CfP: “Humans and Nature”

The History of Philosophy curriculum of the North-Western Italian Philosophy Consortium (FINO) and the Collegio Giasone del Maino di Pavia are pleased to announce the 5th edition of the International Graduate Conference in History of Philosophy, which will take place on Sept. 17-18, 2018, in Pavia. The topic of the 2018 edition is “Humans and Nature”. Submissions are invited that engage with the philosophical question of naturalism, in particular with the attempts, and refusals of a naturalistic explanation of the human realm from antiquity to the mid 19th-Century. Both the metaphysical and the methodological meaning of naturalism will be taken into account; special attention will be paid to its materialistic developments, to the criticisms of supernaturalistic issues, and of teleological investigations.

The invited presenters include Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (University of Copenhagen),  Ann Thomson (European University Institute, Florence), and Stéphane Toussaint (CNRS-LEM-PSL, Paris). Invited speakers will give plenary lectures, and discuss the presentations of the PhD students in their section.

Papers can be in English or French, and should not exceed 30 minutes presentation time (and followed by approximately 20 minutes of discussion).

Graduate students (Master, PhD students and those who have defended their doctoral thesis not earlier than 2016) can submit proposals for papers of approximately 30 minutes.

The submission deadline is June 15th, 2018. Successful applicants will be notified by July 1st, 2016.
Please send the following to in .doc(x), .rtf, or .pdf format:
(1.) A cover letter containing the following information: (a) author’s name (b) institutional affiliation (c) contact information, (d) title of the paper.
(2.) The title and a detailed abstract (in English or French, one page in length) of the paper. This should be prepared for blind refereeing, i.e. showing no information identifying the author or the author’s institutional affiliation.

Participants will be offered accommodation in the Collegio Giasone del Maino in Pavia (via Luino, 4).  Travel expenses cannot be covered.  No registration fees are required.

Conference organizers: Carla Casagrande (Università di Pavia), Gianni Paganini (Università del Piemonte orientale), Paola Rumore (Università di Torino).