Call for Submission: 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology
The Scientific Committee invites and encourages all symposia organisers to submit their symposia proposals for consideration and inclusion in the Scientific Programme. Instructions for symposia organisers Submission rules A symposium should be organized by at least two persons based in different countries. Each symposium proposal has to consist of 4 talks (proposals consisting of 3 or of 5 and more talks cannot be accepted). At least 3 of the talks should not include the organizers as authors. It is possible to organize a symposium consisting of more than 4 talks. In that case divide the symposium to parts consisting of 4 talks and submit each of these parts as a separate symposium proposal (each part must consist of 4 talks). Titles of parts of a symposium should be as follows: “Symposium_title - Part 1/number_of_parts”, “Symposium_title - Part 2/number_of_parts”, etc. In addition, write a number of parts of you symposium in the overall abstract of the symposium.