CfP: Gender History: Paths, Intersections, Perspectives VIII Conference of the Italian Association of Women Historians

The 8th Conference of the Italian Association of Women Historians will be held in Verona from June 10 to 12, 2021 at the University of Verona.
As in the past, the SIS is aiming to make the conference an opportunity to compare and discuss studies, topics and interpretational categories related to the history of women and gender with particular attention to recent scholarly trends from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
The SIS is, therefore, inviting historians, women and men, Italians and non-Italians to submit proposals for panels dealing with topics embedded in a wide chronology – from antiquity to the contemporary world – and referring to the most various geopolitical and cultural contexts. The conference aims to provide both a picture of the current state of scholarship in the history of women and gender and also a space for emerging perspectives in gender studies. We particularly appreciate proposals that adopt a diachronic perspective dealing with different historical contexts and geographic regions and using historiographic approaches that compare local, national, transnational and/or global situations. We are especially interested in the following topics:

- collective action by women: the multiple roots and various orientations of different expressions of feminism;
- the construction of the sexualized body and the life sciences;
- critique and/or the deconstruction of gender binarism with particular attention to the questions raised by LGBTQ+ studies;
- gender, reproduction, kinship and relationality;
- the impact of environmental policies and of the new gender technologies;
- interactions between gender and the sacred;
- media languages and representations of gender;
- policies of desire and policies of rights;
- production, circulation and consumption from a gender perspective.

The SIS would like to extend a particularly warm invitation to young women and men researchers.
Anyone wishing to participate must submit a panel proposal to the Scientific Committee in accordance with the manner specified below. It is possible to participate in two panels but only as a discussant in one and as a presenter in the other. Panel coordinators may present a paper in their panel.
In making its selections the Scientific Committee will use the following criteria: the proposal’s clarity and its internal thematic consistency, its response to the themes presented in this call, participation of young researchers.
Expenses will not be reimbursed but several scholarships will be given to unstructured participants.

Instructions for Panel Proposals

  • Every panel will be composed of presenters and 1 discussant. The panel coordinator will be able to present a paper if there are no more than 3 presenters, or an introductory paper of 5 minutes.
  • Every panel will have a duration of approximately two hours.
  •  In addition to Italian, the conference languages will be English, French and Spanish.
  • Panel coordinators must submit requests for video projectors to the Scientific Committee no later than March 31, 2021.
Every panel proposal must contain:
  • Panel Coordinator (contact person with the Scientific Committee): name, surname, qualifications and organization, address, email, telephone number.
  • Title and presentation of the panel which illustrates its topic and approach (max.1000 characters).
  • List of presenters (maximum 3), with their respective qualifications, organizations, mailing addresses, emails, telephone numbers, titles and abstracts (max 300 characters) of each paper.
  • Discussant: name and surname, qualification, organization, mailing address, email and telephone number.
Proposals must be compiled using the attached form (also downloadable on the SIS site) and must reach the Conference secretarial office by and no later than October 31, 2020 at the address

By December 31, 2020 the panels that have been selected will appear on the SIS website and the coordinators will be contacted by the Scientific Committee.

For organizational questions:

Scientific Committee: Marina Garbellotti (coordinator), Irene Barbiera, Raffaella Baritono, Anna Bellavitis, Francesca Cenerini, Marina D’Amelia, Simona Feci, Alessandra Gissi, Paola Guglielmotti, Tiziana Noce, Lea Nocera, Maria Rosaria Stabili, Anna Vanzan.

Italian Association of Women Historians
Via della Lungara, 19 00165 Roma

Form for Panel Proposals

1. TITLE AND ABSTRACT OF PANEL (max. 1000 characters):

Name and Surname:
Qualification and Organization:

3. PRESENTERS (for each indicate)
Name and Surname:
Qualification and Organization:
Title and abstract of the presentation (max. 300 characters):

Name and Surname:
Qualification and Organization: