Workshop 'Translating knowledge and the Invention of Vocabulary in the Early Modern Low Countries'


'Translating Knowledge and the Invention of Vocabulary in the Early Modern Low Countries'

9-10 September 2010, Ghent University (Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent)

Part of the FWO Research Network 'Circulating Knowledge in Early Modern Science'

Speakers include Theo Hermans, Michiel van Groesen, Britt Dams, Arjen Dijkstra, Tim Nicolaije, Alexis Smets, Paul Taylor, Thijs Weststeijn, Krista de Jonge, and Harold Cook.

Organisers: Harold Cook (Brown University) and Sven Dupré (Ghent University)

For further information, including a complete programme in PDF format, please see:

Attendance is open to all without charge. However there is a limit on places available and anyone wishing to attend must register by 1 September.