grantees who live outside North America. The Library's collections include (among other fields): - History of science from the Middle Ages through the Enlightenment - Pseudo science and medical and scientific quackery - The largest American collection of avant-garde "Little Magazines" - Scandinavian and Germanic history and literature - Dutch post-Reformation theology and church history - French political pamphlets of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries Applicants should have a Ph.D. Foreign scholars or graduate students who are ABD are also eligible.   Applications are due 1 February of any year. For more information, email: friends@library.wisc.edu , or visit: < http://www.library.wisc.edu/friends/grant

Número reciente de Revista de Historia de la Medicina

Apareció un nuevo número de la publicación electrónica: Revista de Historia de la Medicina y Epistemología Médica. Esperamos contribuciones. Ver las instrucciones para los autores: www.fmv-uba.org.ar/histomedicina/index1024x768.htm Saludos y gracias, Los directores.

Tercera Escuela Nacional de Historia y Educación Matemática.

Tercera Escuela Nacional de Historia y Educación Matemática Departamento Matemáticas Santiago de Cali – Colombia 27 al 29 de octubre de 2010 Tema central: AXIOMÁTICA Y ESTRUCTURALISMO EN MATEMÁTICAS Para la evaluación del comité académico: Enviar en hojas tamaño carta Fuente Times New Roman a 12 puntos Interlineado sencillo Margen: superior de 3 cm, inferior de 3 cm, derecho de 3 cm e izquierdo de 3 cm Recomendaciones Organizar el cartel para que el lector siga fácilmente el flujo de la información presentada. El flujo del cartel deberá ser de izquierda a derecha y de arriba hacia abajo. El texto deberá ser de fácil comprensión, evitando el uso de contracciones o abreviaturas no convencionales. Responsable Grupo de Historia de las Matemáticas, Universidad del Valle-Universidad del Cauca. Invitados Leo Corry, Tel-Aviv University Luis Rico, Universidad de Granada, España Carlos Eduardo Vasco, Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educación Matemática Marco Panza, Universidad de París

Coloquio Ensamblando a Colombia: Naturalezas, Culturas, Tecnologías.

El Grupo de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia -Sede Bogotá- tiene el placer de invitarlos a el Coloquio Nacional Ensamblando a Colombia. ENSAMBLANDO A COLOMBIA I: NATURALEZAS, CULTURAS, TECNOLOGÍAS 10 AL 13 DE AGOSTO DE 2010 AUDITORIO VIRGINIA GUTIÉRREZ DE PINEDA EDIFICIO DE POSTGRADOS DE CIENCIAS HUMANAS ROGELIO SALMONA UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA, BOGOTÁ D.C. ENTRADA GRATUITA: REGISTRO EN EL LUGAR DEL EVENTO Mayor información en: www.ensambladoencolombia.org

Integrated History and Philosophy of Science (&HPS3), IU Bloomington, Sept 23-26

Integrated History and Philosophy of Science (&HPS3) Indiana University Bloomington This September 23-26, the Indiana University Department of History and Philosophy of Science will host a three day conference on “Integrated History and Philosophy of Science.” This is the third in a series of meetings devoted to the topic, and it coincides with the fiftieth anniversary of the Indiana HPS Department. The paper topics range from a discussion of seventeenth-century comet theory to history and philosophy of contemporary embryology. For complete information on the conference, including the program, abstracts of papers, and details on lodging, go to http://www.indiana.edu/~andhps/ < http://www.indiana.edu/%7Eandhps/ > . Please note that the block of hotel rooms reserved for the conference will be released in mid-August. If you are planning to attend, we urge you to make your booking as soon as possible. Questions can be directed to Jutta Schickore jschicko@indiana.edu Am