
Mostrando entradas de mayo 15, 2016

X Jornades d'Arqueologia Industrial de Catalunya

Convocatòria L’Associació del Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica i d’Arqueologia Industrial de Catalunya (AMCTAIC), el Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya (mNACTEC) i el comitè organitzador convoquen les X Jornades d’Arqueologia Industrial de Catalunya que, com cada tres anys, tenen per  objectiu aportar i acollir noves visions i estudis originals en qualsevol dels camps relacionats amb el Patrimoni Industrial. En aquesta ocasió, les Jornades se celebraran a la ciutat de Vic, de l’1 al 3 de desembre del 2016. Temàtica i àmbits Les Jornades pretenen aportar i acollir noves visions i estudis originals en qualsevol dels camps relacionats amb el Patrimoni de la Indústria Alimentària, passat present i futur. Elaboració, transformació, preparació, envasaments, impacte públic, publicitat, difusió... dels productes alimentaris pel consum humà. Les seccions temàtiques podran ser patrimoni del gra (cereals): sitges, farineres,...  patrimoni del vi i del

Reader/Senior Lecturer in History

School of Humanities Salary:   £36,672 to £55,389  Closing Date:   Monday 23 May 2016 Interview Date:   To be confirmed  Reference:   1516-08C   Bishop Grosseteste University is expanding its research capacity and profile as part of the institution’s five-year Strategic Plan (2014-19). The University is investing in additional research-focused staff and doctoral studentships. The recently established School of Humanities at Bishop Grosseteste University is growing its research culture and activity, as well as its suite of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. This includes the formation of a research cluster in the Humanities around the interdisciplinary themes of Identity, Culture and Communication. The School is seeking new academic staff with a strong research background to support these developments, in particular in English Literature, History or related Humanities/interdisciplinary areas.

Changing the Nature of Art and Science: Intersections with Maria Sibylla Merian

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  June 7, 2017 to June 9, 2017 Location:  Netherlands Subject Fields:  Early Modern History and Period Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Humanities, Fine Arts Amsterdam 7, 8 and 9 June 2017 What: Conference on the life, works and influence of Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717) When: 7, 8 and 9 June 2017 Where: Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam Title: Changing the Nature of Art and Science. Intersections with Maria Sibylla Merian Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717) is one of the more intriguing figures of scientific, artistic and commercial culture of the early modern period. Born in Frankfurt, and later based in Nuremberg, Wieuwerd and Amsterdam, her scientific interest in entomology led her eventually to Surinam, where, as in Europe, she studied the metamorphoses of insects in their natural habitat. She translated her minute observations into powerful artistic representations that still attract the

CfP: PSX 5 - scientific experimentation and policy

22-23 September 2016. University of Belgrade Belgrade, Serbia Organized by the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade , and the Center for the Studies of Bioethics , Belgrade This conference series is intended to give a home to philosophical interests in, and concerns about, scientific experimentation. The fifth conference will focus on philosophical exploration of various aspects of the relationship between experimentation and policy. For instance, are there epistemically optimal ways of organizing a scientific laboratory? Is there a set of policies concerning division of cognitive labor that can ensure that small, large, or mega laboratories produce relevant scientific knowledge in the most efficient way? Recent philosophical studies have addressed these and similar questions and produced interesting results, often with the help of computer simulations and quantitative methods of analysis. Also in biomedical and related sciences the condu

Cultural Representations of Breastfeeding: Edited Collection

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  June 1, 2016 Location:  Indiana, United States Subject Fields:  Cultural History / Studies, Humanities, Literature, Popular Culture Studies, Women's & Gender History / Studies An examination of cultural representations of breastfeeding that attends to diffuse discourses about infant feeding, ranging from medical and anthropological to socioeconomic and cultural, all the while utilizing feminist methodologies, can facilitate an interrogation of the feminist implications of breastfeeding advocacy, including essentializing discourses about women’s bodies as the “natural” choice for infant feeding and the complex considerations women and families navigate in making decisions about infant feeding. The representation of breastfeeding in Western culture, starting with Madonna lactan art and evolving up to the 2012  Time  magazine cover featuring a mother nursing her three year old son and the provocative question, “Are yo

