Call for chapter proposals - Scientists and The Establishment of Mass Environmental Awareness (1950-1990)

To be published by Tab edizioni, Rome, Italy (Series: Zenit) in March 2025, Scientists and The Establishment of Mass Environmental Awareness (1950-1990) is looking for contributions dedicated to analyzing the relationships between scientists and policymakers; between scientists and environmental movements; between scientists and cultural institutions; between scientists and the world of work (companies, trade unions, workers). The book's editors are Professor Federico Paolini from the Università di Macerata, and Ms. Jingyuan Wu from the University of Tokyo.

This book focuses on the 1960s and the late 1980s, at most reaching the early 1990s but not beyond. There are no geographical limits. We are seeking contributors for the following questions:
  • What role have scientists played in creating mass awareness of environmental problems?
  • Can we talk about scientific objectivity, or has the role of scientists been influenced by their relations with political and economic decision-makers?
  • How did the scientific ideas on the environmental crisis (Carson, Commoner, Club of Rome/MIT Report...) reach the citizens?
  • Is the mass awareness of the environmental crisis based on a vulgarization of scientific ideas influenced by political debate and mass culture?

Each chapter will be in the region of 7,000 ~ 10,000 words (including bibliography). The chapters will be reviewed by the scientific committee of the editorial series.

The deadline for 200-word abstracts is January 25, 2024.

The deadline for a strong first draft is May 15, 2024.

We will let you know whether or not your abstract has been accepted by February 10, 2024.