
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 22, 2009
T rinta anos sem varíola: Imunização, passado e futuro/Thirty years without Smallpox: Immunization, past and future Gilberto Hochman (Fiocruz) e Sanjoy Bhattacharya (UCL) estão organizando um número especial de Ciência e Saúde Coletiva , revista da Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva - Abrasco (peer review, acesso aberto em Scielo, indexada) sobre os 30 anos da declaração de erradicação da varíola (maio de 1980), número previsto para lançarmos durante o ano de 2010. Este número acolherá tanto artigos históricos como de ciências sociais e saúde coletiva e não apenas sobre a varíola e sua erradicação mas também sobre imunização, vacinação, produção de imunobiológicos, campanhas, acolhimento e reações das populações, papel das organizações internacionais, aspectos políticos, doenças imunopreviníveis, desafios atuais e futuros etc.. Todos os artigos devem ser originais e podem ser submetidos em português, espanhol ou inglês. As normas para publicação estão em htt
The editor and editorial board of the book series New Directions in Philosophy of Science (published by Palgrave-Macmillan) would like to invite proposals for monographs and themed collections. Recent work in the philosophy of science is notable for not only incorporating detailed and informed case studies from scientific practice but also for drawing on ideas, techniques and perspectives from other disciplines, including metaphysics, epistemology, the philosophy of the special sciences, the philosophy of art and, of course, the history of science. The intention behind the series is to offer a new, dedicated, publishing forum for the kind of exciting new work in the philosophy of science that embraces novel directions and perspectives. To this end, our aim is to publish books that address issues in the philosophy of science from the standpoint of these new developments, including those that attempt to initiate a dialogue between various perspectives, or, alternatively, offer cons

'Managing Knowledge in the Techno-sciences, 1850-2000'

Please note that the deadline for submitting paper proposals for 'Managing Knowledge in the Techno-sciences, 1850-2000', is fast approaching viz. 30th November. The original call for papers is reproduced below. Further information about the project 'Owning and Disowning Invention' can be found at  http://owninganddisowninginvention.org/ All paper proposals should be sent directly to owninganddisowning@hotmail.co.uk Best wishes Graeme Gooday ______________________________________________ Call for Papers:  Managing Knowledge in the Techno-sciences, 1850-2000 University of Leeds, 5-8 July 2010 An international conference by the collaborative research project ‘Owning and disowning invention: intellectual property, authority, and identity in British science and technology, 1880-1920’  (University of Leeds & University of Bristol) supported by the Arts & Humanities Research Council and the White Rose IPBio Project (Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and


CIRCULATION OF MATHEMATICAL KNOWLEDGE IN 18TH-CENTURY BRITAIN Call for Papers Dear colleagues, This is a call for the organization of a symposium on Circulation of Mathematical Knowledge in 18th-century Britain at the 4th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science (Barcelona, 18-20 November 2010). A tentative list of topics:  - Connection with Mathematics on the Continent.  - From private to public knowledge: the role of correspondence.  - The role of learned societies.  - Educational aspects: institutional teaching, private classes, reading...  - Publishing and bookselling.  - Translations.  - Other related topics are welcome. Deadlines: 29th November : Deadline for submission of paper proposals. Please include name and affiliation, and a tentative title. 30rd November : Submission of the Symposium Proposal to the scientific committee. Please contact Mónica Blanco ( monica.blanco@upc.edu ) or Olivier Bruneau  ( bruneauolive@fre

“Internationalisation of Literature and Science since the Early Modern Period”

REMINDER: DEADLINE APPROACHING! King’s College London / University of Stuttgart PhD-Net “Internationalisation of Literature and Science since the Early Modern Period” Application deadline: 30/11/2009 The PhD-Net “Internationalisation of Literature and Science since the Early Modern Period” is a bi-national PhD programme run collaboratively by King’s College London and the University of Stuttgart, which aims to forge interdisciplinary connections between various subjects in the Humanities (German Studies, English Studies, Comparative Literature, Philosophy, and the Histories of Medicine, Science and Technology). Partner institutions in Germany include the German Literature Archive in Marbach and the Institute for the History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation. An international research group will support and connect projects which address both inter- and trans-national tendencies within the Humanities. Projects will develop both theoretical models for the as yet


Adjunto información sobre la exposición LA LEPROSERIA SANT FRANCESC DE BORJA DE FONTILLES. ELS INICIS D'UN PROJECTE CENTENARI. http://www.dsp.umh.es/conectadistribucion/fontilles.pdf

Notes and Records of the Royal Society Essay Award

Notes and Records of the Royal Society Essay Award This is open to young researchers in the history of science who have completed a postgraduate degree within the last five years. The unpublished essay, based on original research, should relate to aspects of the history of science covered by the journal (see  http://rsnr.royalsocietypublishing.org/site/misc/about.xhtml ) The winning entry will be chosen by the Notes and Records Editorial Board using the journal's standard criteria for selection (i.e. excellence and interest to a wide audience) and will be published in the journal. The award is to consist of: *       A cash prize of £500 *       Publication of the winning entry in Notes and Records *       A year's subscription to Notes and Records Please download the poster and display it in your department:   http://rsnr.royalsocietypublishing.org/site/misc/NREssayAward.pdf Timetable Deadline for submission of essay is 31st March 2010 Terms and conditi

La Literatura médica sobre el beber frío en la Europa del siglo XVI. Una polémica renacentista

Justo Pedro HERNÁNDEZ GONZÁLEZ La Literatura médica sobre el beber frío en la Europa del siglo XVI. Una polémica renacentista Vigo, Editorial Academia del Hispanismo, 2009, 122 pp. / 26,00 euros ISBN 978-84-96915-64-0


CALL FOR PAPERS: FROM PRACTICE TO RESULTS IN LOGIC AND MATHEMATICS UNIVERSITY OF NANCY, FRANCE, 21-23 JUNE, 2010 The PratiScienS group invites the submission of research papers for a conference on the role of practices in the establishment of  results in logic and mathematics. This conference is aimed at discussing and exploring the practice of mathematics and logic from an epistemological standpoint. That is, we look for papers on how the concrete practices of mathematicians and logicians may influence the results of their enquiries and, more broadly, the notion of what counts as proof. Through this conference, the PratiScienS group also aims at promoting a methodological reflection on the difficulties that a critical analysis of such practices in logic and mathematics implies and on issues related to the development of the appropriate exploratory conceptual tools. Invited Speakers include Jean-Paul Van Bendegem, Jessica Carter, Karine Chemla, Jeremy Gray, Brendan