New issue of Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health is open access and ready to read online

Type:  Online Digital Resources Location:  Ontario, Canada Subject Fields:  Military History Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health Volume 2 No. 1 April 2016 http://bit.ly/jmvfh21 Editorial New perspectives in military, Veteran and family health Alice B. Aiken, Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger http://bit.ly/jmvfh_21a In Graphics Are MSK injuries a hidden threat to the Canadian Armed Forces? Luc J. Hébert http://bit.ly/jmvfh_21b Perspectives Learning from the Deschamps Report: why military and Veteran researchers ought to pay attention to gender Maya Eichler http://bit.ly/jmvfh_21c Research Transitioning from military to civilian life: the role of mastery and social support Krystal K. Hachey, Kerry Sudom, Jill Sweet, Mary Beth MacLean, Linda D. VanTil http://bit.ly/jmvfh21a Being by myself and believing in us: the experience of pregnancy and childbirth during an intimate partner's military deployment Christian Pat

Ikerbasque Research Professors Call 2016

Ikerbasque , the Basque Foundation for Science, would like to inform you that we have launched a new international call to reinforce research and scientific career in the Basque Country (Europe). We offer:   10 permanent positions for Senior Researchers - Ikerbasque Research Professors.   Researchers with a solid research track and leadership capabilities The applicants must have their PhD completed before January 2008 Permanent contract positions within any of the Basque Research Institutions Deadline: September 12 th   For further information, use this link: www.ikerbasque.net We would appreciate your help in disseminating this information, in case you know about any colleague that could be interested and meets the requirements of the call.

Leeds: Senior Fellowship opportunities in History of Science, Technology and Medicine

A scheme designed to bring senior researchers for extended visits to Leeds is now accepting applications. Are you a senior researcher who is looking for an opportunity to spend some time way from day to day responsibilities to develop new research ideas and collaborations? Thanks to the generous donation of Peter and Susan Cheney, the University of Leeds is able to offer a number of senior research fellowships to enable you to do just that. The Cheney Fellowships scheme enables talented senior researchers to undertake a period of research at the University of Leeds, during which time they can spend time thinking, talking, collaborating and developing new ideas with academic colleagues including staff and research students. Applicants from within and outside of academia are encouraged. For the 2016 round, applications are invited from potential fellows in the area of culture (under the auspices of the Cultural Institute at the University of Leeds), focusing o

Cultura concede el Premio Lluís Guarner 2015 al historiador de la ciencia José Luis Peset Reig

El Patronato Lluís Guarner, presidido por el subsecretario de la Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deportes, Joan Josep Vidal, ha acordado conceder por unanimidad su premio anual a José Luis Peset Reig, por su labor como historiador de la ciencia española de los siglos XVIII y XIX. Sus investigaciones y estudios no solo se centran en los campos de la medicina y la sanidad, sino que también analizan multitud de aspectos culturales de la época de la Ilustración, la enseñanza superior en España o las repercusiones sociales de la difusión de la ciencia en Italia, Inglaterra e Hispanoamérica. José Luis Peset Reig, nacido en Valencia y perteneciente a una insigne familia de intelectuales valencianos, se formó en las universidades de Valencia y Salamanca, donde se doctoró en 1971 con su trabajo "La enseñanza de la Medicina en Salamanca durante el reinado de Carlos IV". Fue discípulo del Pedro Laín Entralgo y de Luis Sánchez Granjel y mantuvo una

