
Mostrando entradas de abril 20, 2014

The April-May IHPST newsletter is now available

Dear Colleagues, The April-May IHPST newsletter is now available on the web at: http://ihpst.net/newsletters / CONTENTS 1.        Science & Education  Journal, Volume 23 Number 4 Thematic Issue: History of Science in Museums & Varia Guest Editors:  Anastasia Filippoupoliti &  Dimitris Koliopoulos 2.        Science & Education  Journal, Volume 23 Number 5 First IHPST Asian Regional Conference Guest Editors: Jinwoong Song,  Sungook Hong, Sang Wook Yi 3.        Science & Education  Journal, Report (a) Rationale and Purpose of the Journal (b) Journal on the Web         (c) Manuscript Submissions (d) Copyediting Assistance Required for Manuscripts from Non-Anglo Authors (e) Article Downloads (f) Thematic Issues (g) Journal Reviewing 4.       Journal Thematic Issue, Call for Papers, The Interplay of Physics and Mathematics: Historical, Philosophical and Pedagogical Considerations 5.       The 3 rd  Latin American Regional I

CALL FOR PAPERS Italy’s Nuclear Experience in an International and Comparative Perspective University of Trieste, November 13-15, 2014

CALL FOR PAPERS Italy’s Nuclear Experience in an International and Comparative Perspective University of Trieste, November 13-15, 2014 This conference aims at analyzing the history of Italy’s nuclear energy policies during the Cold War, by placing the Italian case in a comparative perspective and highlighting the importance of the international context in shaping the country’s specific experience. It  builds upon a previous conference, organized by Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A and the University of Trieste in 2012 ( Nuclear Energy in Italy after the Second World War: Research, Culture, Politics  -  http://www.elettra.trieste.it/Ippolito/ ). This conference proposes to examine  the ways in which international politics and economics, technological and scientific exchanges, as well as social and cultural movements, influenced Italian nuclear energy policies, both civilian and military. Furthermore, it seeks to understand how the Italian case compa

BSHS Annual Conference 2014

The BSHS Annual Conference will take place from Thursday 3 to Sunday 6 July 2014 at the University of St Andrews. Registration is now OPEN. To register and for full details including programme please visit   http://www.bshs.org.uk/conferences/annual-conference/2014-standrews and follow the links. Venue and accommodation In St Andrews, you can enjoy five miles of award-winning beaches, the world-famous golf courses and a town that is rich in history. The conference will start on the evening of 3 July with a plenary lecture delivered by Professor Sally Shuttleworth (University of Oxford) and a reception in the Museum of the University of St Andrews. The majority of the conference will take place in the University’s Gateway Building, opposite the Old Course. Our conference dinner will be held in the historic quadrangle of the United College of St Leonard and St Salvator, and there will – of course – be a ceilidh! The programme will include parallel themed sessions, plenary

Book Review: Virdi-Dhesi on Edwards, 'Words Made Flesh: Nineteenth-Century Deaf Education and the Growth of Deaf Culture'

R. A. R. Edwards. Words Made Flesh: Nineteenth-Century Deaf Education and the Growth of Deaf Culture. History of Disability Series. New York: New York University Press, 2012. vii + 255 pp. $55.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-8147-2243-5; $25.00 (paper), ISBN 978-1-4798-8373-8. Reviewed by Jaipreet Virdi-Dhesi (University of Toronto) Published on H-Disability (April, 2014) Commissioned by Iain C. Hutchison https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=39225

CFP: The 30th Annual Boulder Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science

Neurons, Mechanisms, and the Mind: The History and Philosophy of Cognitive Neuroscience October 10–12, 2014, at the University of Colorado at Boulder Our developing understanding of the mind depends extensively on neural data collected by fMRI, EEG, and PET, among other methods, and by the analysis of the data so collected, by, for example, decoding applications of machine learning algorithms. The prominence of cognitive neuroscience among the cognitive sciences and the widespread reporting in the popular press of (interpretations of) its results stand as testaments to the power and intrigue associated with this neurally oriented approach. This conference will focus on substantive theoretical questions that arise in connection with the flourishing field of cognitive neuroscience. These might include questions about the data-collection methodologies themselves, about ways of analyzing or modeling the data colle cted, about relations between the so-called personal and subperson