Politics before Modernity: Tracing Premodern Meanings of Modern Political Terms

Type:  Call for Papers Date: May 10, 2016 to June 2, 2016 Location:  United States Subject Fields:  Philosophy, Political History / Studies, Political Science, Literature, Humanities Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference Chicago, 30 March-1 April 2017 Call for Papers: Politics before Modernity: Tracing Premodern Meanings of Modern Political Terms One of the greatest challenges for a scholar is to be able to describe thoughts, feelings, and ideas of past ages without projecting on them the modern meaning they have assumed (F. Chabod). This is the case with words such as democracy , liberty , people , police , power , prudence , state , and virtue whose premodern use is quite different from their current meaning.  This panel is therefore open to any contribution that presents a concrete example of the challenge described by Chabod. Each contribution can address the thought of one author (Italian, French, English etc.) or a specif

Postdoctoral opportunities: Medical Translation in the History of Modern Genomics

Two Postdoctoral Research Fellows are required for the ERC-funded project “Medical translation in the history of modern genomics” led by Dr Miguel Garcia-Sancho investigating the history of the international initiatives to map and sequence the human, pig and yeast genomes. One post will investigate the yeast genome initiative and the other the mapping and sequencing of the pig genome.  Evidence of high quality academic research in the field of History of Science and/or Science and Technology Studies; expertise in archival research methods and socio-historical studies of mid-to-late 20th century biomedicine; and a willingness to work across your own field of expertise are all essential.  These two full-time fixed-term posts are available for 42 months from no later than 1st October 2016. Salary: £31,656 - £37,768 per annum Closing Date: 5pm (GMT) Wednesday 8th June 2016 https://www.vacancies.ed.ac. uk/pls/corehrrecruit/erq_ jobspec_version_4.jobspec?p_ id=

Call for papers: Artefacts Meeting, 2-4 October 2016

Understanding Use: Science and Technology Objects and Users Just as transport has passengers, ovens have cooks, compasses have mariners and hikers, lawnmowers have gardeners, instruments have experimenters, Davy lamps have miners, radio has listeners, books have readers, television and film have audiences  … and museums have visitors. Objects in science and technology museum collections have all, before their museum ‘lives’, been involved in many histories of consumption and use. The turn towards studies of use in technology studies, notably demonstrated by Oudshoorn and Pinch’s How Users Matter (2003), Edgerton’s Shock of the Old (2006) and Oldenziel and Hård’s Consumers, Tinkerers, Rebels (2013) is therefore congenial to curators and exhibition makers in science museums. This can manifest itself in social history displays, object biographies, and some close readings of wear and experience; in other words both object-centred research and display practice (historical

Convocatoria Jóvenes Investigadores Área de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea

Convocante: UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas Tipo de convocatoria: Oferta de trabajo Fecha límite: Mar, 2016-05-31 Texto de la convocatoria:  El Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas invita a los(as) interesados(as) en participar en el proceso de selección para ocupar una plaza con remuneración equivalente a la de Investigador, Ordinario, Asociado “C”, de tiempo completo, por obra determinada, en el Área de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea. 1. Requisitos: Contar con una edad menor de 39 años para mujeres y menor de 37 años para hombres. Tener grado de doctor en historia o alguna disciplina afín; Haber trabajado cuando menos tres años en labores de investigación y contar con publicaciones originales en la materia o área de su especialidad; Contar con experiencia docente, a nivel licenciatura o posgrado en humanidades o ciencias sociales, haber impartido cursos o dirigido tesis. 2.Pruebas: Formular un proyecto de investigación sobre un te

El ascenso del sistema alimentario moderno - proyecto de sesión, congreso AEHE 2017

Queridos compañeros l a SEHA os informa sobre la organiza ción de una sesión titulada "El ascenso del sistema alimentario moderno (1870-presente): economía, empresa y ecología", de cara al próximo congreso de la Asociación Española de Historia Económica (Salamanca, septiembre de 2017). Podéis encontrar toda la información en el archivo PDF enlazado. Podéis enviarnos vuestras propuestas de participación HASTA EL 27 DE MAYO (inclusive). Quedamos a la espera de vuestras noticias. Recibid un cordial saludo. Fernando Collantes, Xavier Cussó y Juan Infante Secretaria de la SEHA http://seha.info/ Enlaces a la información original: P3A\El ascenso del sistema alimentario moderno - proyecto de sesión.pdf